More side effects to Neosporin AF?

Vicki in Oregon

New Member
Hi everyone,
Weeks back I used Neosporin AF for the purpose of my hair growing faster, i had read on here it worked for some. Within a couple weeks I stopped because of severe headaches. Turned out many others experienced them as well on here. Anyway, even after I stopped using the stuff for another month I had NO appetite too. No explanation for that to happen. One person commented that for a while their hair did not even grow its normal amount after they stopped using it which I am experiencing it too. The fact that this topical can make hair grow faster, then stunt growth when stopped, caused major headaches in so many people, makes me wonder of more damage it could have caused. Those are major changes. Because shortly after I stopped it I developed super dry eyes, one especially. It is so painful. I can no longer wear contacts and there is little the opthamologists can do about the inflammation caused by the dryness and even less for the dryness. The pain is terrible, it always feels like something is in my eyes, always. Since the AF clearly has a systemic affect to cause headaches in many (and does cause scalp dryness) I wonder if it could be behind this new problem? I think about the timing being exactly right for all this but is it coincidental? There are stranger truths out there. The doc said once the tear ducts stop producing quality tears it never goes back to normal, which would explain possibly why I have the problem despite having stopped using it. I am so confused and hurting :(
The only side effect I had was that my hair stopped growing after I stopped using it. I stopped using it early June and now my hair is starting to grow back again but very slowly. I was getting 1-1.5 inches per month w/o the NeoAF and now I am getting barely .5 inches per month. This could also be because I have slacked on my vits lately also though (last three weeks). I'm contemplating starting the NeoAF again because I need the growth.
im sorry to hear about what ur going thru...

everything is not meant for everyone....and what works for some isnt going to work for everyone....but thats a little too late....

did these problems that you mention start off happening right away within the time u started using it or a couple of weeks after?did you mix it with anything else or just use Neosporing AF straight?
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Yikes Vicki. I am sorry to hear about this with you. Have you asked your doctor if these are indeed side-effects from the AF? Your doctor has a book called a PDR. This should list the drug and every side-effect known. I would recommend a full checkup just in case!!
THANK YOU All for your replies. So my headaches i noticed while using the stuff and then a few days after i stopped. the lack of appetite and dry eyes i noticed immediately after stopping it but that does not mean it did not happen during too because i may have not noticed i was so hung up on the terrible headaches maybe mine were somehow worse than others because i already deal with chronic heachaches but nothing like that so it compounded. when i used it i mixed with essential oil and carrier oil. i did tell the derm about it but she did not really say anything. i fear docs dont know since i used it off label. but if it absorbs for jock itch area and aborbs on the head clearly then maybe it has some similar side effects in the body even if used as directed? then again if that was the case then it would be off the market. i may ask the RN about it but i bet she does not know. faxed the opthamologist asking if the neo may have caused the dry eyes but he has yet to reply. I also hate that i am shedding a lot lately. dont get it, taking the iron as well as tons of supplements so why am i shedding like this? I know i stressed about majorly about my hair incident but i read hair loss occurs 3 months after traumatic stress and it has been 5 months since the incident yet the shedding began a month ago i think it was. not sure how to stop it. 300 hairs a day not normal and will thin it out further than the damage from breakage caused by the lovely hairdresser. Sigh..thanks all for listening. i hope the shedding stops and my eyes get better someday so i can wear my contacts despite the optha thinking i most likely cant go back to them.
Some natural ways to help your eyes and hair shedding....

1) When I was shedding badly, I tried everything as well. Be careful with the iron supplements if you don't know if you are tuly anemic. When I finally started eating more dark leafy greens, broccoli and more fish (particularly salmon and sardines in olive oil) My shedding stopped . It took a few weeks of consisitently eating better. But it definately helped.

2) I also use to wear contacts (before I got Lasix surgery). What would help my dry eyes was applying daily artificial tears for 10 days straight 2x / day while only wearing my glasses. Then drinking fresh squeezed or the Organic trader joes carrot juice. I could not believe how this made my eyes feel. After the 2 week period, my eyes readjusted and were back to normal and I could wear my contacts again. I use to abuse my eyes by studying in med school for months without changing my contacts. I was suppose to only wear them for 2 weeks at a time, but I was a poor starving med student and would stretch those sucker to two months. Needless to say, thank God my eyes are in good shape now. It use to be pretty bad at times.

HTH and take care
I would seriously reconsider using essential oils if you have any kind of sensitivity and I would never mix eso's with MN. ESO's alone, certain ones, can hang a licking on your hair like you would not believe. Some of the worst I ever had were when I mixed in certain essen oils with certain products, like MTG&rosemary for example< Guaranteed to happen.! I think you have to be very careful about combining things with a drug product or chemical product. bonjour
Hi Vicki, Sorry to hear that the Neo AF didn't agree with you. However, it sounds as if there may be some other health problems or a possible severe allergy to the micon- Your symptoms seem very extreme and I'm sure you don't need to be advised to not use it again for hair growth purposes. I hope things work out for you.
Also Vicki, since you have type 1 hair, this may be why it did not work for you. Type 1 hair has thinner scalps which allows really easy absorption which is also why this hair typically retains more length due to more frequent washing, etc. Have you tried mtg or is that too strong?
Queen I don’t know what type my hair is. It is fine, frizzy, naturally curly and was once medium thickness. MTG I have not tried because I could not handle the smell when I opened it. I am at a point where I am afraid to do anything. I wont even use the essential oils anymore, they didn’t help Maha. They didn’t work anyway. I felt like at least in mmy head that I was doing something abnout all this even if it did not work. Dogmd your baby girl is just precious!!! What a doll!!! I take iron supplements because the derm put me on them since my ferritin ironis super low at 14. That is why I take them otherwise would not since they have side effect I don’t like. I have been using various lubricant drops to make the pain go away it always feels like something is in my eye. Also on RX steroid drops and restasis. I can try the orange juice you mentioned, the fresh squeezed. I am willing to try anything this has gone on for 6 weeks now! How long did you experience it? The docs say once the dry eye starts it does not recover. And a sweet poster today e-mailed me a link that said loss of appetite (which I had for many weeks after I stopped it), headaches, dry eye can all be caused by this stuff. So my gut was right. No doubt it is the nasty fungus stuff that did this to me. Thank you all for your support!