Moisturizer before relaxer....


New Member
I am doing a touch-up on Saturday (no lye relaxer). I normally don't do anything to my hair 7 days before a relaxer treatment because I have an overly sensitive scalp so I just let it have it's way for 7 days. I usually use Elasta QP oil moisturizer (I use it and Chi Silk Infusion as my leave-ins after I wash my hair and before I roller set). Then, since I roller set my hair every night, if my hair needs moisture I use a little more of the Elasta QP before I put the rollers in. I have not been doing that because of the upcoming re-touch and my hair feels like straw. Any advice on a moisturizer I can use that won't piss off my scalp on Saturday.
well a day or two before i do my relaxer i apply Profectiv Break Free and never had any problems. I don't apply it to my scalp or roots though.
I applied Kenra MC a day before and the day of sealed with heavy oil and had no problems at all!
well a day or two before i do my relaxer i apply Profectiv Break Free and never had any problems. I don't apply it to my scalp or roots though.

I do this too but I give myself a 3 day head start on protecting my ends from over processing. I ususally base my scalp very well the night before my relaxer with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly.

Please note, it is best to use a protein-rich moisturizer because the relaxer really rips through the hair and destroys the protein in the hair so if you put some added protein protection on the hair strand, you minimize the effects of the relaxer on your delicate strands. In other words, by putting on the protein-rich moisturizer, you are helping to build up the hair (which is predominantly made up of protein) before putting on the relaxer.
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