Ms (mutiple Sclerosis) And Hair Loss


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if there was any one on the board have MS? and if you do have you experience any hair loss with the meds they put you on? I am still going through test but that is what they release me from the hospital with as far as diagnosis.
Yes, there are some of us with chronic conditions on medication that can cause hair loss, skin conditions, dehydration, and absorption issues. I won't tag those posters, but hopefully they will chime in.

My experience: I shed like no tomorrow on my meds, and I am a slow grower. To combat this, I've started using sulfur again, deep conditioning much more frequently, and treating my hair like silk. I don't have MS, but those of us with autoimmune issues have similar symptoms and responses to the various medications, and the hair loss associated with the un-diagnosed period caused by stress. And I'm 24 with a whole lot of greys popping up out of nowhere. Eventually I will try to hendigo the grey away.

My advice: Try to stay as stress-free as possible and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. It's not easy at all, but I'd rather be on helpful medication and alive, than sad about shedding hair.

I hope that helps and you find the medical answers you're looking for!
Yes, there are some of us with chronic conditions on medication that can cause hair loss, skin conditions, dehydration, and absorption issues. I won't tag those posters, but hopefully they will chime in.

My experience: I shed like no tomorrow on my meds, and I am a slow grower. To combat this, I've started using sulfur again, deep conditioning much more frequently, and treating my hair like silk. I don't have MS, but those of us with autoimmune issues have similar symptoms and responses to the various medications, and the hair loss associated with the un-diagnosed period caused by stress. And I'm 24 with a whole lot of greys popping up out of nowhere. Eventually I will try to hendigo the grey away.

My advice: Try to stay as stress-free as possible and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. It's not easy at all, but I'd rather be on helpful medication and alive, than sad about shedding hair.

I hope that helps and you find the medical answers you're looking for!

NappyNelle thank you so much. I am already on a lot of pain meds for years and now this is coming up with more meds I guess from what I read so I just wanted to know.
I'm sorry Shadiyah. :( Have you noticed any hair related symptoms yet? I started noticing my hair problems when I started losing weight rapidly. I wasn't absorbing vitamins and minerals, let alone properly digesting food, so thats when I noticed an increase in shedding (like 3x my normal shedding... and I was wearing twists!) and clumps of hair.

Since you're already on pain meds, which are notorious for causing shedding, perhaps your body chemistry allows you to retain hair? Have you done a CT with contrast yet? (Sorry, we can take this to PM if I'm asking too many questions)
I wonder if I have MS. I'll bring it up to my doc in 2 weeks. He thinks I have absorption issues and other things. I lost 15 lbs in the blink of an eye.
^^I'm glad you're checking with your doctor. You may not have MS, but there are a family of medical issues you can fall into. Also, a diagnoses can take many, many years, depending on your systems.
I was a "healthy" person until I turned 30. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I started having one random symptom after another. I went through a long period of being tested for various diseases, seeing a long list of specialists, neurological exams, etc. I developed a lot of anxiety and went through a depression. Everything kept coming back fine aside from my vit D levels. I took an MRI and before I got the results, I thought it was MS but it turned out to be a "rare" brain condition that sometimes causes symptoms that mimic MS and other conditions.

I tried different medications for "pain management" and it's hard to say for sure if they contributed to my hair loss bc I wasn't taking care of my hair at all. I do tend to think that the meds played some kind of role in the very noticeable thinning that I was experiencing.

I do know that there are people who have MS and have lost hair due to the meds (as a result of the interferons that are used to treat it) but there are also those who have been treated and had no hair loss. It all depends on different factors.
I have MS diagnosed three years ago when I just turned 30. Last year I started taking Copaxone and did not experience hair loss (not a part of the typical side-effects). I stopped taking it for other reasons and started LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) and doing fine with it.

I never heard of anyone having hair loss as a side effect from MS or any of the disease modifying drugs.

My shedding is mainly from having PCOS (diagnosed in 2000). :look:
My brother has had ms for abt 15 years. He's been taking some herbal stuff and prior to him finding his own remides he couldn't walk... Now he is running and doing well. I'll have to see if he knows anything abt hairloss and MS

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I'm sorry Shadiyah. :( Have you noticed any hair related symptoms yet? I started noticing my hair problems when I started losing weight rapidly. I wasn't absorbing vitamins and minerals, let alone properly digesting food, so thats when I noticed an increase in shedding (like 3x my normal shedding... and I was wearing twists!) and clumps of hair.

Since you're already on pain meds, which are notorious for causing shedding, perhaps your body chemistry allows you to retain hair? Have you done a CT with contrast yet? (Sorry, we can take this to PM if I'm asking too many questions)

NappyNelle sorry I was putting my nupur treatment in my hair. I have not had any problems with my hair just some dry ends sometimes but nothing really I know what to stay away from and how sulfur helped you my hair could not stand it nor protein.

I have had the ct and mri's and mra but I have to have more that is how they found it when I was in the hospital last week and I was in there in sept for the same thing and then they told me they didn't know why I was having the problems since they ruled out stroke.
My brother has had ms for abt 15 years. He's been taking some herbal stuff and prior to him finding his own remides he couldn't walk... Now he is running and doing well. I'll have to see if he knows anything abt hairloss and MS

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I'm so glad you brought this up. A lot of people will tell you NOT to go the natural route... but if you find an open minded physician, you can discuss a balanced wellness plan (meds and supportive supplements) tailored to suit you. This is what I did and so far am making small steps towards a better, healthier lifestyle.

Don't despair OP, you've come to the right place. There are alot of intelligent, beautiful, compassionate, and loving sisters here. :yep: I've corresponded with some wonderful souls on here and while it doesn't take all of the struggle from the journey, it definitely makes coping a little easier.
I was a "healthy" person until I turned 30. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I started having one random symptom after another. I went through a long period of being tested for various diseases, seeing a long list of specialists, neurological exams, etc. I developed a lot of anxiety and went through a depression. Everything kept coming back fine aside from my vit D levels. I took an MRI and before I got the results, I thought it was MS but it turned out to be a "rare" brain condition that sometimes causes symptoms that mimic MS and other conditions.

I tried different medications for "pain management" and it's hard to say for sure if they contributed to my hair loss bc I wasn't taking care of my hair at all. I do tend to think that the meds played some kind of role in the very noticeable thinning that I was experiencing.

I do know that there are people who have MS and have lost hair due to the meds (as a result of the interferons that are used to treat it) but there are also those who have been treated and had no hair loss. It all depends on different factors.

star78 thank you so much that is what I was looking for because I looked up the meds they used to treat the condition and I know that I don't have problems now with all the pain meds not even the shots I get for my joints but introducing new meds along with what I am already taking I just wanted to get on top of the problem from the start just in case. So right now I am just taking notes from everyone that is why I was asking. yes I know every one is different just like my systems are different. and everyone systems are different. and a lot of things that were blamed on my back could have been the MS after looking back on a lot of things over the yrs or just these last 3 yrs. even the migraines that have gotten worst in that time period. I will just play the wait and see game.
I have MS diagnosed three years ago when I just turned 30. Last year I started taking Copaxone and did not experience hair loss (not a part of the typical side-effects). I stopped taking it for other reasons and started LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) and doing fine with it.

I never heard of anyone having hair loss as a side effect from MS or any of the disease modifying drugs.

My shedding is mainly from having PCOS (diagnosed in 2000). :look:

greenandchic I am glad to hear you are doing well. well the side effect for hair loss is one of my other meds I am taking but so far so good and I just wanted to make sure with adding anything new maybe this time I may not get away with it.

lets keep in touch?
My brother has had ms for abt 15 years. He's been taking some herbal stuff and prior to him finding his own remides he couldn't walk... Now he is running and doing well. I'll have to see if he knows anything abt hairloss and MS

Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using HTC Sensation 4G

Au-natural wow when it comes to herbs I would have to make sure I can take them with some meds I have to stay on for other things and the dose is right. for me I never ever stay with taking my herbs and i think because they are just too durn big when it comes to some of the pills. if ms was my only problems I would see that as a very good option but because I have other things going on too and I am not a natural goru lol I can see me killing myself lol but I think it is just great that he is doing so well and running even again.
greenandchic I am glad to hear you are doing well. well the side effect for hair loss is one of my other meds I am taking but so far so good and I just wanted to make sure with adding anything new maybe this time I may not get away with it.

lets keep in touch?

Sure thing!

Regardless of your diagnoses, if you can swing it, I recommend seeing a Natropathic Doctor. They can be of great assistance when it comes to managing pharmaceuticals vs natural/holistic methods. I know what to take and what to avoid when it comes to MS.