MSM - Nightmares? Waking up Sobbing?


Deep Thinker
I started MSM last weekend. I read on here about nightmares being a possible side effect. So of course that second day of taking them I had a nightmare and I haven't had one of those in a long time. I only take one 1000mg tablet nightly and haven't had any other bad effects from it..... at least not yet.

But the past two days I've been waking up with that feeling like I've been crying in my sleep but I don't notice any tear marks or anything when I wake up. You know how when you were a kid and you cried for a long time and you had those uncontrollable sobs afterwards? Well, that's what I am doing for at least a few hours after waking up. I guess I could have had a nightmare in my sleep and not remembered? I'm only taking 1000mg and I'm wondering if this stuff really messes with your brain that much. That's kinda scary. :sad: Can anybody else relate to this sobbing? Or can MSM effect your nerves???

Mid-week was VERY stressful for me, so that could have contributed to the sobbing also. I had to try my best not to worry as much because I know the extra stress usually causes me to lose hair, which will end up adding to more stress down the road. I'm a lot better now but still a little stressed.

Just wondering. :ohwell:
I dont take MSM (too scared) but a lot of ladies say that taking it first thing in the morning cuts down drastically on the nightmares, because most of it will be out of your system by the time you go to bed.
I dont take MSM (too scared) but a lot of ladies say that taking it first thing in the morning cuts down drastically on the nightmares, because most of it will be out of your system by the time you go to bed.

That makes perfect sense! I didn't think of that.

Thank you very much!!
I had very vivid dreams when I first started taking it, but after a few weeks they went away. I'm taking 2-3000 mg in the powder form.
MSM gives me "trippy" dreams...Which means they are vivid, feel very real and I remember them after I wake, which for me is rare. But my dreams aren't scary nor could they be classified as nightmares. So everyone isn't having nightmares, don't associate that directly with MSM because that hasn't been my exprience. Vivid dreams, yes, nightmares, no.

I keep dreams at bay by not taking it too close too bed time, I would say stop after 4pm, and drink plenty of water to make sure it exits your system. Its easier said then done tho.
I take mine in the morning. The first couple of weeks I would have bad dreams. If I don't drink as much water then I may have a bad dream also.
I got some vivid dreams, first time I just ignored but I don't even look at the bottle now. Maybe I should try again but up my water intake as suggested in other threads
Hmmm I've been on msm again for the first time in years and I've been having emotional pain in my sleep. It's hard to explain but I just feel it when I wake up. Feels as if I've been in a dreadful, painful void instead of a nice sleep and my dreams are odd. I wake up feeling as if I'd spent time in hell...
I wonder if it's the msm.
I take MSM in the mornings, no vivid or bad dreams here. Even when I took it later in the afternoon/evening, I would dream, but they are never scary.
I take msm in the am. I guess it is out of my system by night.
I use to take it later, I hated those vivid dreams. The dreams were never pleasant either...they were tormenting and left me exhausted and distressed. :(
I took my MSM last night just before bed and I didn't even dream. Wow it's amazing how people are affected so differently with different products and food.
MSM supposedly decalcifies your pineal gland which is thought to be your third eye.

Theoretically, flouride (which is added to our water) coats the pineal gland and dulls it from functioning properly. MSM supposedly removes that fluoride which is what causes the vivid dreams and supposedly an enhanced spiritual insight.

I'm not saying that these are my beliefs, just sharing a theory that I came across.
I have been taking MSM for years. I cannot take it at night because it will keep me awake.
MSM supposedly decalcifies your pineal gland which is thought to be your third eye.

Theoretically, flouride (which is added to our water) coats the pineal gland and dulls it from functioning properly. MSM supposedly removes that fluoride which is what causes the vivid dreams and supposedly an enhanced spiritual insight.

I'm not saying that these are my beliefs, just sharing a theory that I came across.
Maybe nightmares could be a sign of detoxification?
Wow, when I first started reading about nightmares associated with MSM, I thought the claims were silly, but I cannot take MSM at nighttime either. MSM triggers vivid and disturbing dreams for me too; I don't have any issues when I take it in the morning though...

Thanks for sharing these interesting theoretical explanations
MSM supposedly decalcifies your pineal gland which is thought to be your third eye.

Theoretically, flouride (which is added to our water) coats the pineal gland and dulls it from functioning properly. MSM supposedly removes that fluoride which is what causes the vivid dreams and supposedly an enhanced spiritual insight.

I'm not saying that these are my beliefs, just sharing a theory that I came across.
wow that is fascinating!!!! my mom would love to hear about that lol
MSM supposedly decalcifies your pineal gland which is thought to be your third eye.

Theoretically, flouride (which is added to our water) coats the pineal gland and dulls it from functioning properly. MSM supposedly removes that fluoride which is what causes the vivid dreams and supposedly an enhanced spiritual insight.

I'm not saying that these are my beliefs, just sharing a theory that I came across.

Wow, thats fascinating!!
probably water retention. it will go away. the first month i took it recently my boobs got huge. i was pleased :look: They went back down though :( :lol:

Well, I'll maybe try it again after I lose 30lbs or more, cuz that weight gain pushed me up to near 200lbs:fistshake:...and uh no! I am not going out like that unless there is another human growing inside of my body. :nono:
probably water retention. it will go away. the first month i took it recently my boobs got huge. i was pleased :look: They went back down though :( :lol:
I was wondering if I would need to invest in some F cup bras, because the juggle is real. so...
