moisture vs protein...signs your hair needs each?


Well-Known Member
ok I see from other posts Im not the only one confused about protein and how much is enough or too much.

I was wondering if one (or some!) of you hair divas out there can school us on the signs that your hair needs moisture vs signs it needs protein.

For example, if you are seeing hair all over the place(bathroom sink & floor,etc) or snaps in the comb, does that mean your hair is probably weak and breaking so it needs protein or that its just dry and needs moisture?

also, I have naturally dry, thirsty hair that soaks up any kind of moisture with a quickness, is there anyway to overcome that? I think my products are on point, but my hair gets dryer each day that passes till I wash again(I wash 1-2 times a week). I constantly moisturize but my hair constantly looks and feels dry unless its right after its been washed. I dont use blow dryers or curling irons so I dont know why...
I use protein when my hair feels soft and mushy when it's wet and I see lots of small hairs around on the floor or sink when styling. At these times I use MILD protein conditioners. I only use heavy duty proteins when I have done or will do a particularly strong chemical service like relaxing or color. I try to limit them to every 6 weeks. When I do something REALLY stupid that I KNOW will compromise the strength of my hair - like color back to back 5 times in 2 weeks
- I use heavy duty proteins (Emergencee - Aphoghee has always been too strong for me) weekly for a few weeks to counteract and stave off damage rather than waiting until the signs appear to take care of it.

My hair isn't often dry, but when it is I know it needs more moisture (and oil on my hair, not to ADD mositure but to stop it from escaping so quickly) because of the way it looks and feels. It is dull and feels hay like or straw like and that's when I know some extra moisture is in order. At time like that, I use a good moisturizing conditioner, a heavier leave in and some oil just on my very ends (on wet hair usually).

The more PH balanced you keep your hair, the more moisture it will actually KEEP when you apply it because the protective layer of the hair (the cuticle) stays closed and allows that layer to operate as it was designed shield and protect the inner structure of the hair. Try adding ACV rinses or color rinses to your routine. You may also need to rethink your products if they aren't giving you th elong lasting moisture your hair needs. You may something that penetrates better, or is a little heavier or something.
I had a qestion about this too. I want to Use the Aphogee but do i use this before or after a touch up? Also can a protien and moisturising conditioner be used back to back to balance the effects?
A moisturizing conditioner should be used after a protein b/c proteins maekt he hair dry. Some people do proteins 1 week before a relaxer retouch and/or 1 week after. This is what I do.

I went to a beautician and told her that my hair was breaking she said it was a lack of protein on the hair and in the diet. She said you can moisturize all day and night and you hair will still break if it has a lack of protein. So basically she was saying that when your hair starts to break it is from a lack of protein in the hair. But, after any protein treatment you must moisturize.
*siiiigghhhh* every time I think I figure something out, I get confused. My hair was feeling brittle and my hair was moderately shedding and breaking, AFTER I had done 2 protein treatments two weeks apart. I thought maybe I had overdone the protein, so maybe I should lay off of it for a while and concentrate on moisture....

last night I clarified and did a deep conditioning w/ humectress, EVOO, coconut milk, and honey...and it left my hair much softer and more managable....

now I dont know whether to continue w/ the protein or not