MSM and headaches/dizziness


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else getting headaches or dizziness from MSM?
I hope it's just my imagination. I take 4000mg/day in powder form, dissolved in water throughout the day.


ETA: It only lasts a certain amount of time. It kind of fades in and out. I don't plan on stopping, nonetheless. I've got goals, man!
How long have you been taking it? Did you gradually increase the dose or start out at 4000mg? You may have increased the dosage faster than your body could adjust.

ETA: I take 3000mg and so far no problems :)
I use to get severe migranes with MSM. Eventually it went a way, but I had to cut back to @1000 mg a day for awile.
yeah i definitely jumped right back onto the 4,000mg after a year. OOPSIE. okay. ill start from scratch tomorrow. Hehehe...
amr501 said:
How long have you been taking it? Did you gradually increase the dose or start out at 4000mg? You may have increased the dosage faster than your body could adjust.

ETA: I take 3000mg and so far no problems :)

Me Too. i went from 1,000 to 2,000 to my current 3,000 with no problems.
The first day, I tried to take 5000g (the recommended dosage) and I was laid out all day. I couldn't even sleep off the headache. Then I went back to 2000 with lots and lots of water, and stepped it up to 4000. I don't get any headaches at all.
You might be taking too much in powder form since it absorbs into the body immediately.

I take 1500 mg in pill form.. I need to step my game up.
yeah this headache is weird. it's a dull, dull pain. feels like pressure from all over my head. and i feel like i can't move around too much. class was cancelled today, thank GOD. i am trying to act normal, here! Damn MSM. I'm gonna watch it from now on. Take a day or two off and start really really slow. My body is SO sensitive.
Ughhhh. Maybe I'll just stick to Biotin if this reoccurs. *sniff*
MSM causes your body to release toxins so you may be detoxing too fast. I had headaches the first 3 days but then no more. I take 10,000mg a day!:)
kbragg said:
MSM causes your body to release toxins so you may be detoxing too fast. I had headaches the first 3 days but then no more. I take 10,000mg a day!:)

what have your results been from taking so much?
amorette said:
what have your results been from taking so much?

I've been taking it for almost 2 weeks and have gain 1/2 inch of newgrowth in the 12 days since my last relaxer.:eek: I've never had this much growth before. I've always stretched my relaxers by default seeing as my hair growth is normally SLOOOOW to the tune of 2 inches a YEAR! I'm praying for a foot of hair in the next 12 months (agressive goal I know but that me, the compulsive goal setter lol)!

I'm dying to go natural, but I ain't gonna lie, I am just toooo lazy:look: , but I just started taking Silica and am hoping to lossen my texture like the sistah who lost her black card!:lachen: I figured mine has been gone a long time ago so might as well shoot for a 3c:lol: The MSM has already changed my texture, I can feel the waves under my relaxed hair when I run my hand across the top of it. Was never like that before.
OMG i am laid out with an MSM headache today. had to call out sick.

but, like a fiend, i'm worrying cause i left my MSM on my desk at work so i'll be missing a dosage.

that may be for the best.

i'm dizzy too...

i'm taking 5 grams which is the recommended dosage.
my headaches took a day and a half to go away. drink lots of water, and rest. take a few days off, then start at 1 gram a day, increase by 1 every few days.
pinayprincess said:
my headaches took a day and a half to go away. drink lots of water, and rest. take a few days off, then start at 1 gram a day, increase by 1 every few days.

dumb question here.

a gram is more than a mg right?
kbragg said:
I've been taking it for almost 2 weeks and have gain 1/2 inch of newgrowth in the 12 days since my last relaxer.:eek: I've never had this much growth before. I've always stretched my relaxers by default seeing as my hair growth is normally SLOOOOW to the tune of 2 inches a YEAR! I'm praying for a foot of hair in the next 12 months (agressive goal I know but that me, the compulsive goal setter lol)!

I'm dying to go natural, but I ain't gonna lie, I am just toooo lazy:look: , but I just started taking Silica and am hoping to lossen my texture like the sistah who lost her black card!:lachen: I figured mine has been gone a long time ago so might as well shoot for a 3c:lol: The MSM has already changed my texture, I can feel the waves under my relaxed hair when I run my hand across the top of it. Was never like that before.

You know I was just moisturizing my hair and my ng use to feel very thick and wavy..I mean I could really feel it BUT today when I was rubbing through my hair, my hair felt funny and I was thinking like dang...I'm 5 weeks post and usually have ng...what's going I took a mirror and looked and Yep...I have alot of newgrowth...It just feels so soft, it's feels like the rest of my hair but when I look in the hand mirror..I can see the waves and man it's alot...I'm taking epo, nioxin, b50, biotin, and just recently added bamboo silicia about 2 days ago...and my hair is especially my ng is soooo use to be so dry prior to the vitamins...anyway...I want to take MSM but I'm already taking....errrr....8 vitamins...I need a might get some MSM then:)
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I just jumped on the MSM bandwagon and I was fine for the first 2 days (Sun and Mon) but on Tues I felt almost like I was coming down with the flu! :eek: I don't want to attribute my feeling bad to MSM, but today I had a sudden headache too. Does drinking a lot of water help ease the headaches? I am trying to drink a lot throughout the day as is, but how much water do you guys drink typically?

ETA: I only take 1000 mg powder form.
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shaydufblu said:
I just jumped on the MSM bandwagon and I was fine for the first 2 days (Sun and Mon) but on Tues I felt almost I was coming down with the flu! :eek: I don't want to attribute my feeling bad to MSM, but today I had a sudden headache too. Does drinking a lot of water help ease the headaches? I am trying to drink a lot throughout the day as is, but how much water do you guys drink typically?

Shoot, everybody getting headaches...IDK about these...I mean I get occassional migraines so I don't want to add any more probs:)
I have a darn good reason to bump this thread after 4 years: I've had a banging/dull headache since yesterday afternoon and nothing will take it away!

I thought it was the fact that I have some new growth that was causing the pain like it used to happen back when I was relaxing. So I did a search for "new growth headache" and found this thread. When I saw "MSM" it was like BINGO! I just started taking it 4 days ago. Felt slight flu-like symptoms for a few hours 2 days ago.

I was starting to worry that I might be suffering form migraines. While I still feel awful it's good to know what the problem is.

I think any thread about the wonders of MSM should come with a disclaimer!

P.S. I'm takin 1500mg
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msm is a detoxifier so when folks detox headaches, nausea and many other symtoms come with the territory......i hope your drinking plenty of water, feel better. i'm up to 3,000 mg with no side effects and i understand that everybodies bodies behave differently.
msm is a detoxifier so when folks detox headaches, nausea and many other symtoms come with the territory......i hope your drinking plenty of water, feel better. i'm up to 3,000 mg with no side effects and i understand that everybodies bodies behave differently.

Thanks for the info. I'm drinking water as we speak. How long should I expect this [torture] to last?

UPDATE: Stopped taking the pills for one day, the restarted, drinking plenty of water. No headache, so far...
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I just don't believe all of this toxins there any scientific basis in it? :P
I just cannot take msm
one pill bloats me and gives me a headache and nausea; body aches
I made a youtube video of it, it was so severe.