Motions with oil relaxer...


New Member
Ok, I think that the motions relaxer sucks. I do EVERYTHING right to my hair and it has only little body.

My regimen is to wash twice a week, one conditioner wash, one with a gentle shampoo (elasta qp shampoo for relaxed hair) I deep condition with humecto and oil when I use the shampoo, I deep condition with elasta qp DPR-11 and oil when I condition wash.

I use wgo, hollywood beauty carrot creme and razac leave-in conditioner to wet set my hair. When I do a twist out I use those three and l’oreal antifrizz gel and IC hair polisher. I ALWAYS airdry.

Every night I moisturize my hair with diluted razac leave-in, hollywood beauty carrot creme and a drop of wgo. I set or re-twist my hair at night. I only use wide toothed combs once a day and I don’t brush my hair at all.

Every two weeks I clarify and do a protein treatment with IC reconstructor or elasta qp breakage control serum, then deep condition with humecto and oil.

Every three months or right before and after a touch up I do a protein treatment with emergencce.

I don’t have splits, my hair is shiny, and it has softness, I don’t have serious breakage, but I have no bounce
I think that it’s the motions relaxer, that can be the only thing.

Does anyone who used this relaxer have problems? I don't mind that it doesn't get your hair really straight, just think that it does something bad to your hair.
I've never used the Motions with oil relaxer but I have used the regular Motions relaxer and I had no problems with that one.
I love Motions w/oil, it deposits oil into your hair during the relaxer process which adds lots of softness and sheen to my hair. So far its the best relaxer I've used.

Tee Tee