More braidout attempts


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! I decided to practice and wear another braidout for a babyshower today and I must say I like the results. It stayed put all day. No frizzy explosions. I added some pics to my folder. Since I have no curling skills I think either straight behind the ear doo's and braidouts will be my "down" style. Tell me what you think. I also had my bushy brows waxed a tad. I think I might go a little thinner next time. I just hate the upkeep.
Hi Godzooki!!!!!
I LOVE braidouts as well! I saw your album and your hair is GORGEOUS!!!!! It seems that a lot of ladies here have AMAZING hair....maybe one day, I can join the ranks...

As for the brows...mine are really thick and it seems no matter how long, I've gotten them still hurts!!!! So I try to tweeze more often.
I love your braidout Godzooki! I bet you received lots of compliments, it's very pretty.
Your hair grows so fast girl, your braidout will be where you stretched it in no time!
Thanks guys! I did get a lot of compliements and stares so it helped to loosen me up because I was tense about wearing it out in a public "everyone knows me " situation. Hubby still has not noticed the brow trim LOL! That's ok, it took me nearly half a day to realize he'd shaved his moustache off! I really hope I reach my goals because I'm drooling over the idea of having a braid out that reaches my stretch point!
Canadiana, I usually try to cheat the wax by tweezing myself in an attempt to upkeep but I always mess up and end up looking lopsided. If you look at my earlier pics, my brows were waxed way thinner but then the waxer messed up and took half my skin off leaving me with horrble scabs and lopsided brows so I took nearly a whole year off before venturing to do it again. It was THAT embarrassing!
great hair and growth! my brows are in a frenzy too. i can never win with these woolly looking things
ooooh, godzooki, I LOVE the braid out.i also love the way your new growth looks, i couldnt stop staring at looks just like mine.
Your braid outs look amazing. I think this is the best I have seen so far. How do you do it? Do your conrow or make single braids? Also what do you use to do it?

Very beatuiful, even your bushy brows and great.