

FKA Pokahontas
My staple moisturizer is Qhemet Biologics Amla and Olive Heavy Cream. I love that stuff!
It makes my hair so soft, silky and moisturized w/o the heavy feeling. It's really helping to stop any breakage I have. I just ordered the Sidr Tree Butter too. It smells great but I haven't given it a test drive yet, lol.

Another one of my fav's is Oyin's Whipped Pudding. These are the only moisturizers I use right now. Just curious....what moisturizers are you ladies using right now?
I don’t really use a “moisturizer”. I get my moisture from conditioning, but I do put a little Hemp Seed oil or Shea oil on my hair daily. Does that count?

I used to use Emu oil, but it is just so expensive for the good quality ones.
The Amla & Olive Heavy Cream sounds like something I could use since it's not heavy and it's for dry hair. The Oyin's Whipped Pudding had been on my list of products to try.

I've been using ORS Olive Oil. It's a good moisturizer but 1) it has mineral oil and 2) It doesn't smell too good. I like that it's low in protein, though. I've had a lot less breakage since I started using it.
I like spray on moisturizers.
My latest mix is 1 bottle of daily doctor plus 1 bottle of mango and lime gro spray. I add a bit of water. It detangles and moisturizes exceedingly well.

I also like qhemet and oyin's products. I want to order more of the honey hemp conditioner from oyin. it was a great leave in.

For moisture based ones I use NTM silk touch leave in, S-curl, ORS olive oil, or ORS carrot oil...

For protein based ones I use Cantu Shea Butter Break Cure and Grow Strong treatments, and elasta qp mango butter.
Neutrogena Triple Moisture.

I love this stuff but i'm looking for something else as well that will let me to continue to have body yet moisturize my hair.

any suggestions?
current favorites

amla oil heavy that stuff too!! my current favorite
jamaican cactus leave in moisturizer
side tree butter balm!
saqqara said:
Another vote for qhemets heavy cream and sidr tree butter. My hair loves these products! :)
Mine too:) Has anyone tried the Olive and Honey Hydrating Balm? I like that one too. It's very light and softens my hair very well. I use it on my edges when they get a little frizzy and they lay right down.

Thanks for all the replies!
I switch between ORS Carrot Oil and Cantu Grow Strong. <---Smells yummy, and keeps my hair soft, and manageable....

ORS is great for strength and manageability as well...
Always Oil Moisturizer (but a little on the heavy side. Don't use this when I want some swing).

Humectress (just a dab for leave in. is really lite)

* I'm really tempted to try NTM
QB Heavy Cream & Olive Detangler
EQ Mango Butter
My Homemade Spritz

I didn't like the Qhemet Biologics Balm it was alittle to greasy for my hair.
Dudley's PCA. Many think it is too wet, but that is why I like it. I feel like it is an actual moisturizer. Plus I have a feeling my hair likes the protein. I think this will be my staple, we'll see how it responds over the long run.
I switch between ORS Olive OIl and Keracare Creme Headdress. I always seal those in with Sweet Almond Oil. I use this every night before I wrap:)
NappyParadise said:
Off Topic! But Synthia what are you doing with my Man's picture!!!!

Girl I Love That Man!!!!!

Isn't this a gorgeous picture of him? !:grin: I love The Rock!. Look at his sensitive , pensive face here. :p.

I'm seriously thinking about hanging out at a bodybuilding gym to find one of these. I am soooo going through a Tarzan phase. :blush: :kiss2:

Wimps, begone!
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both ubh moisturizers dew and lotion creme and equal parts jojoba oil and coconut oil to seal
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Another vote for Qhemet Amla & Olive Heavy Cream, it's my staple as well.

I tried the Sidr Tree but it doesn't come close to giving me the softness that the Amla & Olive Heavy Cream does.