MSM: Bought some for the 1st time and need advice.


New Member
I just bought my first bottle of MSM at the GNC store...I am excited, curious and yet a bit frighten. Them gel capsules are huge!!! I got 1000mg. After reading the side effect some in here had...Im a bit scared....I will try it tonight at souper time.That way I will know if it works with me or not. Wheter i have side effects or not. I dont know what to expect. I'm thinking of starting small as in maybe one pill a week and slowly increase it to a daily basis. Any tips or advice?
Hi Nadine!
There are lots of MSM threads here if you run a search. I take 2000mg MSM a day in tablet form. Sofar I had one cysctic spot, but it's disappeared. Make sure you drink a lot of water - that should minimize the side effects. And even if you do get spots (that seems to be the main side effect) it shouldn't take long for them to go away again.
I would definitely take them daily though, not weekly. That way you would reap the benefits much quicker.
I take the tablet form of MSM also. I have the liquid but it didn't agree with me at all. I started out with a lower dosage and moved up. But I only take 2 a day. (2000mg)

Like the other ladies said....Drink water, and more water, and more water.

*To be honest, I haven't seen much of a difference with MSM. I have taken it with my other vitamins and then again without. I will not repurchase this once I am out. I will move to a vitamin that has some MSM included.* GNC has a really good one.

I take mine at night and never had problems with taking them at night verse day.