MSM/EFA/Blood thinning/ Periods


New Member
As we've established MSM has blood thinning properties. Now when i did take msm, my periods were non-existant, im talking about GONE. I'd either get no period, or i would get one day, of heavy bleeding, and excrusiating (sp) pain, then drip drops after that. I would love to take msm for the benefits it holds, however what are the long term side effects in regards to my periods, and even birth defects and what not? Is it really worth it? EFA such as flaxseed and primrose also have blood thinning properties. Am i just worrying or over thinking the situation? i like hair...but i love my health


Crissi, x
You know i have been wondering the same thing. I have been on MSM for the past 3-4 months and I have not seen my period since the end of October. That is a first for me and I have been to the doctor; therefore I am not pregnant. He diagnosed it as being a hormone imbalance and placed me on provera and that did not work; but now I am beginning to think it is the MSM. I am also on EPO.
saratess said:
You know i have been wondering the same thing. I have been on MSM for the past 3-4 months and I have not seen my period since the end of October. That is a first for me and I have been to the doctor; therefore I am not pregnant. He diagnosed it as being a hormone imbalance and placed me on provera and that did not work; but now I am beginning to think it is the MSM. I am also on EPO.

I take EPO and I get me period every month at the same time. I'm going to order some MSM Friday but I would really rather take a pill form that is pure but so far I haven't found one. Anyway, I may just get the powder and the minute I miss a period I will drop MSM...Saratess, when you say provera do you mean Depo provera (the shot) because when I took that I did not get a period for the whole time I was on it and that was like 6 years. I stopped taking Depo provera because it blew me up and I wanted another child, about 2 or 3 months after I stopped taking Depo, my period came back and I was pregnant a couple of months after that:)
MSM delayed my period for about a 4 days. But when it came, it came. I've only been taking it a month, so I will see what happens with the next one.
I've personally never heard of Straight Flax oil stopping periods, but can't say the same for MSM.

You may want to just stop taking the MSM or lowering the dose. I don't take much just 1/8th teaspoon (but I take it for my allergies, not for my hair)

EFA's (especially in the form of flax oil) can cause some bathroom issues, especially if you don't take it with food. Err on the side of caution and take the smallest dose to let your body adjust, then ramp up.

However, there's a such thing as too much of a good thing and really, no one needs to take more than 1 tablespoon per 100lbs of bodyweight for health purposes.

If you get an EFA with Evening Primrose oil it can possibly affect your periods, so you will need to pay close attention to whats included in the bottle.


I've been taking MSM powder for a couple months now and still get my period about ever 18-20 days. So I haven't had any problems with my period stopping. I do not take EPO or flax seed oil because of the thinning effects.
I was taking MSM for close to six months, and had perfectly regular (but slightly lighter) periods. I stopped taking it in December, because I'm prepping my body for trying to get pregnant, and my periods have gotten SLIGHTLY heavier, but nothing major. I beleive that because MSM is a blood thinner, the lining that forms in the uterus was thinner - thus causing lighter periods. If you already HAD light periods before you started taking MSM (or are on the pill, where your body doesn't have as much time/notice to build up your uterine lining) I wouldn't be suprised if your periods tapered off to almost nothing.

I, personally stopped taking them because I know that it is a blood thinner, and I wanted to be sure that I had a full uterine lining in case of pregnancy. Considering that it IS an essential element (sulfur) - I don't see how it could cause birth defects or have a negative effect to your fertility.

As far as EPO - it is known to be used to attempt to assist in fertility by producing fertile cervical mucus - I'm not sure precisely HOW it works (whether it's stimulating a higher release of estrogen, or blocking progesterone) - but it MAY have an effect on your cycle. Flaxseed oil on the other hand, has no effect - so if you are having cycle issues and you think that they might be related to the EPO, you can switch to Flaxseed and get the same benefits without the side effects.
The only think I've noticed with taking MSM is that now I get cramps when I get my period and I haven't had cramps since I was 14. What dose are you taking? I take between 3 and 3.6 grams (3000 to 36000mg). I was seeing on some sites that sell the pure form of MSM powder, to start off taking as much as 30,000mg a day then work your way down. I thought that excessive.
wonderful! i was highly worried about this I think during my peroid im probably just gonna break that weak so it wont bother me... cause ive had peroids where it was either heavy or hardly there...
tsmith said:
I take EPO and I get me period every month at the same time. I'm going to order some MSM Friday but I would really rather take a pill form that is pure but so far I haven't found one. Anyway, I may just get the powder and the minute I miss a period I will drop MSM...Saratess, when you say provera do you mean Depo provera (the shot) because when I took that I did not get a period for the whole time I was on it and that was like 6 years. I stopped taking Depo provera because it blew me up and I wanted another child, about 2 or 3 months after I stopped taking Depo, my period came back and I was pregnant a couple of months after that:)

Naw the doc provided just provera to get my cycle started again (just the opposite of Depo) we are not finished having kids. There in pill form. But it did not work so now I am questioning the MSM powder. I am going to stop immediately because I do not want the possibility of having a thin uterus lining in the event I do get pregnant. It appears it just affects people differently. I have been taking a tsp a day.
Crissi said:
As we've established MSM has blood thinning properties. Now when i did take msm, my periods were non-existant, im talking about GONE. I'd either get no period, or i would get one day, of heavy bleeding, and excrusiating (sp) pain, then drip drops after that. I would love to take msm for the benefits it holds, however what are the long term side effects in regards to my periods, and even birth defects and what not? Is it really worth it? EFA such as flaxseed and primrose also have blood thinning properties. Am i just worrying or over thinking the situation? i like hair...but i love my health


Crissi, x

Crissi, where did you read about birth defects being associated with MSM or EFAs?
When I took MSM, I had my very first cramp when my period came. Then, the second month my period was really heavy but it only lasted 2 days.
Divine Inspiration said:
Wasn't there a recent thread that said that EFAs and MSM shouldn't be taken together? That may be part of the problem for those taking both.

There not supposed to be together? Oh No... I might have a slight problem lol. :ohwell:
sareca said:
Crissi, where did you read about birth defects being associated with MSM or EFAs?

Oh no i never read it, i was just worried because of howmessedup my periods became. I was wondering if that could be effecting me in the long run.
Divine Inspiration said:
Wasn't there a recent thread that said that EFAs and MSM shouldn't be taken together? That may be part of the problem for those taking both.

Oops, maybe i need to cutthe EFA's out if thats the case because i like the benefits of msm.
Crissi said:
Oh no i never read it, i was just worried because of howmessedup my periods became. I was wondering if that could be effecting me in the long run.

ya see i was worried about this also.. I wanted to use it not just for my hair but for my skin also so once i reach my goals in growth i probably well just use it for facisls
Hidden_Angel said:
ya see i was worried about this also.. I wanted to use it not just for my hair but for my skin also so once i reach my goals in growth i probably well just use it for facisls

Yup i wanted it for the skin benefits aswell, i just took some not long ago. I think i will take half a teaspoon (approx 1500mg)and build up to one level teaspoon (approx 3000mg) -in about 3 months time, i should be due on in about3-5 days, so i'll monitor how it goes.

Thank you ladies for your help, it let me know where i was going wrong. X