More updates-Natural hair

I finally added more photos, with a growth update included. My hair is currently just past my bra-clasp (stretched). I also added photos of another long-haired natural, who I met up with during my recent trip to Pittsburgh, PA. Enjoy!!
Girl...I just went there...

I had to pull out the dictionary to come up with new ways to say..."I love your hair!!!"

I hope my hair grows up to be like yours one day.
Your hair is obviously loving its natural state!!

Do you ever blow dry it straight or press it just to see how long it is all over? I press mine once every couple months just out of curiosity. But then I miss my unpressed styles, and end up washing it after about 4-5 days.
YOur hair looks great and I love that pic when you're about to go to the club.
Thanks pookeylou, Nay, ms kenesha, and missykeyana!!! Y'all are so awesome!! :)
@Nay-I haven't straightened my hair since June 2001. I made the decision to give up straightening my hair.
Thanks so much miss brown, Ipanema, Valerie, and tracyannette!!! :)
@Ipanema-I wear my hair in twists most of the time. Once in a while, I will stray from the norm. LOL! Anyway, when it gets close to wash time, I will wear my hair in a twistout for a few days.
Diva Darling-your hair is too much!! What an inspiration! I too plan on transitioning until my 2nd year which will be in October. Help me hold on...
You are a natural inspiration! Your hair is beautiful and your mom and sister are natural too... it must be nice to have a whole natural family, because I'm like the hair outcast in mine. Anyway keep up the good work and happy growing.

By the way, I think your mom's hair is so pretty. I espcially love her with the afro.
Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures. You are adorable in that club picture. I love your hair.

Tell me how often to you wash your hair? ALso what leave ins do you use? Thank you.
Very beautiful! Hope I get there someday
Pictures like this keep me focused and show me that it's really possible. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Bublnbrnsuga, Super Hero Girl, jemini, Teva, and Solange for totally making my day!!! :)

@Bublnbrnsuga-You can do it!!! You can do it!!!
@Teva-I wash my hair every 8-10 days with conditioner. I do a modified version of no-poo, meaning I only use shampoo every three weeks or so. During the alternate weeks, I wash with conditioner. I use Pantene Hydrating Curls Frizz-Control Treatment as my leave-in/detangler.
As always, I continue to love and absolutely admire your hair! I want to know how long you've been natural? How do you deal with shrinkage? [my hair is notorious on the shrinkage; it's long but shrinks so much.] Can you explain your own haircare regimen, products? Thanks. You can PM me if you wish...

Excellent hair and growth!!!! I know this may sound weird but I would actually like more shrinkage!!!!!!
I remember viewing your pics way back when I first went natural Maestradiva, and being so inspired by them. I still am! Your hair is lovely.
Hi Maestradiva,
If you sent any pms on advice, products, etc. please share them here!

How do you use the Denman D83?
Beautiful hair!
Thanks babyblue, kerplunky, ayeshia, jetcitygirl, and Chimma!!!!!
@jetcitygirl-I just checked out your photos!! Your hair is looking fabulous!!!

I have posted the products I use on my homepage in the "Products" Section. Check it out!!
In addition, I use the D83 once a month to detangle my hair prior to twisting. As far as detangling, I only use the wide-toothed comb and/or D83 while my hair hair is wet (after shampooing and/or conditioning). I wear my hair in twists the majority of the time. The only products I use for twisting is a leave-in and Hot Six Oil.

Also, I work out 5-6 days a week, drink lots of water, and I take the following supplements: Powernutrient (multivitamin in drink form), Vitamin B6, MSM, Flex-a-min (combination of MSM, Glucosamine, and Chondroitin), Evening Primrose Oil, and Flaxseed Oil.