More Scriputres For Ebonyeyes and others on God, Jesus and Holy Spirit


Well-Known Member
Full Article was too large will email if someone wants the whole thing. I took this class many years ago while working on my Ph.D which I completed in 2000 in Theology/Divinity with Biblical Counseloring. Hope this helps.

Info from “Theology Proper and Angelogy”,
By Dr. Clarence E. Mason Jr. Philadelphia College of Bible

I. In Scripture there are three recognized as God
A. New Testament witness

1. The Father is recognized as God
There are many Scriptures on this point, such as Jn. 6:27;
1 Pet. 1:2: “God the Father.

2. Jesus Christ is recognized as God
a. Expressly called God
Jn. 1:1; 20:28; Tit. 2:13; Heb. 1:8; 1 Jn. 5:20

b. OT descriptions of God are applied to Him
Mt. 3:3, cp. Isa.40:3; Jn. 12:41, cp. Isa. 6:1

C. He possesses the attributes of God
Life (Jn. 14:6)
Love (1 Jn. 3:16)
Holiness Un. 6:69)
Eternity (Jn. 1:1)
Truth (Jn. 14:6)

d. The works of God are assigned to Christ (beyond His miracles)
Creation (Jn. 1:3) Upholder of all things (Col. 1:17)
Raising of dead (Jn. 5:27) Judgment (Mt. 25:31-32)

e. He receives honor and worship due only God
Jn. 5:23; Rom.10:9; Phil. 2:10; 2 Pet. 3:18

f. His name is associated with that of God upon a footing of equality
Mt. 28:19; 1 Cor. 1:3

g. Equality with God is expressly claimed
Jn. 5:18; Phil. 2:6

3. The Holy Spirit is recognized as God

a. He is spoken of as God
Acts 5:3-4; 1 Cor. 3:16; 12:4-6

b. He possesses the attributes of God
Life (Rom. 8:2)
Truth (Jn. 16:13)
Love (Rom. 15:30)
Eternity (Heb. 9:14)
Omniscience (1 Cor. 12:11)
Omnipresence (Ps. 139:7)
Holiness (Eph. 4:30)
Regeneration (Jn. 3:8)

c. He does the works of God
Creation (Gen. 1:2)
Casting out demons (Mt. 12:28)
Conviction of Sin (jn. 16:8)
Resurrection (Rom. 8:11)
Omniscience (Mt. 9:4)
Omnipotence (Mt. 27:18)
Self-existence (Jn. 5:26)

d. He receives honor and worship due only God
1 Cor. 3:16

e. His name is associated with that of God as equals
Mt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14

I. These three are so described in Scripture that we are compelled to conceive of them as distinct persons but are same. We cannot conceive from physical but spiritual standpoint.

A. Father and Son are Persons distinct from each other some of there duties
1. Christ distinguishes the Father as “another” Jn. 5:32, 37

2. Father and Son are distinguished as the “begetter” and
the “begotten” Ps. 2:7; Jn. 1:14; 3:16

3. They are distinguished as the “sender’ and the “sent” Jn. 10:36; Gal. 4:4

B. Father and Son are distinct from the Holy Spirit

1. Christ distinguishes Himself from both
Jn. 14:16—17

2. Spirit proceeds from the Father Jn. 15:26

3. Spirit is sent by Father and Son
Jn. 14:26; 15:26

C. The Holy Spirit is a Person
1. Designations proper to personality are given Him Jn. 16:14
2. It is essential to any proper revelation.
3. It is essential to any proper redemption.
4. It is essential to any proper model for human life.

Jesus was conceive by holy spirit in the virgin Mary - Matthew 1:18
God was not alone before he made man, "He said let us make man". Gensis 1:26


I. God the Father

A. His relationships

1. Father of the

This relationship is definitely announced, but nowhere clearly
explained. It is fundamental within the Divine Being and has
always existed.

a. Plain statement of Scripture
2 Cor. 1:3; 11:31; Gal. 4:4; Eph. 1:3; Rom. 15:6; 1 Pet. 1:3

b. The Son is said to have been “begotten” of the Father
Jn. 1:14,18; 3:16; Col. 1:15; 1 Jn. 4:9 —

c. The Father affirms this relationship
Mt. 3:17; 17:5; Lk. 9:35; Heb. 1:5-10

d. Christ affirms this relationship
Jn. 5:17-26; 8:54; 14:12; 17:5; Lk. 2:49

B. His Works
1. Determination of the decree, Ps. 2:7-9; Jn. 6:37-38; 17:4-7
2. Election, Eph. 1:3-6
3. Creation, 1 Cor. 8:6
4. Sending Christ, Jn. 3:16; 5:37; 8:16
5. Raising of the dead, Jn. 5:21; 1 Cor. 15:15
6. Revelation, Rom. 1:2
7. Judgment, 1 Pet. 1:17
8. Disciplining of sons, Heb. 12:9; Jn. 15:1-2

II. God the Son (outline by Chafer)

A. His pre-existence
Mic. 5:2; Jn. 1:1-2; 5:58; Col. 1:17; Rev. 1:17-18; Jn. 6:62; 17:5, 24; 16:28; 8:42

B. The deity of Christ
Consider notes on this point in section pertaining to Trinity

C. The humanity of Christ (Incarnation)
1. Scriptural Proof
Jn. 8:40; Acts 2:22; Rom. 5:15; 1 Cor. 15:21; Jn. 1:14; 1 Tim. 3:16;

He possessed the essential elements of human nature- -a material body and a rational soul, Mt. 26:26, 28, 38; Lk. 23:46; 24:39;
Jn. 11:33; Heb. 2:14.

He was subject to the ordinary laws of human development and to human wants and sufferings, Lk. 2:40, 52; Heb. 2:10, 18; 5:8.

The normal experiences of man’s life were His, Mt. 4:2; 8:24; 9:36; Mk. 3:5; Lk. 22:44; Jn. 4:6; 11:35; 12:27; 19:28, 30ç Heb. 5:7.

2. Scriptural reasons
a. He came to reveal God to man, Jn. 1:14, 18; 14:9; Mt. 11:27; lJn. 3:16; Col. 2:2.

b. He came to reveal man. He is an example to the believer, 1 Pet. 2:21.

c. He came to provide a sacrifice for sin, Heb. 10:1-10.

d. He came in the flesh that He might destroy the works of the Devil, Heb.

2:14; 1 Jn. 3:8; Col. 2:13-15; Jn. 12:31; 16:11.

e. He came into the world that He might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, Heb. 2:16-17; 8:1;9:11-12, 24.

f. He came in the flesh that He might fulfill the Davidic covenant, 2 Sam. 7:16; Lk. 1:31-33; Rom. 15:8; Acts 2:30-31, 36.

The three Persons--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--are equal

A. These titles belong to the Persons

1. The Father has relationship to the Son and through the Son and Spirit to the Church.

2. The Son designates the relationship to the Father whereby He is sent to redeem the world.

3. The Holy Spirit designates the relationship to the Father and Son whereby He is sent by them to accomplish the work of renewing the ungodly and of sanctifying the Church.

B. Qualified sense of these titles
Like the word “person,” the names Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not to be confined within the precise limitations of meaning which would be required if they were applied to men.

C. “Generation” and procession consistent with equality (cp. Ps. 2:7)

1. Eternal “generation” does not speak of creation or procreation, but the Father’s communication of Himself to the Son.

2. It is not a commencement of existence, but an eternal relationship with the Father, there never having been a time when the Son did not exist as God with the Father.

3. It is not an act of the Father’s will, but an internal necessity of the divine nature, so that the Son is no more dependent upon the Father than the Father is dependent upon the Son.

4. It indicates that although the Persons of the Godhead are equal, they stand to each other in an order of personality, office, and operation in the of redemption

This order of priority is not necessarily superiority. The possibility of an order need not involve inequality. Indeed, when the plan of redemption is completed with the destruction of the last enemy, death, the Son is said to deliver up the kingdom to the Father, that (the)

God(head) may be all in all (1 Cor. 15:24-28). Thus, any order of authority is assumed for purposes of redemption. When this is completed, co-equality is eternally restored.
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TJD3 said:
Thanks star:kiss: .
My pleasure and I apologize if my comments came over wrong. You know I love you and only want the best for everyone. God Bless!
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Great post star!

I posted this in another thread and thought it would be great to post here too:

What Trinity is NOT:
3-in-1 does NOT mean that God (Father), Jesus (Son), & Holy Spirit are the same
They are NOT the same
They are NOT 3 separate gods either

What Trinity IS:
*The unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead according to Christian dogma
*The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit one in essence (in nature)
*Jesus and the Holy Spirit work together in Christians in order for us to have a relationship and constant communication with God

This image may help you out to a great extent:

John 1:1-18 is a great scripture in the Bible to support the concept of Trinity.

Check out this nice website to help you out more about Trinity, especially Part 05:
My final thoughts:

Sometimes we respond not understanding where people are with their walk and their talk. Everyone is at different levels and through faith, love, studying, praying etc. we will all get where we need to be.

Now we know God is over Jesus and Holy Spirit and these all came from God so He is God(Head). Mary became pregnant by the Holy spirit not a human. God was in heaven and earth at the same time but in another form(the flesh). God had to put on the robe of flesh and come to earth so He himself could experience what it feels like to be hurt, hungry, betrayed, happy, sad etc. If you study the old testament throughly you will see many complain to their leaders such as Moses that God did not understand what they were going through(I am paraphrasing) thats why in some cases there was alot of mourning and bitterness with God's chosen people. So God in Isisiah 9:6 proclaimedthe coming of Jesus and what he would do. Some of reactions from some where taken to the extreme because is what not clear so scriptures to back up any response is the absolute key.
All in all it is all good and this teaches us that many us look at things differently but with the proper scriptures, love, fasting/praying, bible study, more bible study, and most importantly praying to God for understanding the truth will be revealed. For some scriptures I understood what they meant but it was not until I experience something that it really came alive for me so life is good teacher too and when have the scriputes you can apply it to each and everything that happens in your life.

Isaiah 9:6

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Thanks Poohbear!!!

Poohbear said:
Great post star!

I posted this in another thread and thought it would be great to post here too:

What Trinity is NOT:
3-in-1 does NOT mean that God (Father), Jesus (Son), & Holy Spirit are the same
They are NOT the same
They are NOT 3 separate gods either

What Trinity IS:
*The unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead according to Christian dogma
*The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit one in essence (in nature)
*Jesus and the Holy Spirit work together in Christians in order for us to have a relationship and constant communication with God

This image may help you out to a great extent:

John 1:1-18 is a great scripture in the Bible to support the concept of Trinity.

Check out this nice website to help you out more about Trinity, especially Part 05: