more surge success stories


New Member
A few days ago on May 19, I posted that I had achieved about a quarter inch of growth since my weave on may 7. however today I noticed that its now about 1 so excited.. im definately going to reach my goal at this rate...anyway im off to SURGE some more...

at this rate i may not be able to keep my weave in for 3 months..
Take a look at a picture here:
New Growth

Ok I'm a believer. Congrats
hey i started using surge too. It's been about 2weeks but i haven't measured my hair yet. BUt your new growth looks great!
Surge works. I am using it on my hair line. It tried it on my entire scalp and after the second application my scalp was on fire. I guess I am too sensitive. But it works good on my hair line
thanks ladies... im using it on my hair line too .. ill post some pics as soon as significant growth is noted....
