MSM Powder Tip: Wait 4 It to Dissolve before drinking!


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies:

I'm sure some of you already knew this, but it took me a little longer:lol:

Anyway, a lot of you have complained that MSM has such a bitter taste when you mix it with your juice, etc.

Well, one day, I poured the MSM into my juice, stirred it, and the phone rang. I was probably on the phone for like 20-30 minutes. When I got off, I stirred again, and couldn't see it. What I didn't realize was that it had dissolved and when I drank it, I couldn't taste the bitter MSM taste. What I realized is that if you let it dissolve first, and then drink it, you won't taste it. I think it's also helpful for absorption to the body (and ultimately hair) to let it dissolve in your juice first. So, now what I do is I will pour my cup in the morning, then get dressed and get ready and before I leave, I'll drink it. I can no longer taste the bitter taste. I find the longer you let it sit the better (so for me, that could be up to an hour, depending on how long it takes me to get ready:yep:). Make sure to stir it when you pour it into the juice, and then stir again right before drinking (even though it's dissolved)!

I hope this helps.
I wonder how it will taste with water:rolleyes:

If it dissolves like I think, you shouldn't be able to taste it (in theory).:yep: Let me know if it works, b/c truthfully, I would prefer to use water, since at this point that's all I drink (except for when I take MSM)!