Motions Oil Moisturizer


New Member
Does anyone use the motions oil moisturizer in the pink bottle? How is it? does anyone use the cream hair dressing, it is white and in a jar. with the weather changing, I need a heavier moisturizer.
<font color="purple">I used to use the light formula, and it moisturizes ok. I really didn't like it because it has mineral oil in it. I never use hair dressing. Maybe someone else may help you on that one. </font>
I used ot use it before i knew about haircare and i found that it made my hair really dry after a while .I think thats what made it start drying out my hair .

I hope that helps ..
I used to use Motions Hair Lotion Oil Moisturizer. It was great with moisturizing my hair and was beneficial with smoothing my edges if I wanted to put my hair in a bun or ponytail. I stopped using it when I ran out just to try something different but I would not mind using this product again!
i used to use it, but i hated it. same results as with pink oil. didnt give me any moisture.. just made my hair oily.