Motions CPR


New Member
Last night I styled my hair with HE Mousse, Mane & Tail, and gel on my edges. When I got home I dc'ed overnight with Motions CPR. When I rinsed this morning, there was a crust formed around the perimeter of my hair, and it took FOREVER to rinse it completley out. Afterwards, my hair was so hard and brittle!! Has anyone else had this problem with Motions CPR Conditioner? Did I do something wrong?? Thanks in advance:yep:
No I never had that problem but CPR is a protein conditioner. I only use it as a prepoo. Don't leave protein on your hair overnight. You should use a moisturizing deep conditioner and your hair should be fine.
I love Motions CPR, I have never had a problem with it. However it does contain protein, it's a treatment thats meant to stop breakage immediately. I think leaving it on overnight was a bit much. Try reconditioning your hair today with a moisturizing cond.
I actually like Motions CPR because it makes my hair really strong. But please note that it is a protein conditioner.
I use it as directed on the jar because leaving it too long could cause your hair to be hard and dry. Also I always follow-up CPR with a moisturizing conditioner.
Yo...what about leaving MegaTek in your hair? I see where ladies put MegaTek in their hair about 3x's a week and then wash on the weekends... How about that for leaving protein in your hair?
I love motions CPR, and I've never had that problem. CPR does have little herb like things in it, that's kind of difficult to rinse out. That might be what the crust is. Protein wouldn't do that.
Yo...what about leaving MegaTek in your hair? I see where ladies put MegaTek in their hair about 3x's a week and then wash on the weekends... How about that for leaving protein in your hair?

I Don't Use Motions CPR, But I Use MT 3-4x times a week, Applying to Scalp Only and I only wash once a Week. No Problems.:look:

During the week, I Up my Daily Moisture with Moisturizing Products.:yep:
OP like eveyone else said, it's not meant to be left overnight. Sometimes it's best to follow the directions. Oh and that crust could have been the conditioner dried up if your edges were exposed to the air during the night. Or it could have mxed with the gel you used.

Yo...what about leaving MegaTek in your hair? I see where ladies put MegaTek in their hair about 3x's a week and then wash on the weekends... How about that for leaving protein in your hair?

From what I've read they're putting it on their scalp, not on their hair.
I've used it. I usually use a moisturizing deep conditioner afterwards with heat for at least 45 mins to keep my hair soft and manageable. Protein conditioners usually leave the hair hard. :yep: Must followup up with moisturizing dc. HHT
It's possible you didn't really do anything wrong. Everything doesn't work for everybody. Personally, I did not like it when I used it. I detested the herbs they put in it and it didn't do much to condition my hair even after mixing it with olive oil. I did not leave it overnight. The DC didn't leave my hair hard but after sealing, my hair didn't feel as soft as it should have.

Currently, I use Dark and Lovely Ultra Cholesterol deep conditioner (mixed with oil) and then I seal with castor oil afterwards. My hair always feels very soft after using these products.