Moisturizing conditioner after Mane & Tail


Well-Known Member it necessary? I understand that it's a light protein but is it vital to use a moisturizing conditioner after a light protein conditioner? I currently have the moisturizing M&T but I'm about out... I'm thinking about switching to the original formula. I don't know if supergirl is still an active member but I remember she used the original M&T formula, but I can't recall if she used a moisturizing conditioner afterwards. Hmm.

I have never had the need to use a moisturizing conditioner after that one. In fact, it IS moisturizing for me. It is not drying and I don't considier it a protein treatment sort conditioner for my hair.

I have used it alone many time, infact it was a staple for me at one point.

I think you will be fine.
It is a light to med. protein condish with moisture benefits as well just like ORS. You should not need to use a moisture condish afterwards.