MsButterfly from H-Town says hello!


Hi ladides! Just want to say I love this site and have been visiting for the past 2 years! Finally subscribed!
I am in the process of transitioning (5 1/2 months post relaxer)...sort of. I just took out braids and my hair was so thick at the roots that I bought a Just for Me to run thru my hair. My hair seems very very dry (even when I relaxed). It is very cottony and has small curly, wavy patterns. Not sure what my texture will be. I am nervous and excited. I absolutely LOVE (and stalk ;) SO1913's (and a few too many more to name, okay okay...ALOT of you guys). I hope I can stick this out but have no plans to go back to bone straight relaxing. Looking for something that will lay my cottony edges down...Any advice LHCF veterans?

Thanks in advance and I feel priviledged to be apart of such a wonderful forum of dedicated ladies!
Hey hello Ms. Butterfly. Welcome aboard!! I assure you that you will get plenty of support here when it comes to your transition. You don't have to worry about that.

I don't have any suggestions about laying down edges. I'm still trying to find something as well. Actually, I just came to realize that my edges are not going to lay down until they're long enough. So, I probably won't bother with it much anymore.

I can't wait to see all the progress you will make:D

This site is awesome!

I am still trying to find something that isn't harsh to lay down my edges. When I tie it down at night it lays down for about 3 hours before it starts to poof
Thanks so much Ms Twana! I guess that would explain it...;)
It seems to be growing pretty fast though...this whole transitioning experience is a "wait and see" for which I have soooo little patience. But none the less i am very dedicated to sticking it out...will be braiding again in about a month anyways.

Thanks again!!!!
Thanks to all of you ladies for the warm welcome! This should be soooo fun!!! (seeing as I am already addicted to this site and started buying products that I saw recommended and raved about months ago!) I know a lot of you say less is more but I am anxious to try everything...will try hard not to become a PJ. Already in stock at my house?...CD's HHB, CD's Ahmet Koren Conditioner, CD's Margarite's Magic, a couple of Asha's products, Suave products, Motions products, Elasta QP products, Pantene products, Coconut Oil, Olive oil, Shapely's Mane and Tail, Nutragena Triple Moisture products, Profective (numerous products), Fantasia IC gels, I can't remember what all else, but I have been taking notes from all of the posts and stocking up so I can test and see what works best for my hair. I promised I would not buy anything else until I completely transition and see what my hair loves...Yeah right!! :lol:

Again!...Thanks ladies!
Welcome Ms Butterfly!! I'm sure you'll become just as addicted as the rest of us. Oh, I taked that back you've been stalking for a hot minute so you are already addicted...its just official now. :D
Cayenne0622 said:
Welcome Ms Butterfly!! I'm sure you'll become just as addicted as the rest of us. Oh, I taked that back you've been stalking for a hot minute so you are already addicted...its just official now. :D

Thank you for the welcome Cayenne...yes it is really official...especially since I paid for a subscription, I am on here all the time! It's so hard to stay away but soooo well worth it and then some.