MSM Topically


Well-Known Member
Last night I tried MSM internally for the first time..I started very low with 500mg (taken with a meal) and I felt fine, but today my tummy felt like it was doing the cabbage patch and running man :( ..i've avoided msm forever but finally gave in and i'm too scared to continue and up the dosage..also, I drank plenty of water

Does anyone have their own recipe or use for MSM directly on the scalp...How do you use it and have you noticed reduced shedding, stronger hair, growth, etc...

i'm not really concerned about the growth, just the shedding

Also, if constipation is a problem for anyone, this stuff is definitely for you ;)
I add 1 tsp to my deep conditer and sit under the dryer. I picked up the MSM from a pet store. I also take MSM orally. I have notice that my hair is stronger and the texture has changed.
It was stated on this site that it's best to take it with Vitamin C like orange juice or vitamin C crystals. Continue to drink plenty of water.
thanks ladies for the response...i guess i should've began taking it in the morning instead of the evening so i would have more time to flush it through my i'm pretty petite so i'll just begin with half the dose and work up from there
I've been applying it topically, but I cain't comment yet because my hair has been in braid the whole time. However, I did add it to my conditioner, and it did help with shedding and breakage.