
New Member
So to day I went to walmart and picked up a few things. I went to the hair accesories section and saw a new section of Goody products. Brushes and combs, etc. I picked up the So smooth 2-in-1 brush comb combo. I t's kinda of like a rake brush with a combe in the middle, 100% boar brush. I have to say it looks so pretty with the wood (like) handle. I decided to go to the website and they a WHOLE new section geared towards us. It all looks so tempting that I can feel my PJism rising! The brushes look really goo and so do the tools geared towards relaxing. Anyway, share if you are already using this line and let us know what yu think. Thanks. the link to website is below
kinchen said:
I read where they are going to have a brush with JoJobo oil in it but i can't remember what magazine i read it in

I just read that somewhere the other day. It may have been the latest Instyle Magazine. I think it said you can use it with a blowdryer though, because it would melt the plastic .
Miel said:
Thanks for the info! Has anyone come up with an antidote for pjprofollicularitis? LOL!

Unfortuantely not, I thought I was cured then I came home with a truckload of hair products. LOL!
Wow I didn't realize this line was so extensive, I picked up a couple brushes at Wal-Mart. I'll keep my eyes peeled for the mesh rollers.
^^And everything is so pretty. they really went all out for this. ladies let me know where you find the relaxing tools, I didn't notice them at Walmart (though I wasn't looking for them)
kinchen said:
I read where they are going to have a brush with JoJobo oil in it but i can't remember what magazine i read it in

I saw the new 3 brushes in Walmart. The Jojoba infused one only lasts 6 - 9 months. That's a waste. There's one that has copper bristles which is supposedly for dandruff heads. May be good for foliculitis.??? The other is infused with cerimides which are supposed to enhance colored/ color treated hair. I don't have dandruff but the copper one looks promising.:D
I don't like the Satin covered foam rollers from this line. Cheapie compared to the Scunci ones (which I can never find anymore). But these are better than the Hype Hair ones, in my opinion.
I see so many things I want from this line. I especially want the No Burn Roller Clips. Too bad I don't live close to a Wal-Mart *sigh* I'll look into the other stuff available at Giant. Thanks so much for posting this.
I would really like to find those mesh rollers and the no burn clips. If any of you ladies find either of these pm me please!
I have been looking all over for this line. If I don't find them soon, I'll just have to order on line. Looks good.
So I guess Goody decided to stop marketing the product? I picked up an old copy of Hype Hair (2008) and saw the line...but it's not even on the website anymore. Why do we continue to be the "underserved" market when clearly there is money to be made with the product. If it can't be found in the States, forget Canada.

Does ANYONE know where I can find the full range brushes?

I've found a few of the brushes on Ebay. I got two of the jojoba oil infused ones because they are the best detangling brushes.