Moment of Temporary Insanity....


Well-Known Member
Ya'll betta pray for me... seriously! Well, tonight I had a wash session. Of course I detangle my hair before hitting the shower. You don't want to know how much hair came out in this session. Talk about depressed!!!
I had already decided that I was going to take Adrienne's advice and get braids so I could just leave it alone. Trying to make an appointment to have a girl do it some time next week. Matter of fact, I think I may just do braids non-stop for a year or so. I think this will ensure that I more than reach my goal of healthy, full brastrap length. You don't know... I was sooooo close to taking some scissors and hacking off all of my hair so I wouldn't have to see it shed like that. "Hair, you wanna fall out? I've got one up on you! I'm chopping you off so I won't have to see you fall off." This was the argument I was having in my head. Then I heard the other voice, "Why should we all get hacked off for some hairs that decide to fall?" <OK, hearing voices. Maybe I need to be in a nut house.
> I also know you shouldn't do anything drastic to your hair when you're upset. The amount that came out was more than twice the amount lost when I had that Nutrine disaster. That disaster jumpstarted my postpartum shedding big time!!! I know I shouldn't be so vain, it's only hair... but irregardless, it's quite depressing. I put the horror pic in my "Haircare Journey" album (see album link in my signature).
I can't find the hug icon if they have one (maybe I am a lil slow @ like 3 am) so I hope this will do *HUG*. Try to get some
and you were right not to do anything drastic. I don't think it's vanity and if anybody understands how important hair is I think it is all of these women on this board.
Alrite, viewed your album and I have a few comments.
1- You and I have the same ORS Shea butter
2- Cute pix of you and your prego friend!
3- Cute that boobie shot.
4- You and I have the same pillow case.

Alrite with that out the way down to bizzness. I didn't know if you uploaded a new pix of the lost hair, but I did see that blob of hair from the shampoo, and THE COMB! i think that comb is where you problem lies.

I just hate those combs. It looked too small, like it would just rip out all your hair. Throw it away and buy an metal afro pick. I comb my hair with nothing but an metal afro pick(since 1998) and it has dramatically increased my hair's thickness, reduced breakage and all around goodness. Infact I avoid all other combs like the plague. I could never go back to those plastic combs. Have you read Black Women Rejoice? She talks about how those combs are made with seams (if you look at your comb you can see the seam running down the handle and teeth from when they manufacture it). That seam RIPS OUT YOUR HAIR girl! Throw it away. Throw it away and throw it away now, or I'm gonna come over your house and throw it away for you!

Hope that helps a bit. And please buy a comb made of metal such as an afro pick or K-Cutter. Metal combs don't have seams. Irresistable had a pic of one in her album I think. Or you can do a search online.
NYCQT16 said:
I can't find the hug icon if they have one (maybe I am a lil slow @ like 3 am) so I hope this will do *HUG*. Try to get some
and you were right not to do anything drastic. I don't think it's vanity and if anybody understands how important hair is I think it is all of these women on this board.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, Girl....
dannie_19 said:
Alrite, viewed your album and I have a few comments.
1- You and I have the same ORS Shea butter
2- Cute pix of you and your prego friend!
3- Cute that boobie shot.
4- You and I have the same pillow case.

Alrite with that out the way down to bizzness. I didn't know if you uploaded a new pix of the lost hair, but I did see that blob of hair from the shampoo, and THE COMB! i think that comb is where you problem lies.

I just hate those combs. It looked too small, like it would just rip out all your hair. Throw it away and buy an metal afro pick. I comb my hair with nothing but an metal afro pick(since 1998) and it has dramatically increased my hair's thickness, reduced breakage and all around goodness. Infact I avoid all other combs like the plague. I could never go back to those plastic combs. Have you read Black Women Rejoice? She talks about how those combs are made with seams (if you look at your comb you can see the seam running down the handle and teeth from when they manufacture it). That seam RIPS OUT YOUR HAIR girl! Throw it away. Throw it away and throw it away now, or I'm gonna come over your house and throw it away for you!

Hope that helps a bit. And please buy a comb made of metal such as an afro pick or K-Cutter. Metal combs don't have seams. Irresistable had a pic of one in her album I think. Or you can do a search online.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok.. had to laugh at points 1,2,3 and 4!!! The ORS is actually my husband's... the pregnant girl in the picture with me is fellow LHCFer Webby. We had our boys three days apart. How funny is that?

The comb in the photo is a bone comb and is seamless. I make a point of using seamless combs. What I actually comb my hair with is a Jilbere shower comb. Here's a photo.
I only use that comb in the photo to make partings when I cornrow my hair and such. I've never had any problems when using it since I started my haircare journey, which was last year March. My postpartum shedding has kicked in. Because this is hormone related, there is nothing I can really do other than to ride this thing out. And to think that my daughter had the nerve to tell me today that she wants another sibling... "Hello!!! Your brother is still on my breast!!! Have you lost your mind???
" I'm finished in the baby department... getting to old for this stuff!!! OK, rant over. Thanks for your feedack, Girl!!! (You know, I think I have a metal toothed comb in my haircare stash...
Alrite...glad to know your hip to the comb game...otherwise, I would have to come and get you! Maybe you should just chalk it up to that post-birth shedding. I don't have any kids, but I feel your pain. Your right, nothing will stop that but hormones and time. Girl it just sucks when you lose hair that should be on your head!

Well good luck. Let us know how it goes. Hopefully we've helped somebody who didn't know about the seams in plastic combs.
dannie_19 said:
Alrite...glad to know your hip to the comb game...otherwise, I would have to come and get you! Maybe you should just chalk it up to that post-birth shedding. I don't have any kids, but I feel your pain. Maybe a protein treatment is in order? Your right, nothing will stop that but hormones and time. Girl it just sucks when you lose hair that should be on your head!

Well good luck. Let us know how it goes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, Miz Dannie... looks like I have to just ride this thing out. Protein wouldn't help me in that I am not having breakage. In my case, the whole strand is coming out. The brighter side to this is that the shedding shouldn't affect the length, just the thickness. At the same time, I don't want thin hair.
Well, hopefully it won't thin out too much. Lets cross our fingers! I'm glad you didn't cut it off though. And yeah I realized protein won't help post partum shedding because it's from the root, so I edited that out. How long does the phase last? I've read that post in the OT discussion by Supergirl and now I've read your hair shedding story. I'm scared to have kids!!!!!
Girl I am glad you didn't chop off all your hair. It has grown alot and you don't want to have to start from square one. I am sure eventually the shedding will stop. I don't have any advice to give but I will send out a big ole (((hug))))

I agree with Adrienne, give your hair a rest for a while.

Take this resting time to concentrate on that beautiful baby of yours!!

I just want to pinch his checks. He is so cute!!!

This sucks. I am SO sorry. I agree with Adrienne. Put it in braids and forget about it until you are ready and willing to deal with it again. If it still needs cutting then, fine - but don't do anything drastic until this shedding stuff is way over.

I've heard about a lot of women who have post partum shedding that scares them; but do you know I've never heard anyone complain that their hair was ruined or really took a beating because of it? I could be wrong in that (cuz I am NOT the Momma over here
) but if it's true then you don't have to worry so much, yes?
Yes, ride it out. That is good advice. Maybe Adrienne is right about the braids as well. I remember when this started happening to me after I had my daughter. I was devastated. It is hormonal and there is nothing that can stop nature from taking its course (at least I sure as heck didn't find it!). I just really cared for my hair. My temples have never returned to their pre-baby fullness, but the hair loss recovered and the hair grows back. Be extra careful and don't fret too much. It WILL pass and your hair will stop shedding. If you do get braids, make sure they are extra gentle around the temple area, which was my weak area during post-partum shedding. Good luck to you.
Hey, Diva, just want to give you a hug and a kiss
Just kidding! here.
Hope I made you smile a little. I agree. braid and give your hair a little break. It will help relieve some of the stress in you also.
Here's a BIG hug for you AJamericanDiva!

This situation will pass and all will get better in no time.
AJamericanDiva said:
NYCQT16 said:
I can't find the hug icon if they have one (maybe I am a lil slow @ like 3 am) so I hope this will do *HUG*. Try to get some
and you were right not to do anything drastic. I don't think it's vanity and if anybody understands how important hair is I think it is all of these women on this board.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, Girl....

[/ QUOTE ]

No problem
, I hope you were feelin better today (well yesterday now I
Your kids are toooo cute, just to add one more thing, keep taking your prenatal vitamins, I was told to keep taking mine even after I had my baby, because they can help with the after effects of having a baby(ie.postpartum shedding, postpartum depression), the braids are a good idea, but I would suggest that you start stocking up on some Surge to help grow back what you've lost in the comb along with some ORS Carrot Oil...
Plz dont give up or chop off ur hair looks great. its just a down fall or bad time it will pass.
Just find out whats not working, change up what ur doing if its not working for u. I really hate shedding. But I use frenchee most times when I comb my hair out and I dont lose much hair at all. It seems to always work.
awww big hugs..

I have a daughter but dont remember going through any major shedding...i know my sister kept all that pregnancy thickness she gained , while a friend of mine lost hers

although i cant relate to the post partum shedding, i did lose over half of the thicknes of my hair just about three years ago, due to illness, and i saw bigger clumps than your pics, so yes i can relate to the sadness and how hard it will pass girl just hang in there and keep up your vitamins, they help alot!!

are just losing the thickness you gained during pregnancy and your hair is returning to normal....or is it shedding beyond your normal thickness?
Hey AJD!

(BIG HUGS)!!!!!

Everybody gave you great advice. The only thing I would want to add is apply castor oil. It should help at the roots.
dontspeakdefeat said:
Girl I am glad you didn't chop off all your hair. It has grown alot and you don't want to have to start from square one. I am sure eventually the shedding will stop. I don't have any advice to give but I will send out a big ole (((hug))))

I agree with Adrienne, give your hair a rest for a while.

Take this resting time to concentrate on that beautiful baby of yours!!

I just want to pinch his checks. He is so cute!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, DSD. I think I will go back to my modified Crown and Glory techinique. I think I will try and sport braids for a year, with no relaxing in between. Boy! My hairdresser is really going to have to work for that money when she relaxes my hair. My last relaxer was April 18 before I went to have the baby, so you can imagine how much new growth I'll have in a year's time. I'm trying to get it braided this week. I think my hair will recover... ok, I KNOW my hair will recover.
It's just devastating to see... especially now that I'm into hairgrowing and have really taken notice of everything that happens to my hair.
Tracy said:

This sucks. I am SO sorry. I agree with Adrienne. Put it in braids and forget about it until you are ready and willing to deal with it again. If it still needs cutting then, fine - but don't do anything drastic until this shedding stuff is way over.

I've heard about a lot of women who have post partum shedding that scares them; but do you know I've never heard anyone complain that their hair was ruined or really took a beating because of it? I could be wrong in that (cuz I am NOT the Momma over here
) but if it's true then you don't have to worry so much, yes?

[/ QUOTE ]

Tracy, you're perfectly right... I haven't seen too many baldheaded women with newborns. I think that it probably won't shed past it's natural thickness. This shedding is from the hair that was shed during the 9 months of pregnancy. Thanks for that big 'ole hug!!!
ubavka123 said:
Yes, ride it out. That is good advice. Maybe Adrienne is right about the braids as well. I remember when this started happening to me after I had my daughter. I was devastated. It is hormonal and there is nothing that can stop nature from taking its course (at least I sure as heck didn't find it!). I just really cared for my hair. My temples have never returned to their pre-baby fullness, but the hair loss recovered and the hair grows back. Be extra careful and don't fret too much. It WILL pass and your hair will stop shedding. If you do get braids, make sure they are extra gentle around the temple area, which was my weak area during post-partum shedding. Good luck to you.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree! "This too shall pass!" Thanks for your support.
godzooki said:
Hey, Diva, just want to give you a hug and a kiss
Just kidding! here.
Hope I made you smile a little. I agree. braid and give your hair a little break. It will help relieve some of the stress in you also.

[/ QUOTE ]

Right back at ya, 'zooki!!!
I won't have to worry about daily styling with the braids... just wash, lube and go!!! I agree. Trying to get braids before the week is over. Won't do them myself again just yet, as I'll probably get constant interruptions from Lil' Papa.
Isis said:
Here's a BIG hug for you AJamericanDiva!

This situation will pass and all will get better in no time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, Isis!!! Just what I needed.
oglorious1 said:
Your kids are toooo cute, just to add one more thing, keep taking your prenatal vitamins, I was told to keep taking mine even after I had my baby, because they can help with the after effects of having a baby(ie.postpartum shedding, postpartum depression), the braids are a good idea, but I would suggest that you start stocking up on some Surge to help grow back what you've lost in the comb along with some ORS Carrot Oil...

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, Oglorious1!!! I've resumed my Surging.... I never stopped taking my vitamins. Matter of fact, I took my GNC Womens' Ultra Mega thru-out the pregnancy... maybe that's why Lil' Papa has so much hair!!!
When I checked the label of prenatals compared to the GNC one I take, I'm better off with the GNC.
happylocks said:
Plz dont give up or chop off ur hair looks great. its just a down fall or bad time it will pass.
Just find out whats not working, change up what ur doing if its not working for u. I really hate shedding. But I use frenchee most times when I comb my hair out and I dont lose much hair at all. It seems to always work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, Happylocks!!! It was the use of that Nutrine garlic shampoo that jumpstarted this shedding. I didn't have any shedding until I used it. I plan to continue to stick with my tried and true products. I'm sure the shedding will come to a halt eventually. It's just disturbing to see. No cutting for me. Rather than see the hair shed, I'll braid it. Only God knows how I'll cope with seeing the shed hair when the braids are removed
. Ah! Only time will bring this to an end. I am thankful for my healthy baby boy, so it's more than worth it!!!
Irresistible said:
awww big hugs..

I have a daughter but dont remember going through any major shedding...i know my sister kept all that pregnancy thickness she gained , while a friend of mine lost hers

although i cant relate to the post partum shedding, i did lose over half of the thicknes of my hair just about three years ago, due to illness, and i saw bigger clumps than your pics, so yes i can relate to the sadness and how hard it will pass girl just hang in there and keep up your vitamins, they help alot!!

are just losing the thickness you gained during pregnancy and your hair is returning to normal....or is it shedding beyond your normal thickness?

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, Irresistible! I think I'm losing the hair that I didn't shed during pregnancy. Right now the shedding hasn't had an adverse affect on the overall appearance... let's hope that it doesn't. Thanks for your support!
NGC said:
Hey AJD!

(BIG HUGS)!!!!!

Everybody gave you great advice. The only thing I would want to add is apply castor oil. It should help at the roots.

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Girl, I want to get that castor oil from Jamaica. I'll be sure to hit up one of my family members when they go down. Thanks for the big hug!!!