MSM changes Hair Textures?


New Member

Is it true that MSM changes your hair texture?
I've been taking MSM 2000 mg for about a month, and using MTG and BT for about 2 months... and my hair is noticeably thicker, and a little longer (just cut it)... but I don't notice any change whatsoever.

Please share!?
Some experience a texture change and/or growth and some dont...
I cant comment about my experience because I dont take it regularly:ohwell:...
I just cant bare the taste no matter what i do :barf: .. I just take NAC instead
maybe ill use the rest for adding some in my conditioners:scratchch
Some experience a texture change and/or growth and some dont...
I cant comment about my experience because I dont take it regularly:ohwell:...
I just cant bare the taste no matter what i do :barf: .. I just take NAC instead
maybe ill use the rest for adding some in my conditioners:scratchch
I take the pills. I don't think I've taken it long enough to get a difference... I was just wondering what other's experiences were and are.
I take the pills. I don't think I've taken it long enough to get a difference... I was just wondering what other's experiences were and are.
I didn't notice anything when I was taking the pills, but as soon as I switched to the powder I noticed the texture change. My new growth is softer and silkier with a slightly looser curl pattern. I am thinking about giving up texturizing and just taking this.
I didn't notice anything when I was taking the pills, but as soon as I switched to the powder I noticed the texture change. My new growth is softer and silkier with a slightly looser curl pattern. I am thinking about giving up texturizing and just taking this.

What brand do you use? And how do you take it ? How long was it before you noticed the change? What dosage did you take?

That's why I'm asking. I want a texture change, but nothing drastic or "chemically processed"... I can't bear to tex or relax anything!
I am using the vitamin shoppe brand and taking a tablespoon a day with a vitamin C supplement. I've been told that it doesn't work w/o the vitamin C. I noticed the change after about a month.
Last summer i took the vitamin shoppe capsules. i think they were the 500 mg ones. i took three of them a day. Along with biotin and a multivitamin. My new growth was very noticeabley softer and looser. I have 4B very tight and coarse hair. I stopped taking it though bc it made my skin break out on my face, back and upper arms. i have slighlty oily skin and it seemed like it made my skin even oilier no matter how much water i tried to drink to combat it.

So now i only take the multi and biotin and my hair is back to being its usual coarse tight texture. At the time, i thought my hair was growing faster than it was but in retrospect i just wasn't used to seeing my new growth that stretched out.
Last summer i took the vitamin shoppe capsules. i think they were the 500 mg ones. i took three of them a day. Along with biotin and a multivitamin. My new growth was very noticeabley softer and looser. I have 4B very tight and coarse hair. I stopped taking it though bc it made my skin break out on my face, back and upper arms. i have slighlty oily skin and it seemed like it made my skin even oilier no matter how much water i tried to drink to combat it.

So now i only take the multi and biotin and my hair is back to being its usual coarse tight texture. At the time, i thought my hair was growing faster than it was but in retrospect i just wasn't used to seeing my new growth that stretched out.

Interesting. I understand. It seems that VitaminShoppe is the way to go with MSM no matter how you take your MSM
A year ago i took MSM in capsule form---i believe it was from GNC, i took between 1,000-2000 daily. At the same time i was using some on my hair externally. My texture changed in 2 spots, from my hair line and aBOUT 2" and back, and from my nape and about 2" up.

It stayed the same everysince then and i didnt take it all the time, probally 2 weeks out of a month or something.

This year i have been taking it more frequently in powder form from Puritain pride (nice sells), i take half a teaspoon (3,000 mg) or a whole teaspoon. It has made my newer hair....about 2" much silkier, less curlier, but def. more resistant to my relaxer.

I am also interested in changing or loosing my texture as a natural alternative to a relaxer.
Silica is supposed to do that also, as well as taking vitamin c with it like posted, and i've heard Flaxseed oil.

Werent you using the MSM relaxer w/grapeseed oil & all that? Did it make your texture looser or silkier?
this is what i was taking at the time:

this is my multi (which i still take)

this is the msm (3 a day)

and the biotin (1 a day)

I've since switched biotin to this one (its a lozenge, don't like swallowing pills much)
Hi :wave:

If you do a search on this topic you pull up more threads than your eyes can read :lol:... just do a search for MSM and hair texture.

Sulfur has definitely changed my hair texture. I noticed it first with BT, and then it became more pronounced with MSM. I started MSM with the Carlson's powder, but it was so bitter I couldn't do it anymore. Then I found the Dr.'s Best gelcaps. It's the powder, but encased in gelatin so you don't taste it. I take it with Calcium and a multi-vitamin for the vitamin C. I was a 4a/4z before. Now it's pretty uniformly 4A, which I love b/c the coils are very nice. I noticed that it made the NG easier to comb, detangle, and laydown as well. Since I'm stretching it's a Godsend for me, b/c it minimizes the difference between the two textures and so that minimizes breakage.