Moremo Water Treatment

Bette Davis Eyes

The "OG" Product Junkie
So, @MzSwift posted this post,

It arrived Sunday and I used it for my protein treatment. I colored my hair in June for my birthday so Im trying to keep up with my hair treatments. I usually use henna or cassia for that as my hair doesnt like any hard proteins as at all.

This stuff is interesting. It comes out like water. What scared me was it says keep on only for 10 seconds. My hair isn't long and when its wet, it might as well be 3 inches. I probably should have did it in the shower but I was downstairs so I went ahead.

I cleaned my hair with NaturesEgo Chebe Detox shampoo, which I LOVE. and then in two sections added it to the right side first. I squeezed it in and then rubbed the ends. My hair turned creamy. Then I hurried to the sink and rinsed. The right side of my hair felt soft. Went and repeated to the left side. I was a little paranoid and the weird thing is, the left side warmed up while the right side didnt do that. ( I read up reviews and it stated this would happen).

After rinsing both sides of my hair felt soft, not overly but soft. HOWEVER the left side of my hair was tangled. I'm wondering is the warming up effect is because it was in longer than 10 seconds hence that side being tangled. I wanted to try out CRN Around the world collection OUD Moisture treatment so I steamed it in. After steaming my hair was soft but not overly so.

Went straight into air drying with a leave in. Its an interesting product. I will use it again in 6 weeks and update. I did notice that the hair in the front of my head which is loose, was hanging straighter than usual. I used a rice water leave in so my hair seems to be firm and supple. I'll keep an eye out in the coming weeks.

Amazon product ASIN B076P5ZR32
Finished my small plaits. I plan to cleanse and use this water amino acid tx this weekend. Kinda nervous because I don't like to play around with different products. But my hair loves that baking soda/amino acid DC that I mix up at times and a 10 second tx is right up my lazy alley. Fingers crossed!

@shawnyblazes have you experienced any negative side effects since your tx?
Finished my small plaits. I plan to cleanse and use this water amino acid tx this weekend. Kinda nervous because I don't like to play around with different products. But my hair loves that baking soda/amino acid DC that I mix up at times and a 10 second tx is right up my lazy alley. Fingers crossed!

@shawnyblazes have you experienced any negative side effects since your tx?
Just staying on my moisture game. Being extra cautious @MzSwift
OK, so I washed my hair in the shower, parted my hair in two halves and applied the Moremo tx. Overall, I liked that my hair felt stronger immediately after applying it. It says to apply to "damaged" hair and my hair is texlaxed so I am always looking for convenient ways to incorporate protein.

Immediate Pros:
-only have to leave on the hair for 10 seconds
-easy to apply in the shower
-hair felt stronger
-smells great
-possible to use in relaxing process to infuse protein back into the strands

Immediate Cons:
-it warms as it is left on and rubbed into the hair. I'm not sure about the science of it all but it definitely makes me want to quickly rinse it out, Lol.
-may not be able to be used during the relaxer/coloring process

I definitely want to use it more consistently before I give a good "review" on it. I am happy enough with how it went and how my hair felt afterwards to continue to use it.
My hair is currently in a full PS.

I used the Moremo weekly with no adverse effects. It immediately makes my hair feel stronger. I don't play around, though, and I'm sure to rinse it out in 10 seconds. The warming sensation makes me nervous but I think it had hundreds or thousands of reviews between Amazon and other places where people have used it long term with good results and no ill effects.

I love it! It smells great. It's super convenient being able to do a protein tx for 10 seconds in the shower. I love how the liquid seems to penetrate into my strands. I really love the nozzle applicator as it allows me to use a small amount and then rub it in without wasting a lot of product. If I use this weekly, this small bottle could last me 4+ months and I have MBL hair.
only reason I have yet to use this is because I'm still weary of the general formulation. I also can't pinpoint which ingredient causes the warming sensation, but both of my concerns points to both of those alcohol ingredients. I'm very big on collagen, so from my theory I'm guessing the alcohols break down the proteins enough for them to penetrate both the cuticle layers, as well as membranes, and lipid layers. Interesting, but still making me go "hmmmm".
For anyone interested, HSN has more reviews and info:

only reason I have yet to use this is because I'm still weary of the general formulation. I also can't pinpoint which ingredient causes the warming sensation, but both of my concerns points to both of those alcohol ingredients. I'm very big on collagen, so from my theory I'm guessing the alcohols break down the proteins enough for them to penetrate both the cuticle layers, as well as membranes, and lipid layers. Interesting, but still making me go "hmmmm".

Thank you for this! I'm no scientist but what you said makes sense to me.

That’s my concern too. I like to take my time when applying product. I’m guessing most of the heat that’s felt is when it comes into with the scalp. I suppose if you keep it away from the scalp there would be no issue keeping it on longer

LOL, I totally understand the reservation. I've had the same regi and main staple products since 2010, I don't typically like to take chances. Once every few years, I might try something to simplify my regi. That was my hold up too, the fact that some reviewers said that it warms. A lot of others didn't report any warming at all though.

I don't put it on my scalp/new growth. I only apply it to my chemically treated hair, so I have no idea what it feels like on the scalp. However, the "warming" I feel is like lukewarm tap water. It doesn't get hot, just warm, but it's weird when it's not a common experience. Most products are cool from having sat in the container before we use it. The warming happens about the 7 or 8 second mark, just before it is rinsed out. It gets on the back of my hand sometimes and I don't feel the warmth. Surprisingly, don't get any chemical reactions either. Stuff like V05 Moisture Milks make my scalp itchy and burn, so I use caution as if I have some sensitivity or allergy.

It takes me longer than 10 seconds to put anything on my hair.
I want to try this but I don't want trouble lol.

LOL, same here. And I'm typcially heavy handed with my products. Because it's a 10 second treatment I decided to do it in the shower and split my hair down the middle into halves as a precaution. I squirt on a very thin line from the back to the front of my head, put the bottle down and the scrunch and massage the product in while counting to 10. It works right into the strands, probably because of the science that Sista Planet mentioned. I can tell which strands it has been worked into because there is an immediate difference in how the strand feels. The hair feels stronger, softer, hydrated and nourished. Really hard to explain. HTH! :) But I'm not pushing anything else on you after the yogurt. :p

I'll keep updating after months and a year. I plan to keep using it as my fine hair definitely benefits from the protein.
It's ok. I'll just wait a little longer to make sure your hair doesn't fall out:look:. Then I'll try it :lol:.

Have you been using this product for some years too? For some reason I thought you recently added it to your regimen.

:lachen: OK, it's a deal.

Yes, yogurt was definitely a staple for years. No adverse effects for me. I just started using it less because I would let the leftovers go to waste. Also because I started slipping in my haircare regi. DCing went out the window. Started incorporating more Henna glosses and trying out shelf products. That's why I'm using this Moremo, it plays into my need for faster processes these days. I'm looking for convenient ways to add more protein into my older ends I'm hoping that will help a lot with retention. That's another reason why it doesn't touch my scalp, I focus it on the ends. That way, only the ends will fall off. LOL. j/k
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My hair is currently in a full PS.

I used the Moremo weekly with no adverse effects. It immediately makes my hair feel stronger. I don't play around, though, and I'm sure to rinse it out in 10 seconds. The warming sensation makes me nervous but I think it had hundreds or thousands of reviews between Amazon and other places where people have used it long term with good results and no ill effects.

I love it! It smells great. It's super convenient being able to do a protein tx for 10 seconds in the shower. I love how the liquid seems to penetrate into my strands. I really love the nozzle applicator as it allows me to use a small amount and then rub it in without wasting a lot of product. If I use this weekly, this small bottle could last me 4+ months and I have MBL hair.

Would you say moremo is a mild, moderate or heavy protein treatment?
I use a product similar to this but it’s called L’Oreal 8 Second Wonder Water. I have used my version a few times and can give a review.

First of all, 8 Seconds is a joke. Even at my fastest it takes me a few minutes to make sure it’s applied everywhere.

Anyways, the first few times I used this, I tried to finger detangle my hair with it in which is sort of possible but time consuming. The last time I used it this past Sunday I just applied it and immediately retwisted my sections and hoped there would be no adverse effects of not having detangled with it. It turned out perfectly fine doing it this way.

Application is not super messy, but the nozzle can be kinda tricky, and it’s a watery product so I just have to be careful with how I apply it. It does run down to my face/neck sometimes but because I rinse it out as soon as I’ve applied it everywhere, I’m not bothered.

This product leaves my hair feeling suuuper soft upon rinsing it out. I haven’t felt my hair this soft under water since I did a cherry Lola treatment years ago. I do attribute this product to turning my hair towards the right direction. My hair is curling/waving up a lot more than it used to, especially at the roots. It lays flatter. Feels and looks smoother. Detangling has become easier. My hair is generally softer.

L’Oreal sells this for somewhere under $10 and it comes in 6.8 fl oz. The first time I used it I basically used up the whole bottle because I did it in the shower and couldn’t see what I was doing. Then I changed to doing it out of the shower and I use significantly less. I’m hoping with continued use I can get more uses out of one bottle. Since it’s so cheap considering how well it behaves in my hair, I’m okay with the price tho. I currently have two bottles and am going to order more.

Ingredient wise, the two look very similar except I think it says the Moremo uses Hydrolyzed Collagen, while L’Oreal uses Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein.
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When this thread first started I purchased the product & then forgot about it. Since the stay-at-home orders, I’ve been using up my stash & came across this Wednesday afternoon.
My hair did feel smoother after use. I think it helped that my hair was very thouroughly detangled but this was also the first time my hair was mostly unsuccessful in tangling back up in the lower third of the length. I was surprised I didn’t need to use all of it. The side that got to stay in longer was smoother than the side that was rinsed right after it was done.
Definitely want to use this again. I also bought the L’Oréal version of this after revisiting the cost of the Moremo. I hope this can continue to be effective & cumulative benefits would be really great.
Are you guys still using this product with good success? The amount of protein in the product is serious! I like that though.

So no follow up conditioner is required so do you just stay on top of your moisturising? How often do you use it?