More Good News


Well-Known Member
God is on a roll in my life.

As you know I was out of work for 2 years. I will be starting a part-time job soon.

My Church has a Women's Retreat every year for a weekend. This year they will sponsor 2 women. However, you had to write a letter as to why you wanted to go and why you wanted to be sponsored.

Well... They picked me. I am sooooooooooooo happy.
Keep on precious Jesus.....faithful as you are, glory be your name for the opening way for sis zeal....lift those hands of yours and get ready to experience more and more signs from Him.

Here I am, celebrating and praying for you, girl :yay::yay:. Be blessed and stay strong in prayer, the deeper you get Jesus in your life, the uncountable gifts and most important peace you will have.Praise the Lord, for his mercy and love will last forever!!!!!
Praise Him!!! I am so happy for you, Zeal. It would have been soooo easy to give up and surrender. But you got up, dusted yourself, and kept trusting, praying, and praising. Even when things got worse, you remained faithful and look how God is blessing you! This just made my day!!
Ok yall. So here is the deal. I have not heard from the guy in about 3 weeks for the job. He called back 3 weeks after the interview saying that he wanted to hire me. I had left him a VM inquiring the next step. THEN he returned my call stating that the best way to contact him is via email as he is bad with phone calls. SMH.:nono::nono::nono:

He asked for more info to do a backgeound check. He did not callback when he said that he would. I sent him a email last week may Tue or Wed and have heard nothing.

I called today andleft a message.

This is very unprofessional. I heard that he is saved. I'd be wrong if I tld him that God is not pleased with his behavior.:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I understand that things happend..but at least keep your word...and for crying out loud - BE PROFESSIONAL