Moisturising and Sealing


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies

I have done a search but couldn't find much surprisingly! I currently use a no comb until wash day, minimal product (adding oil once a week) regimen in order to keep my hair light and without breakage from constant combing. I am considering a change and wondered what the benefits of moisturising and sealing are, whether or not you must do it daily, what type of products to use and if it weighs down your hair. Any info would be much appreciated x
Honestly, your hair looks AH-MAZING! Keep doing whatever you're doing and don't add anything you don't need ^_^
Your regimen is consistent and has been working for you for years. Your hair is healthy, you maintain your thickness, and you retain your length. Personally I wouldn't change. If it is not broken, don't fix it.
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Lol! It's funny u both say that cos I often find my self in hot water when I try and change things so why am I suddenly itching for something new?! Maybe I should take heed! Thanks for the compliments!
@lonei - your hair is gorgeous. I think most moisturizers/sealers would suggest keeping to doing what you're doing if it's working for you. I moisturize daily and I don't seal as often. I bun a lot and like to ensure I keep my hair well hydrated to ensure I don't cause any setbacks. I comb every few days to keep the tangles down. I don't seal as often to keep the hair from being too greasy. I like Bee Mine Balance Cream Moisturizer for a moisturizer and I will seal with avocado oil (softness), evco (shine) or jbco (tame bushy ends). Just depends on what I'm trying to achieve.
Hi Lonie,

I think consistancy is your best plan. The only thing you should change is your mind about changing what your are doing.:yep:

You have done a excellent job with your hair and it appears to have a 10 ++ years growth span. So keep it up and keep growing. :yay:
I also think you should stick to what's working best for you.Unnecessary experimenting is a major cause of setbacks.

To answer your question though, moisturizing and sealing was the 1# "ends retainer" for me. When I first started out DC'ing did not last through the week for me. So I used hairveda whipped ends and sealed with oil every night. This kept my ends moist and smooth!

I still do this every other day, but since I bun, spritzing with water has been pretty effective.