MsKibibi...Where are you?!!!! Get in here, girl!


Well-Known Member
I want your password to your fotki and for some reason when I read your profile it doesn't give me the option to PM you! I saw the back of your head commenting in someone else's album and I was like Whoa! Your hair is soooooo beautiful and black and shiny!!! YOu make me want to relax. I'm weak!
So get in here and share with the world!!!!! (your password, that is......and your regimen too)
If there's no option to PM then they mostly likely aren't a member here anymore.

She's a regular poster on another board tho....
Wait! what? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO1 j/k It said her last activity date was 12-5-06. Dang she just upped and peaced out! Geez! lol Where can she be reached? Did she send a forwarding address? I want her password!!
She has an email address posted in her fotki so you can write her and get her password. And her hair is beautiful!