Moisturizing and sealing natural hair


New Member
Thank you for visiting my thread. I have a slight conundrum, so your responses will be much appreciated.

I have natural apl hair that I would like to moisturize and seal more often. I detangle and co-wash my hair with a cone-free conditioner every 7-10 days. I'll wash it with a natural shampoo maybe once a month. I twist my hair wet with a heavy natural butter mixture, which includes shea, aloe, avocado, olive oil, jojoba oil, whatever I have on hand. I'm pretty heavy handed with the butter. When it has airdried completely, I untwist it and wear it in a high loose bun secured with two small schrunchies. I rarely wear my hair down/out. After the second or third day, my hair starts to feel a little dry, even though it still has a nice shine. I've been told my hair "glows" in the sun. I moisturize my hair with a water based product, or simply water, and seal with my butter mix, but my hair begins to shrink/curl up on itself creating tangles and ssks, and the waves from the twists begin to frizz. I'm a low mani girl, so going through the whole process of twisting, moisturizing, and sealing my hair to avoid tangles and knots is out of the question. I don't have time for that. Here are my questions:

Is it ok to simply apply the butter to my hair without "wetting" it first?

Do the butters and oils I mentioned above have enough moisturizing properties to skip the moisturizing step?

If not, is there a natural product that I can add to my butter mixture that will properly moisturize my hair without causing it to curl up at the ends?

Is the feeling of my hair after a couple of days just the feeling of hair that is dry, not neccessarily dry hair that needs to be moisturized and sealed?

Thank you in advance for your input!
As for the "Is it ok to simply apply the butter to my hair without "wetting" it first" question, I think that it is totally ok to NOT wet the hair first. Right now, I moisturize my twists with Qhemet's Burdock cream (first ingredient is water) and then I seal with their Alma Olive cream. I couldn't imagine putting a hat or going outside with wet hair. This works because I can feel how moisturized my hair is after re-applying those products during the week. Also, my twists easily unravel when I'm ready to take them out. I don't have those larger knots on the end.

About the natural product, I don't know of one that can do that. From what I understand, a moisterizer (water) will revert the hair to its natural state.

IMO, if the hair feels dry, it needs to be moisturized and sealed.

I think it's okay to use butters, creams, or oils without wetting it or using a water-based moisturizer first. The only thing you want to keep an eye out for is buildup from the butters, creams, or oils.

Have you thought about leaving your hair in a twisted bun rather than a loose bun? Wearing your natural hair in a twisted bun will help with shrinkage, tangles, and knots, but maybe not frizz. I have been keeping my hair in a twisted bun and moisturizing with a water-based moisturizer and it's been working pretty well for me so far.
Is it ok to simply apply the butter to my hair without "wetting" it first?
I've just started making my own butters and products so I may not be the best person to ask. I personally just buy products that are already made and are all-natural. my favorite brand is Qhemet Biologics. I believe their Cocoa Detangling Ghee does not have water in it if you're afraid of shrinkage. I have used it but I did not like it as much as the other products. If you're the kind of person that only likes using butters then I would recommend that product. Komaza care also makes a nice moisturizing butter, too.
I personally prefer using water. Butters just sit on my hair if I don't apply them to it wet. I also prefer using butter as scalp grease.
Do the butters and oils I mentioned above have enough moisturizing properties to skip the moisturizing step?
They most certainly are moisturizing but my hair doesn't work with products that are only butters. Maybe if I used it to seal my ends but I have to have water for moisture. Maybe adding honey powder to your mix might stop you hair from shrinking up. I actually band my hair to stop shrinkage.

If not, is there a natural product that I can add to my butter mixture that will properly moisturize my hair without causing it to curl up at the ends?

Is the feeling of my hair after a couple of days just the feeling of hair that is dry, not neccessarily dry hair that needs to be moisturized and sealed?
If you're hair starts breaking, then I think it might be dry. If it doesn't then I guess your mix works for you. Butters without water doesn't work for me.
Thank you in advance for your input!
