moisturizing question.....


New Member
I have a couple of questions, I know that they have probably been asked before, so please forgive me. First question, for those of you that wear their hair down,when you moisturize your ends how do you do it? Do you put whatevery you are using on your ends and then proceed to style your hair, or do you wrap it up and moisturize it like that and if so isn't this the same as mosturizing your ends and hair also? Second question, is this enough to keep my hair and ends moisturized; I use a concoction of Surge, HaireverII and S-Curl in a spray bottle and then I seal with WGHO. Is this enough, I recently got my ends trimmed and I want to keep them in good shape.Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. By the way I also finally used the freshlook bodiphier system for my hair (supposed to be a natural relaxer) and it turned out great.
I moisturize my hair two ways:
1. I use a deep moisturizing conditioner, like Humecto or Biolage Hair Masque for 20 minutes or more.

2. I use a creme leave-in like Humectress mixed with another creme leave-in such as Lacio-lacio or Potion no 9.

I then put my rollers in, let hair dry completely and then blow my roots. Only after I am done styling or using the blow dryer, do I apply some time of moisturizing headress.

IMO, I don't think it's good to add products to the hair until you are done with the heat portion of styling. Heat + oil or product = cooking your hair.
if I have my hair pressed I moisturize at night. I'll put a moisturizer on my ends and either wrap my hair or make a few loose buns.

If my hair is in it's natural state I moisturize with a creme when damp (like aveda universal styling creme) and then once i'm done styling (either diffusing or twisting/braiding for a twist/braid out) I'll add a moisturizing serum to my ends
I lightly oil my hair at night then wrap it up. In the morning, it is still moisturized from the night before so all I just have to do is comb it out. This hasn't failed me yet

webby said:
I moisturize my hair two ways:
1. I use a deep moisturizing conditioner, like Humecto or Biolage Hair Masque for 20 minutes or more.

2. I use a creme leave-in like Humectress mixed with another creme leave-in such as Lacio-lacio or Potion no 9.

I then put my rollers in, let hair dry completely and then blow my roots. Only after I am done styling or using the blow dryer, do I apply some time of moisturizing headress.

IMO, I don't think it's good to add products to the hair until you are done with the heat portion of styling. Heat + oil or product = cooking your hair.

This is what I do too (cept I don't blow my roots like Webby because I NEVER do it right...LOL!) . When I take my wrap down in the morning, I apply whatever I'm putting on my ends to the last 3 inches of my hair only (I just gather my ends in my hair in a ponytail type fashion and smooth mositurizer or whatever onto the ends). Sometimes in the AM before I take the wrap down, I will spray a spary shine product onto the wrap to shine it up a bit and to give the hair some protection from the combing that is about to ensue.

I don't like to moisturize at night. When I do, the mositure tends to "marinate" and whatever oil my scalp produces combines with the moisturizer and I end up with limo hair. I just add what I need in the AM.
Well the way I moisturize my hair is overkill but it is working for me in the winter. What I do is I use B&B Oil moisturizer and S-Curl No drip. I really slather it on. Then I use about 10 drops of WGO on my ends. I do this at night. When I wake up, my ends are moisturized but not greasy. My hair is extremely dry this season so I do overdo it.