MSM Change In Texture/Results - PICS Inside!


Deep Thinker
I've been taking MSM for a few months now. I was reading prior threads about it changing the texture of NG and I have to seriously agree.:yep: Somehow it only changed the texture of the NG in the back though. The pictures below are proof. My hair has NEVER been that soft in the back as it is now.

My whole head was freshly relaxed earlier this month so this is all the new growth since then. I had a problem retaining my ends so I'm working on getting that moisture back up so hopefully I'll keep it all this time.

I last relaxed on 6/4/10 - so I'm about 3 1/2 wks post. I slacked off on my sulfur mix because I got tired of the oiliness and the aroma it left behind. But I continued with the MSM (down to 1000mcg from 2000mcg) and just started MN only about 2-3 times just the last two weeks. So this month's growth isn't spectacular so far, especially since there were too many circumstances changed in my regimen.

But I feel good now that I upped my moisture.

Thanks for listening and looking at my pics.


The 2nd and 3rd Pics are from the front and middle of my head. The others show the texture change and NG in the back. I was never underprocessed in the back either. It's just a completely different texture. I think I've been taking MSM at least 3 months or so and that's about how much hair in the back that has that texture.


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What brand of msm and how much? Maybe the relaxer didn't take in the back...idk.. But i heard that msm can do that..I know applied to the hair it may change a little...

Happy Hair Growing!
What brand of msm and how much? Maybe the relaxer didn't take in the back...idk.. But i heard that msm can do that..I know applied to the hair it may change a little...

Happy Hair Growing!

Wow I really see a difference. Why only the back though i wonder...

I don't get it either. But if it were under processed that would mean that my last 2-3 relaxers didn't take in the exact area because that area is about 2 inches of different texture there. Every time I check my new growth to see if it's time to relax I can never tell because the NG in the back of my hair is always softer with a looser curl pattern. I always felt the difference but when I took the picture and saw the difference I was amazed.

Oh yeah, it's just the Walmart Spring Valley MSM (1000mcg). I take one at night with a B50 Complex. I also take 1000mcg of Biotin.
DOH - I know this post is old but I realized why the texture was different in the back LOL.

I was wearing my hair in a low pony and before I put it in the pony I wet it so that caused the waves when I parted my hair.

I realized this the next time I had my hair in a high pony and saw the waves higher up. How stupid to not realize that. :blush:
I've been taking MSM for a few months now. I was reading prior threads about it changing the texture of NG and I have to seriously agree.:yep: Somehow it only changed the texture of the NG in the back though. The pictures below are proof. My hair has NEVER been that soft in the back as it is now.

My whole head was freshly relaxed earlier this month so this is all the new growth since then. I had a problem retaining my ends so I'm working on getting that moisture back up so hopefully I'll keep it all this time.

I last relaxed on 6/4/10 - so I'm about 3 1/2 wks post. I slacked off on my sulfur mix because I got tired of the oiliness and the aroma it left behind. But I continued with the MSM (down to 1000mcg from 2000mcg) and just started MN only about 2-3 times just the last two weeks. So this month's growth isn't spectacular so far, especially since there were too many circumstances changed in my regimen.

But I feel good now that I upped my moisture.

Thanks for listening and looking at my pics.


The 2nd and 3rd Pics are from the front and middle of my head. The others show the texture change and NG in the back. I was never underprocessed in the back either. It's just a completely different texture. I think I've been taking MSM at least 3 months or so and that's about how much hair in the back that has that texture.[/QUOTE

Any new updates???
I've been taking MSM for a few months now. I was reading prior threads about it changing the texture of NG and I have to seriously agree.:yep: Somehow it only changed the texture of the NG in the back though. The pictures below are proof. My hair has NEVER been that soft in the back as it is now.

My whole head was freshly relaxed earlier this month so this is all the new growth since then. I had a problem retaining my ends so I'm working on getting that moisture back up so hopefully I'll keep it all this time.

I last relaxed on 6/4/10 - so I'm about 3 1/2 wks post. I slacked off on my sulfur mix because I got tired of the oiliness and the aroma it left behind. But I continued with the MSM (down to 1000mcg from 2000mcg) and just started MN only about 2-3 times just the last two weeks. So this month's growth isn't spectacular so far, especially since there were too many circumstances changed in my regimen.

But I feel good now that I upped my moisture.

Thanks for listening and looking at my pics.


The 2nd and 3rd Pics are from the front and middle of my head. The others show the texture change and NG in the back. I was never underprocessed in the back either. It's just a completely different texture. I think I've been taking MSM at least 3 months or so and that's about how much hair in the back that has that texture.[/QUOTE

Any new updates???

See my last post above yours. I felt so silly after I realized it was just my hair having waves from being wet in my ponytail I had. LOL My hair feels exactly the same texture as always but I have to say it's a whole lot more fuller because of the MSM.

Have a great day!
OP have you noticed any benefits for your skin? MSM gives me some of the worst vaginal cramps. It was like PMSing everyday.
OP have you noticed any benefits for your skin? MSM gives me some of the worst vaginal cramps. It was like PMSing everyday.

Ugh that sucks. What brand were you taking and how much? Maybe it wasn't pure or maybe that was your body's way of detoxing. IDK if its the msm or the zinc I've been taking but my skin is clearing up. MSM also lightens my period, which I don't mind at all.
OP have you noticed any benefits for your skin? MSM gives me some of the worst vaginal cramps. It was like PMSing everyday.

I went through horrible cystic acne and really couldn't blame it on the MSM because I was taking B vitamins also. I stopped the B vitamins recently and started taking better care of my skin and it's actualy starting to look really good and the cystic acne finally stopped (still praying each day).

As far as cramps, the only thing that does that is anything with Soy in it or something like Flax. I would get cramps within minutes of taking them... oh wait a minutes, you said vaginal cramps?? Hmmmmmm... I was thinking menstrual cramps.

I do occasionally get a sharp, piercing vaginal pain but it's nothing I can think relates to taking MSM since I take it everyday.