Ms. K, I am loving Hating on you

Country gal

Well-Known Member
Ms. Kenesha, I am "Lovingly" Hating on Your Hair growth

Every time I see a picture of you, I swear your hair keeps growing in leaps and bounds. It will be shoulder in just a few months. :lol: :lol:

I swear it's so much longer now than when I last saw you in Decemeber. Are you doing something different? Give up the goods.
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Hey y'all. I use Surge sporadically, but I can say I haven't used it since my last touch-up since I've been wearing "out" hairstyle all the time. I think the freq. washing and minimal direct heat are the main contributors *though I just used my flatiron last week* :grin:
All I know is, I'm going to find out where she lives and steal that black sleeveless t-neck she has on in her photo. WHERE did you get that?
No thievery! :lol: I got it from LVL X, they have it in rust orange, and army green as well.

UmSumayyah said:
All I know is, I'm going to find out where she lives and steal that black sleeveless t-neck she has on in her photo. WHERE did you get that?
Good lord your hair grows fast.I have to SUrge consistently,exercise,take my vits and drink water to get that kind of growth.
That's a tremendous amount of growth in such a short time!!! Keep up the good work Ms_K!!!!!!
Here's a thought I had regarding K's and Beverly's hair. They both did the big chop and went au naturale. They both decided after wearing it natural to relax again. They both to me seem to have incredible growth. Their hair looks healthier now than compared to before they did the big chop. I am thinking maybe getting rid of all the un healthjy processed hair by going natural gave them a great start. With their newfound wealth of knowledge from learning about their natural and processed hair has helped them to really maximized the potential of their hair.
I agree! :)

I was just thinking about this the other night. My relaxed hair is definitely behaving differently than my previous relaxed hair as is my new growth. I think that my hair got off to a good start from being natural and with the stylist I go to who doesn't just slap the relaxer all over my head I think my newgrowth isn't being effected by the scab hair phenomenon because there is no (or very little) relaxer residue that my scalp is soaking up.

Does that make sense?

sbaker said:
Here's a thought I had regarding K's and Beverly's hair. They both did the big chop and went au naturale. They both decided after wearing it natural to relax again. They both to me seem to have incredible growth. Their hair looks healthier now than compared to before they did the big chop. I am thinking maybe getting rid of all the un healthjy processed hair by going natural gave them a great start. With their newfound wealth of knowledge from learning about their natural and processed hair has helped them to really maximized the potential of their hair.
Well that is good to know. I am really close to chopping off the last of the perm ends. I am really enjoying getting to know my hair better with out the chemicals. It is also good to know that if I decide to go back to relaxing.
I just saw your latest avatar today, Ms. Kenesha. Your hair grows so fast! It's a sign of a happy, healthy scalp.
ms_kenesha said:
Oh heck no, that's my new wig! I wish this was all my hair, Meg! :lol:

But i must say AGAIN...that your real hair is growing too! Very fast, so fast Ia m JEALOUS!