Motions CPR , Silk Protein and Moisture Plus


New Member
Hey everyone, this is nmfsc (for some reason I couldn't log in under my old name on the new board). I have a question. Would it okay to combine these three conditioners together to use as a weekly deep conditioner? I love all of the conditioners and wonder if it would be of greater benefit to combine the three. Would it be too much protein for a weekly deep condition? Sometimes I just can't leave well enough alone. Should I just rotate them weekly? I have mild shedding, but no breakage, but I just love these 3 conditioners. Opinions are greatly appreciated.
If you don't have any breakage, I wouldn't recommend using so much protein every week. Maybe try using the Moisture Plus as a weekly deep conditioner and alternate every other week with your combination of the 3 conditioners (I used to mix conditioners a lot and never had any problems with that).
This actually sounds like a great combination

The CPR and Silk Protein Conditioner only contain mild proteins and the addition of the Moisture Plus will off set it somewhat so I see no problem with using it weekly. You will likely end up with hair that is strong and moisturized. And you can always mix it in proportion to what your hair needs more of that week. And now that you've got me thinking--I might try it too
Thanks for your input, Supergirl! Now that I have thought about it more, I am going to give it a trial and see what develops. The junkie in me has also decided to add some drops of my Keracare Essential Oil in the mix as well. I put that stuff in everything!
Give it a whirl as well and let me know what results you get and I will do the same.