Moisturizing technique


New Member
I've been moisturizing my complete head for the past 2 days and I went through my 6 oz bottle of NTM moisturizer really fast. It also takes me more than an hour to do my whole head. I part my hair in 4 sections and then I apply my moisturizer in the way that you apply a perm, except I put in on the whole hair shaft. Well my question is, am I over-doing the moisture. Would it be enough to just focus on my ends versus every single hair on my head. I'm also about 6 weeks post so I need to keep my NG from drying out. Also, I did notice a little more breakage today than yesterday. If anyone has a different technique that allows them to keep their hair well moisturized while using less time and product, I would love to hear about it. Thanks in advance
When I moisturize my hair, I part my hair in four sections and moisturize that way. I moisturize the entire four sections, but I focus on the ends.
That seems like a lot to me, if only because i could imagine you getting a lot of build up from putting that much product on your hair. NTM made my hair gunky when i put too much in it, so i topped using it. When i moisturize, i do it in sections, but i dont use very much product and i just distribute it the way i'd do with any serum or hair product, but i try to focus on the ends.
I use NTM. I have thin, fine below shoulder length hair and I use only maybe two - three "dabs" or "squirts" per application. I part into sections as well but I just put the product in my hand, rub hands together and then distribute evenly into sections for length of hair. I then do one "dab"/"squirt" focused on the ends specifically and seal with some oil (usually coconut or a castor oil/olive oil mixture). HTH
This is how i moisturize my hair too. Almost as if i am putting on relaxer. Since my hair has been dry and breaking from using too much protein. I went out and bought BB Oil moisturizer. a hair lotion with Castor oil in it. ANd that has done wonders for my hair. I've been using it a week. And since my hair pratically drink moisture. I dont see any breakage and my hair is not dry anymore. SO it depends if you have really thin hair or thick.. mine is thick so it drinks it all up.. that's the only way i can keep them moisturize
Seems a bit much to me. I part my hair in two sections and apply to those sections as a whole each. I focus on my ends and put the excess product on the rest of my hair. I use half a pump of product on each section.
Seems a bit much to me. That's a lot of time and product for daily moisturizing. Does your hair feel like it needs it? If so, maybe focus some more on you deep conditioning so maybe your hair won't feel like it needs so much to quench it.

When I moisturize I just take a squirt (maybe a quarter size amount or less) apply to one side, do the same on the other then comb through to distribute.....takes less than 5 minutes. I don't think you need that much for your hair to be moisturized.
Or it may be that you aren't using the right moisturizer for your hair. If you need that much I think it may not be as effective as another product where you would not use as much but gives you those results.
Seems like a bit much to me too. I think if your hair needs moisture than you need to dc a lot more often and maybe rethink the other products that you are using. I have lots of hair and it used to be desert dry but now that I have got the moisture in I don't even have to use a leave in. I am able to put a little bit of conditioner in it while still wet and that's it.
Or it may be that you aren't using the right moisturizer for your hair. If you need that much I think it may not be as effective as another product where you would not use as much but gives you those results.
Yes, I was gonna say that too. Try finding a quality moisturizer that is concentrated so a little will go a long way. It could just be that the NTM isn't right for you. If you're having to slather it on like a perm than it's probably not doing anything for you.
Thanks everyone for your responses. I don't really think my hair necessarily NEEDS it that much because it actually wasn't feeling dry when I was doing the moisturizing. I was only doing everyday because I've seen it in many threads that ladies moisturize 1-2x daily. I'll try using a little less this time and see how that works out for me. Thanks everyone! Trial and Error and of course the LHCF will get me where I need to be :grin: