MSM SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For DistilPure MSM Crystals, I got the email this past saturday, Sorry for the delay (I just saw it this morning!)
Here's the link:

Inventory Clearance Sale! Save $20.00 per bottle!
To make way for a new shipment, our existing stock must go. Order as many as you like. Priority mail shipping costs apply.

Only 500 Bottles available at this price!

To order, Click Here now!
I'm definately going to buy one bottle at least to try it out. Ya'll ladies take it easy, don't go crazy and buy up the whole store!!! Save some for the first time users as well. LOL :grin: :grin: :grin:
Does it say how long the sale will last? I'm going to try and get it sometimes this week. This is a good way to start on it. I might get two of them.