Morning Prayer


New Member
I don't exactly remember how the saying goes.........but a wise man was contemplating spending time in the morning to pray, and he said to him self how could I not pray, the day is so long and I need God all the way.

So my question is, what do you pray and say in the morning? Do you spend time which God in the morning? Please share your prayers. Thank You for replying.:yep:
Mostly i ask God to give me the strength ,courage to face the day and help me to be able to help the families i have for the day.
Wheever i leave the house in the morning i always ask God please come with me .
I stand on the side of my bed, blow kisses upward, and I say the Hebrew words that mean:

"I thank You God, Eternal One, for lovingly restoring my soul to me, filled with Your eternal trust."

Then I say in some combination:

I thank You, dear Father God in the Name of Jesus, for waking me up this morning, for starting me on my way. I thank You for waking me up in my right mind, for the activities of all the limbs, functions, organs of my body. I thank You for my family, for my dad and mom. I thank You for keeping us through the night from all hurt, harm, danger and disease. I thank You that nobody called to say they were sick or in trouble. I thank You for waking me up pain-free, disease-free, pressure--free.

I thank You for a blessed day, a productive day.

Then I quote Psalm 23 as I walk to the bathroom.... Wanna know what I say in there? Ok!:grin: I say: "Lord, I thank You for healthy function of my body and I thank You for healthy elimination and I thank You for the washing of my hands to direct my hands to do righteous deeds". (I got this from a Jewish/Christian prayer book as well).

I anoint myself with blessed oil EVERY SINGLE DAY and I have done this since I was a child taught by my mom. When I anoint my head, I make the sign of the cross and say "the Blood of Jesus".

When I walk out of the door, I lay my hand on the door and say "The blood of Jesus" and I lay hands on my head and say the same. It's not long and dramatic. It's very quick. Also, I have Psalm 91 taped to my door and sometimes I'll stand and read it before I open the door to go out: "RR dwells in the secret place of the most high and abides under the shadow of the Almighty.... and I say my name in it....

I need to SCHEDULE morning prayer and be consistent with it.... Morning prayer is VERY rewarding. Sometimes I do read and recite professions of faith in the morning.

Sounds like a lot but it moves swiftly as I move swiftly... not to rush the Lord but because it is habit, it's part of whatever I'm doing.
I tend to use several verses in the bible as guidelines when I pray on a daily basis. I use them for me and other people I'm praying for.

Psalm 143 verse 8
Pslam 19 verse 13 - 14
1 Chronicles 4: 9 -10
2 Corinthians 12 : 9 - 14

The list is still growing.
Great thread!

I've just started giving the first fruits of my day to the Lord and it's great! I start off with prayer in my bed praising Him for who He is, thanking Him for health and blessings, and then I ask for grace as I serve Him through out the day. I end with asking for wisdom as I read my daily devotional and a Word to start off my morning.

I really need to start getting out of my bed and showing Him reverence by getting into battle position early in the morning - Kneeling/bowing down to the King of Glory.

I want to also begin reciting Psalm 91 and memorize it (thanks R.R!).