Moisturizing with a conditioner??


New Member
Hey ladies. I recently purchased some V05 Strawberries and Cream conditioner and after using it as a conditioner, I was glad I only paid $1.00 for it. After taking it out of the garbage, I proceeded to put it on my dry hair and left it there. I really liked it as a moisturizer. It kept my hair moist all day yesterday. Is this okay to do this long term? It won’t break my hair off, will it? :confused:

I'd say no, but experimenting doesn't hurt.--I would suggest keeping it for a pre-poo. Leaving it on for awhile, even overnight, before shampooing. I've left conditioners that I liked on in the past for several days, and it led to my hair lightening up, so I wouldn't suggest it long term. But I know that there are many members on this forum who've found moisturizing conditioners that work for them when they leave them in.
I've used it both as a leave-in on wet hair as well as a moisturiser on dry hair (thinned out with water in a spray bottle).

I never had any ill effects but I definately had to clarify the next wash.
foxy kc said:
I've used it both as a leave-in on wet hair as well as a moisturiser on dry hair (thinned out with water in a spray bottle).

I never had any ill effects but I definately had to clarify the next wash.

after trying a gazillion products, i've found that good ole cheap vo5 plus water and little castor oil does the best job EVA!!

no problems here - use with confidence LOL :)
Sar-I said:
Hey ladies. I recently purchased some V05 Strawberries and Cream conditioner and after using it as a conditioner, I was glad I only paid $1.00 for it. After taking it out of the garbage, I proceeded to put it on my dry hair and left it there. I really liked it as a moisturizer. It kept my hair moist all day yesterday. Is this okay to do this long term? It won’t break my hair off, will it? :confused:

sorry to hear that, cuz i've always loved me some V05!

i co-wash with V05 every day or every other day. you don't have to worry about cone buildup so unless you like to go a month or more without washing your hair, i'd say you're probably okay. :D
I do this with Deep cons and it works great for me. Never tried the cheapie brands, but I say if it works for u then roll with it.
ladylibra said:
sorry to hear that, cuz i've always loved me some V05!

i co-wash with V05 every day or every other day. you don't have to worry about cone buildup so unless you like to go a month or more without washing your hair, i'd say you're probably okay. :D

You know, it may not be that bad afterall. I tried it again and it was pretty good. I just needed to clarify my hair. I'm glad I found a good cheapie.:)
i use botanical conditioners as leave-ins all the time. my favs aussie moist & aubrey orgaincs rose mosqueta. if it works for your hair keep it:lol: