more hair on my head


Well-Known Member
is it possible to grow more strands of hair on your head? someone un-complimented me today - telling me "You don't have a lot of hair." Granted, my hair was professionally flat ironed extremely straight (and silky, might I add) ;) but i've NEVER had anyone tell me that before. Usually, I'm told that I have A LOT of hair. So, now a complex is coming on.

Anyway, what are some methods for growing more hair? I'm taking a multi with 300mcg biotin (when I remember). Also, I saw the thread about tips to make hair thicker and I'm going to give those a try too.
it probably looked like you had less hair than usually because it was flatironed. my hair is very thick before i press it and then when i press it doesnt look as thick sometimes i thinit looks kinda thin. or maybe the person who told u that was a hata. i heard carrot juice and taking a pathenol supplement helps too. i always felt that curls make your hair look fuller. try using curlers instead of heat. and there are different product that claim to make your hair appear thicker. i never tried them though HTH
I am not sure you can increase the number of hair follicles you have because those might be predetermined by genetics but I am sure you can use products to thicken the hair shaft itself. And of course a healthy diet won't hurt.
I think it was just the style. If you've always had thick hair, it's not going to be lost after one hairstyle. Besides, one person saying that is not much compared to a life time of people telling you it's thick.
So, I wouldn't worry. Your hair is just fine!! ;)
I agree with the prevoius post, that person must be a hater! Like, who actually cares about your hair so much that they would say such a negative thing :lachen: ! You know that person couldn't thought that was a compliment or somethin! They just hatin! If you like your hair straight, keep wearing it straight! Don't let anyone tell you anything about something they know nothing about (Your hair)! I could understand the concern if it was your hair dresser or something, but it wasn't! What does their hair look like? Girl keep ya head up and happy hair growing! :D
You know your hair better than anyone else! I wouldn't worry about what that person said. It sounds like a little green monster was rearing its ugly head. I'm not sure about methods of obtaining thicker hair. My hair is very thick and appears even thicker the longer it grows. So, perhaps this will be the case for you, too. ;-)
That could be...perhaps I just ran into a hater. She was a latina - not familiar with black hair at all.

It's just that after she said that, I felt like my ponytail holder wasn't holding a thick mass of hair...and I shed a LOT so that brings on feelings like I'm losing hair or something. When my hair is curly, its seems like there are endless hairs on my head, but that makes me think it just seems that way because the hair shaft is swollen. A good flat iron job can make it seem like less hair? I'll ask my stylist too, but until then I'll be eating more lean protein and doing scalp massages. The shedding drives me crazy though. I can run my hand thru my head and each time I pull out about 5 strands of hair!!! YIKES!
Hair tends to do least mine does: when natural and now as it is texturized, my hair looks all kinds of thick and full and plenty. Even (especially I should say)when I roller set it. But once I flat iron it-properly- then I am faced with reality: I really don't have that many strands on my head, in fact, my strands are very fine and doll-like, very light and- did I say fine? But boy do they swell. So I can easily go between looking like I have a world of hair to looking like I need donations :D