More Henna Help.... Please someone

Lucky's Mom

New Member
hi ladies...
I need some assistance....

1. Must I shampoo my hair before I henna or cassia??

2. Will doing a Weekly henna for a few weeks greatly benefit me< or is this protien overload? I have seen conflicting info on this.

3. I want to BANISH Tangles..... Can I do this with a mix of Henna and Lotus Powder - Sofetening the texture????

I hope some henna heads can assist....
1. Must I shampoo my hair before I henna or cassia?? Personally, I prefer to clarify beforehand, to insure that the dye can have a 'clean' attachment to my hair - but I also add a LOT of conditioner to the henna to avoid it's drying properties.

2. Will doing a Weekly henna for a few weeks greatly benefit me< or is this protien overload? I have seen conflicting info on this. I think that for a certain period of time, you'll be okay - and how long that period is truly depends on your hair. After that period, you'll see protein overload. For me, I think I was about to do it for about 12 weeks straight, or so - but I'm not sure. Less than 20, more than 4. :yep:

3. I want to BANISH Tangles..... Can I do this with a mix of Henna and Lotus Powder - Sofetening the texture???? Girl, if you can, more power to you! I've never used the Henna & Lotus mix, and I'll be waiting eagerly for your results, because if you can - I'll be alllll over it! :lol:
I think you hair should be free of product as much as possible before you apply henna. When is the last time you clarified? I usually put henna on dry hair but I know of folks who have washed their hair first then applied it, again, probably to remove product build up. Personally I think doing henna once of week is too much. I have recently discovered that I was in protein overload from henna and doing cowashes a few times a week with conditioners that have protein in them. I cut back my henna treatments to once a month and basically dont even co wash anymore. Every two weeks might be ok if henna is the only protein treatment you are doing. I dont have any experience with the lotus powder so I cant comment on that. I mix my henna with conditioner, olive oil and water and I dont have tangles. HTH
1. Must I shampoo my hair before I henna or cassia??

I shampoo. Personally, I don't really clarify anymore, you'll get a good result even if you don't clarify.

2. Will doing a Weekly henna for a few weeks greatly benefit me< or is this protien overload? I have seen conflicting info on this.

I never did it weekly, but I have been doing it every 2 weeks. It leaves my hair soft and it's not a hard protein at all. If you are protein sensitive, be careful. It will build up after a while in any case if you keep doing it for too long of a long time, but I would be comfortable using it for a few weeks.

3. I want to BANISH Tangles..... Can I do this with a mix of Henna and Lotus Powder - Sofetening the texture????

My bf noticed that my curls hang looser (especially right after I use the henna) and I've only done it twice. Good luck, you may get a welcome texture change. My hair has had some improvement. :yep:
Henna isnt a protein but a tannin treatment. They work similar. Im protein sensitive but henna every month with great results. I usually do it on dry hair but if I have a lot of products in my hair Ill do it on freshly washed.
Yes henna is not protein. So make sure that you still get your protein although you probably won't need as much. There was a member here who stopped using protein all together, believing that the henna was sufficient and her hair broke something terrible.

Hmm so what is this lotus powder you speak of. Sounds very interesting!
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Yes henna is not protein. So make sure thatyou still get your protein although you probably won't need as much. There was a member here who stopped using protein all together, believe that the henna was sufficient and her hair broke something terrible.

Hmm so what is this lotus powder you speak of. Sounds very interesting!

What?? That sucks. Who was it? Did she write a thread about it?

We shall see what happens to me, I stopped using protein.
Yes henna is not protein. So make sure thatyou still get your protein although you probably won't need as much. There was a member here who stopped using protein all together, believe that the henna was sufficient and her hair broke something terrible.

Hmm so what is this lotus powder you speak of. Sounds very interesting!

This is good to know. I always thought it was a light to medium protein. I still incorporate protein occasionally with the henna treatments because I do think cutting protein out all together isn't a good idea.
Where do you buy your lotus powder? I heard that HennaJoy's old website still hasn't recovered since her death. I really wanted to try that stuff, too.
Yes henna is not protein. So make sure that you still get your protein although you probably won't need as much. There was a member here who stopped using protein all together, believing that the henna was sufficient and her hair broke something terrible.

Hmm so what is this lotus powder you speak of. Sounds very interesting!
:blush: Wow.... OK - Thanks for that nugget of info....

I am still researching Lotus powder.
I wrote to Kadijah, I am hoping for a response soon :)
Ok I should add that many people are Ok with just the henna and drop the protein from the regimens.... but there are those who need some mild form of mild protein along with the henna treatments.

Neith- I am trying to find out who it was. I am not sure whether or not she made a thread about it of if it was in her fotki... It was defo a lhcf member though. I thought that it might be Lavender but I don't think that it was. Anyway Im gonna have a look for it and then i'll post.
I always knew that henna is not a protein, but that it has a protein like effect and it does strengthen hair.

Hmmm... yay, I get to be a lab rat. 5 weeks, no protein at all at this point.
Before I started using MT, henna was my only 'protein-like' treatment, and my hair did fine......when I started using MT, I cut back severely on my henna use, because my hair wouldn't react well to the combo.
Ok I should add that many people are Ok with just the henna and drop the protein from the regimens.... but there are those who need some mild form of mild protein along with the henna treatments.

Neith- I am trying to find out who it was. I am not sure whether or not she made a thread about it of if it was in her fotki... It was defo a lhcf member though. I thought that it might be Lavender but I don't think that it was. Anyway Im gonna have a look for it and then i'll post.

Thanks for saying that *wipes off brow* I thought I was setting myself up for something bad for a minute there :lol: but my hair feels fine.

Thanks for looking for the thread :)
Before I started using MT, henna was my only 'protein-like' treatment, and my hair did fine......when I started using MT, I cut back severely on my henna use, because my hair wouldn't react well to the combo.

Isn't the second ingredient in MT Keratin? I can understand why you would cut back on protien.
Yea I cut back on protein a lot only using a leave in every once in a while and regular henna treatments. I got enlightened when I tried to DC with Ors Replenishing pack and my hair turned into a brillo pad!
Whew !! Y'all had me going reading the 1st few posts. My brain was rattling wondering how could henna be a protein ? it's a plant , milled leaves.

So to answer the other questions, I do shampoo my hair first but I don't clarify.

The henna has loosened my texture a little bit. I can see my curl definition a little more.
I do feel that my hair is stronger. I mix my henna with indigo to keep it brown instead of red and I use a couple tbsps. of Shikakai powder mixed in to make my hair stronger.

I will only do it 1x a month .
Yea I cut back on protein a lot only using a leave in every once in a while and regular henna treatments. I got enlightened when I tried to DC with Ors Replenishing pack and my hair turned into a brillo pad!

I am wondering if henna acts so much like a protein then why would cutting all other protein out be detrimental. I think people get so wrapped up doing henna and/or protein and forget about the moisture and that is why they have issues. I think in the last few months the only thing I have done strengthening/protein wise is a couple of hennas and an Aphoghee 2 minute when I did my relaxer. I pretty much use all moisturizing conditioners. If they have protein in them then I am not aware.
I am wondering if henna acts so much like a protein then why would cutting all other protein out be detrimental. I think people get so wrapped up doing henna and/or protein and forget about the moisture and that is why they have issues. I think in the last few months the only thing I have done strengthening/protein wise is a couple of hennas and an Aphoghee 2 minute when I did my relaxer. I pretty much use all moisturizing conditioners. If they have protein in them then I am not aware.

When I first started caring for my hair about 3 years ago I used Aveda Damage Remedy on a regular basis and it worked because my hair wasn't as healthy as it is now. Back then I needed protein but not so much now. Even though henna is strengthening I use it for the color too. My hair is a lot softer after using henna then it is after a regular DC with a moisturizing condish.
Isn't the second ingredient in MT Keratin? I can understand why you would cut back on protien.

:lol: Not sure if it's #2, but it's high, and I don't even use it directly on my hair, just on my scalp, but the rinse off is enough - more than enough, actually - for my hair. I henna roughly every three months now, and my hair seems to be happy with that. *thinks* Hrrm, I might be due for one soon, actually....

I am wondering if henna acts so much like a protein then why would cutting all other protein out be detrimental. I think people get so wrapped up doing henna and/or protein and forget about the moisture and that is why they have issues. I think in the last few months the only thing I have done strengthening/protein wise is a couple of hennas and an Aphoghee 2 minute when I did my relaxer. I pretty much use all moisturizing conditioners. If they have protein in them then I am not aware.

That could be it - I definitely did not have any issues cutting out the protein in favor of henna, which acts like a protein on my hair....but I also kept up my weekly DC's without fail.
Why for every different batch?

Because I'm a mistrustful chica. :lol: If it's brand new, I want to be sure it works the same as the old stuff does, and hasn't been contaminated somehow. Once I've 'proven' it's safe, I don't test the same bag again.
Has anyone on this thread done a strand test before using henna on their hair? Just curiuos.

yep, i did, right before the first time i ever hennaed. i harvested a bunch of hairs from my hairbrush, and let the henna sit on them overnight. the henna seemed to thicken up my strands, and it had a nice color deposit (i used jamila henna, with apple cider vinegar and turmeric).
I need some assistance....

1. Must I shampoo my hair before I henna or cassia??

when i apply henna, i do so on dry hair. but my main goal for henna applications is color deposit, so i wanted my strands to soak up as much of the color as possible. many women on here wash before applying, but i prefer to do so on dry hair. a pre-poo, of sorts :grin:

2. Will doing a Weekly henna for a few weeks greatly benefit me< or is this protien overload? I have seen conflicting info on this.

i wouldn't say it would be a protein overload, but it would be a waste of henna! :lachen: when i was on top of my henna game, i did it every other month, and noticed a positive difference in the general thickness of my hair. i suppose you could do this every week, but if you're looking for softening, why not try a lime and coconut milk recipe?

then again, considering that you're natural, this very well could be too much protein for you. an overprocessed relaxed head might find benefit, though.

3. I want to BANISH Tangles..... Can I do this with a mix of Henna and Lotus Powder - Sofetening the texture????

the wonderful thing about henna is that you can mix in ANYTHING to your mix! from red wine, to turmeric, to cinnamon; as long as it's natural, it probably won't hurt. i've never heard of lotus powder, but if it softens, then i say go ahead and try it.

do you have silk amino acids? try adding that to your mix, to assist in the washing process. it'll make it easier to rinse out the henna particles.

while some people add oil to their henna mixes, to help with rinsing out, it interferes with the henna deposit process. the oil can coat your strands before the henna has a chance to penetrate them, so you might want to pass on the oil, especially if your main goal is to have maximum color deposit.

personally, i've noticed that when i add honey and glycerin to my henna mix (after the color release period), the henna is easier to rinse out.

also, purchase an ENTIRE bottle of cheapie conditioner for the rinse-out process. trust me, you'll need it. i like to use V05 conditioners to rinse out with; they have a nice amount of slip with no cones. i have past shoulder length relaxed hair, and it always takes me around 3/4 of a 12 oz bottle of v05 conditioner to rinse out the henna completely.

hope that helps :)
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I need some assistance....

1. Must I shampoo my hair before I henna or cassia??

when i apply henna, i do so on dry hair. but my main goal for henna applications is color deposit, so i wanted my strands to soak up as much of the color as possible. many women on here wash before applying, but i prefer to do so on dry hair. a pre-poo, of sorts :grin:

2. Will doing a Weekly henna for a few weeks greatly benefit me< or is this protien overload? I have seen conflicting info on this.

i wouldn't say it would be a protein overload, but it would be a waste of henna! :lachen: when i was on top of my henna game, i did it every other month, and noticed a positive difference in the general thickness of my hair. i suppose you could do this every week, but if you're looking for softening, why not try a lime and coconut milk recipe?

then again, considering that you're natural, this very well could be too much protein for you. an overprocessed relaxed head might find benefit, though.

3. I want to BANISH Tangles..... Can I do this with a mix of Henna and Lotus Powder - Sofetening the texture????

the wonderful thing about henna is that you can mix in ANYTHING to your mix! from red wine, to turmeric, to cinnamon; as long as it's natural, it probably won't hurt. i've never heard of lotus powder, but if it softens, then i say go ahead and try it.

do you have silk amino acids? try adding that to your mix, to assist in the washing process. it'll make it easier to rinse out the henna particles.

while some people add oil to their henna mixes, to help with rinsing out, it interferes with the henna deposit process. the oil can coat your strands before the henna has a chance to penetrate them, so you might want to pass on the oil, especially if your main goal is to have maximum color deposit.

personally, i've noticed that when i add honey and glycerin to my henna mix (after the color release period), the henna is easier to rinse out.

also, purchase an ENTIRE bottle of cheapie conditioner for the rinse-out process. trust me, you'll need it. i like to use V05 conditioners to rinse out with; they have a nice amount of slip with no cones. i have past shoulder length relaxed hair, and it always takes me around 3/4 of a 12 oz bottle of v05 conditioner to rinse out the henna completely.

hope that helps :)

Thank you for the Detailed answers. I actually don't want color deposited...( I love Black Hair ) So - Thank you for all of this information!
i want to try henna and this thread answered a lot of my questions....ill have to do a strand test first tho...dont want any more setbacks:nono:
can someone tell me what black henna is? a co-worker (indian) gave me some black henna to try and i am a little worried about what may be mixed in it. its in a sachet and has a brand name as well