Motions Oil Moisturizer Relaxer


New Member
I'm going to have to put this on the list for not purchasing again. *sighs* I relaxed my hair with this, and although it burned like the dickens, it did nothing. I fear I am underprocessed and will dread the next 8 weeks of waiting it out to relax again. It could've been good...on to the next lye relaxer, please! Anyone have suggestions of good ones that can be ordered online (that don't cost $45)?
I don't have advise, but I do have a comment. I use Motions on my hair also. My hair is 4b. It is impossible to relax my hair!! I thought is was just my hair and I stuck with Motions because I'm afraid to switch and mess up the pattern of my curl in my hair. I do admit that my hair is stronger because it's always underprocessed, but it can be irritating when I have to relax every 4 weeks because of new growth and managability. I can understand what your going through! I have been reading about the Affirm relaxer, if you try it, let me know how it works!!!
Motions perms are awful, in my opinion.
I put one in my hair and it didn't relax not one coil! I used it on my mother's hair and it came out terrible! Ugh!