What are your results with MSM?

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I shaved my legs two days ago. They need to be shaved again lol. I blame the MSM cuz this never happened before. I used to shave once a month out of fun and convenience. Now I do it out of necessity lol

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Don't know if I posted here before BUT if not I wanted to say if capsules gave you acne boils or muscle pain make sure to drink 8 cups of water a day and try switching to powder. The capsules worked for hubby and gave me boils and body pain. I got the powder and its made my breasts and hair grow, and my muscles work better when working out. Also it gives me energy. Hubby takes the powder and he doesn't like it and it doesn't help with his pain so we use the capsules IOW diff strokes diff folks give msm at least a month fair try.
When I started MSM I also took biotin. Both wal mart brands. This time I got my pills from the vitamin shopper. My biotin is a higher rose bit my MSM is only 500mg versus wall mart 1000mg. I love wal marts MSM better and will go back to it when I finish up this brand.

With MSN I had the dreams,clear skin, my stretchmarks smoothed out and cleared up. They were still there but smoother and less noticeable. I lost belly joints no longer pop as much.

Anyways I like taking 1000mg 3x a day versus 500mg 3x a day. So don't sleep on wall mart and you get a good bit for 9.99

Sent from my LG-LW690 using LG-LW690
Don't yall laugh at was a long day and is a late night. I have no idea what MSM is...but after reading 2 comments about firmer, fuller boobs I went right over 2 Puritan's Pride and ordered me some. Hell, I ordered a Noogleberry (after reviewing another LHCF thread) a month ago and can't wait til it arrives. Here's my question now...I have facial hair: chin, neck and upper lip that I tweeze or trim regularly. Is this going to make that grow too? :evillaugh: And right now it's buy 1 get 2 free at Puritan's Pride, so I got 6 bottles of 60 1000mg Rapid Release tablets for $21 including shipping. I hope this stuff works.

Can someone answer this?
godzchildtoo have you got a review on it?
Can someone answer this?
godzchildtoo have you got a review on it?

melissa-bee I'm taking MSM pillls right now.And it speeds up hair growth alot. I have small 'stach now :perplexed:lol:. I never used to get alot of hair underneath my arms or legs. Now I look like wolverine. I have to shave more often now. It's a systemic side effect, but I don't mind it. I take Doctors Best Best OptiMSM
melissa-bee I'm taking MSM pillls right now.And it speeds up hair growth alot. I have small 'stach now :perplexed:lol:. I never used to get alot of hair underneath my arms or legs. Now I look like wolverine. I have to shave more often now. It's a systemic side effect, but I don't mind it. I take Doctors Best Best OptiMSM

:blush: Oh goodness, I better leave it well alone then.
Thanks for answering Skiggle
Msm did not agree with me. I got bloated and the nightmares.. omg. I was scared to fall asleep because my dreams were very dramatic and felt very real.. Not worth it for me.
So the first thing I noticed were the dreams. I am now dreaming about things and people I haven't thought about in years. I secretly enjoy it. Next, I noticed the full breasts within a week. It's how they look during that time of the month, but now in the off season ;). Next, my nails are now really thick, though I have always had strong nails. But now, when I say thick, I mean I can't even bend them without great force. As far as hair...I think time will tell, but I have had fast facial hair growth which I tweeze. I want to take it for six months before I can say whether or not it's improved the hair on my head.

(I have been taking MSM 2000mcg/day for a month now)
This is my 3rd week taking MSM, started at 1000mg and increasing it weekly. What dosage are most ppl taking and for those taking high doses, are you splitting them up or chugging them all at the same time? TIA everyone!

I haven't experienced any vivid dreams at all, maybe my brand isn't potent enough. Got my at Puritan's Pride on the buy one get 2 free sale. Maybe next time I'll just get the powder or try another brand all together, the FREE got me. Anyone have any experience with this brand?
I have been taking 1000mg for about six weeks. After reading this thread I have the reason for the annoying headaches I had for the first few weeks. Thanks for sharing ladies!

It also CURED my joint pain. I have chronic pain from a sports injury. Painkillers and physical therapy did not help. MSM definitely did the trick for me.

As for the hair, the curl patter is looser, but this is not necessarily better. My ng used to sit there all crinkled up. Now because is wavy not crinkly, the strands tangle up with each other above the demarcation line. I finger combed the other day and found an evil axis of tangles. Upon close inspection I saw that a gang of five or six strands had knotted and broke off:nono:.

I'm not going to stop taking MSM, I just have to be more careful with all this new growth!
It's been 2 months for me about 3000 mg's daily, powder-form in about 8 oz of juice. I've experienced the vivid dreams, faster growing teflon-tough nails, fuller breasts, glowing skin and more regular bowel movements.
I think I experienced the detox effect last week. Haven't been sick in over a year, maybe even 2, all of the sudden last wed afternoon my nose started running, then later that night I felt tired and acky like the flu, it last a couple days but now I'm fine.
currently detoxing from msm use. Cold like symptoms, sneezing and running nose. I don't think I'm sick, or maybe? I have been consistent for over a week.

MSM in the emergencee vitamin C packets made my skin thrive back in the states but they don't sell emergencee vit powder here. I'll have to add vitamin C to my reg.
I had stopped taking all of my vitamins for he months of August and September. I soon realized that I had to continue with MSM though b/c it really does help with my back pain.

My breasts are still fuller.
Still love this stuff!!! Fuller boobies. Clearer skin and more energy. Also, my knee pain is gone! My joints don't crack like they used to. But this is only when I take it consistently. I haven't taken it today or yesterday yet but this thread reminded me!

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Does anyone get split ends when you take MSM? I always seem to notice this. I don't know if my hair is growing faster and maybe the smaller splits that are already there are splitting even more. Not sure, but it seems like healthy sections of my hair start splitting mid shaft.
^^^^ I'm not sure the pills have anything to do with midshaft splits if taken internally.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
Msm gave me bad breath! I had got up to 10 mg a day. When I stopped taking it the bad breath went away! Sucks cause I loved the benefits! :(

sent from my EVO 3d y'all!
I dont even measure anymore. I just take a spoonful every morning, lol. My boobs are getting bigger, my skin is ridiculous, and my hair is growing. Good stuff.

sent from the nebula quadrant 2-4-niner-foxtrot

Heaping spoonful of Bluebonnet brand w/Optiphen in powder form + V8 + Lily of the Desert Aloe gel. I haven't looked for hair results, my skin and nails were in great shape before MSM and my boobs are so far steady and holding (I pray nothing changes), but my God my back feels so amazing now! Everything cracks less and my runner's heel feels good so I'm really happy.

The first 3 days I'd get headaches that would instantly go away once I drank water and if I stop and re-start the same happens for 1 day but otherwise it's been smooth sailing. It was largely thanks to this thread that I began taking MSM in the first place.
I just ordered some from Puritan's Pride! These reviews have me excited. I'm at BSL and am shooting for either MBL or WL by the end of next year. I've also taken up running this year, so ANY joint help would be incredible.

The fuller boobs couldn't hurt either!
I'm up to 5000 mg daily.

Best fingernails ever in my life -- strong, long and white-tipped (natural French manicure!)

Coffee allergy is nearly nonexistent now. Thank goodness because I just couldn't give up the coffee!

I'm looking younger and younger! I'm aging in reverse!

Not sure about increase in hair growth though. My testure is loosening, which I wish wasn't changing, but I don't want to give up the other benefits.
Alright. Mine arrived really fast! I actually posted earlier today that I just ordered some (which was actually a few days ago) and it got here today.

You ladies forgot to mention that the powder tastes like poison though.
I had to change my vote from just great back and joint pain benefits after freebasing on the Nioxin thread and realizing I've been seeing other benefits as well. I re-evaluated some changes since I started taking Bluebonnet MSM.

The nutritional info lists 1/2 TSP at 2,600mg (884mg organic sulfur), I take roughly 1 TB per day which comes out to 15,600mg MSM (5,300mg organic sulfur).

My nails and hair always grow long and strong but I hand wash a lot and get constant chipping and peeling and let my hair get way too dry and get breakage as a result.

Results: I still handwash but now my nails are hard as steel, no peeling. My hair has virtually no breakage now and strangely almost no shedding. I thought it was just the KCKT but maybe I'm wrong...The hair growth is probably normal, I'll keep checking.

My eyebrows are much more full than usual and grow much faster than usual as well as other body hair (hmm...), my skin is still doing very well with good cell turnover despite my crap diet which is part of my 2012 resolution.

I buy my 8oz of powder from WF or Bell Bates on Reade Street in Tribeca for about $9
This stuff is miraculous!!!! My boobs are getting bigger, my skin is clearer, and I wasn't even taking it for either of those effects :lol: I just wanted a cheaper alternative to Nioxin bc I can't afford that price tag anymore and it stopped working well months ago :nono: I tried Biotin, but even with lots of water and B-complex vitamins, it still broke me out :cry:

My hair is doing well, but it is too early to tell if my hair has truly improved from MSM use, but it sure seems like it is growing faster...after I finish this bottle of Nioxin, I will be taking only MSM (2,000 mg) as a hair growth aid :yep:
I just made a note to self to purchase some MSM whenever I go back to GNC.

Sent from my fancy Sprint HTC EVO using LHCF.
Just got my msm today and THE LAST THING I need is bigger boobs lol! I start them tomorrow and along with my GNC beBeautiful vitamins it will be a 3 month run. Clearer skin and faster hair growth is what I noticed when I was taking GNC Ultra Nourish hair with just 500mg in it, so I expect great things with a 1000mg daily dosage plus the 100mg in the GNC beBeautiful..