Moved outta Lurkville! Newbie outs herself! Pics!


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies!!

Im excited to finally be a member:grin:

My hair has always hovered between SL and APL (prone to breakage)
I couldnt quite figure out what made it thrive and resigned myself to a life of short hair:perplexed

Sept 08, in preparing to go on vacay (cruise), I had this brilliant idea to color and relax my hair in one session:rolleyes: :nono: My stylist tried to talk me out of it but I would not be stopped! Needless to say my hair looked cute for about two weeks then started to break and shed like crazy!:wallbash: My counter attack was to drench it in oil frantically:lachen:I was afraid to wash it and have the rest come out!!!:lachen:After three months of looking like a oily mess, I got another relaxer that I hoped would cure my issues:wallbash: WRONG!!
I gave up, accepted my impending baldness, washed and cornrowed it under a wig. Hence, my unintentional transition began:rolleyes:

Summer 09 came witha sweltering heat, a discovery of LHCF and a re-evaluation of my hairs condition. I was floored when I realised I had about 4 inches of new, STRONG LOOKING growth!:grin:
SNIP! I BC'ed, ignored my DH's dumbfounded reaction :lachen: and here I am ready to grow anew.
Thank you ladies for your knowledge, your positivity, your humour (especially at another certain newbie thread that almost got me committed to an insane aslyum due to outbursts of uncontrollable laughter while at work and home):lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: and for reading this long post. THANK YOU:beach::beach: ME LOVES YAL!!:grin:

-first pic is me in 07
-then my highlighting n relaxin session result
-my BC
-and now
-trusty wig (ole faithful)
Thnak you!! I have spent many sleepless nights soaking in all this info and now that Im a member I cant believe all these other areas I have been missing out on! :wallbash: