Motions Aloe butter


New Member
Has anyone tried this product .I was tempted to buy it but i didnt becoase it contains mineral oil but it had a really nice concistency.

Also has anyone else tried the " herbal" range from motions

Thanks in advance
Byron I've seen the new range, they are bright green instead of yellow. I bought the mango butter and I bought it right back for the same reason (and that I am trying to curb my PJism), I didnt read the ingredients in the shop. I havent tried it but if mineral oil has not been bad for you in the past then it should not be a problem. The amount of mineral oil contained in the product corresponds with the position in the list this product is listed. If its 1st, then maybe you should reconsider.
Thanks Lonei ,

SOme time i wonder if my post are just invisible.I wish i had a shop in my area were you could take nething back without a big arguemnet

Thanks again **

I know some of you others must have tried it or even seen reviews somewhere else
I may have to try it, I am looking for something else to use on my ends when I rollerset. I'm going to Sally's tonight for hair rollers so I will have to investage. Then I have to find a way to get it in the house past DH. :0
I passed by this in the bss yesterday. I thought it was a new relaxer. I'm a conditioner junkie--I'm glad I missed it!
M_BYRON_M said:

SOme time i wonder if my post are just invisible.......

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I know some of you others must have tried it or even seen reviews somewhere else

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This line is relatively brand new. I'm sure many people are like you and have not tried it yet. Give it some time for responses...
CPR is great..I mix it with a teaspoon of honey and a little olive oil. I sit under the dryer for 20-30 min. I follow up with a moisturzer cond.
