Mommies, I have a question for ya


I've been noticing some of you stated you lost hair post partum. If you lost any hair how much did you lose and when did you notice the shedding?

I knew that the hair grows while pregnant, but I didn't know about the shedding several months after the baby arrives. :cry3:
queen92 said:
I've been noticing some of you stated you lost hair post partum. If you lost any hair how much did you lose and when did you notice the shedding?
I'd say about three or four months after my kids the thick pretty hair I had grown was lost. But that was just my experience. I was also not taking care of my hair.
My mom grew all this pretty hair when she was pregnant w/ my sister and she never lost it. In fact her hair has never flourished like this before.

I knew that the hair grows while pregnant, but I didn't know about the shedding several months after the baby arrives. :cry3:

You'll be okay, just take care of it.
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After giving birth last summer I started shedding 3 months post partum. It also lasted about two to three months for me as far as shedding. It did grow quite a bit during the pregnancy.
Disclaimer: Everyone is different!

I've been prego 3 times and everytime without fail I start shedding 4 months post-partum and it continues until my child turns a year old. I have tons of hair, so no one was the wiser. But I notice becuz it's always in the same spot every stankin time (the temples in a V-shape going back). The twins are really breakin me down (with thew shedding) but it'll be over soon as they turn a year this month! ;)
SweetCaramel1 said:

Ok...I feel you on this!!! :lol: Then again, I haven't had a baby in almost 8 years. I don't remember if I shedded or not, I do remember my hair growing like crazy though.
I have two kids, and I shed with both of them, starting at about 3 months post. Mainly at the temples, to the point where I had balding spots. Not so anyone would know but me. I was eating right and taking care of my hair. Nothing mattered. As I looked it up on the internet, during pregnancy the hormones stop your hair from shedding at it's normal rate. Thus the thickness, the luster, etc. After pregnancy, all those hair follicles that stayed past their shed date all of a sudden realize "Hey! I was supposed to shed!" Then they do. All at once. It's very scary, and you think you're going to lose all your hair. Fortunately, others told me it might happen so I was prepared, but it was still enough to panic me.
Well, I must say i had terrible shedding for the past 3months. My hair is finally starting to go back to its normal state...less shedding and starting to thicken/grow around my temple areas. All i know is that i had to do some serious conditioning and rarely wore my hair out or in a ponytail. I would braid it up for a low maintaince style. I recently got my hair trimmed and i had to have two inches taken off due to ragged ends. However, my hair did grow during the pregnancy, so i am okay with losing two inches.
All I can say is practice having a little patience and give your hair all the tender loving care it needs. Definetly, take care of yourself with a good protein-vitamin enriched dietand try to avoid heavy stress.
saratess said:
After giving birth last summer I started shedding 3 months post partum. It also lasted about two to three months for me as far as shedding. It did grow quite a bit during the pregnancy.

same here! I didn't shed AT ALL with my son, but after I had my daughter-- I felt like I was going bald. I couldn't even touch my hand to my head without hair coming off :eek: But if you look in my fotki around October and November when my shedding was in FULL force, you'll see my hair was some of the thickest it ever was! Strange. It was over in about 3 months though!
I can't say I shedded at all, because all during the pregnancy I wore my hair in cornrolls and after the birth cornrolls, until she was 2 years and 3 months. So for 3 years I didn't have a relaxer. But because we were in Hawaii (military) and I was seriously sick after the birth of my daughter and my husband was deployed again. My doctor had me go home for care and I had my hair taken out of cornrolls and got my first relaxer. For two reasons to see the growth and just because I was going home. I could go to the beauty school and learn some new ways to take care of my hair. Most of my shedding was from changing meds from time to time. I have cut my hair from below my bra strap 6 times since 2003, but now I keep it above the bra strap and below the shoulder blad that is the best length for me.

But I had to contine taken my prenatals after the birth of my daughter and maybe that had someting to do with it. Plus I was on a special diet for the high blood pressure and gastric problems. Oh yeah I did alot of protein shakes also, never know that can help.:look:
Thanks so much for the responses. I know that whenever I conceive, the health of my baby is my first priority. I just was shocked to find out about shedding. I asked my mom if she experienced it after my brother and me were born and she said no. I'm kinda glad that I read up on it because if I saw all of my hair on the floor, I probably would fall on the floor with it.
I started shedding with both my kids after I stopped nursing and continued to shed for about 6 months. I don't normally shed much at all, so any amount of shedding is noticable to me.
My hair grew like wildfire when I was pregnant!! I went from shaved around the sides and back to shoulder length in 3 months. It continued to grow after my son was born. I went from shoulder to bra strap in 4 more months!! After my son was about six months old the shedding started!! I cried because I was losing so much hair. But after a couple of months it went back to normal.....HTH By the way even though my hair was growing like crazy, I was not taking pre-natal vitamins because all of them made me very sick.
My hair was glorious when I was pregnant. My hair is naturally thick so when I was pregnant it was brastrap and thick as bush! Then at excatly 3 months post partem, my hair starting falling out like I put Nair on my head! And I don't even want to talk about my hairline. My hairline is still not as thick as it used to be 2 years post partem! I am currently babying it and seeing a dermotologist about it. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing but it comes with it's share of hardships too! :(