Moistuizer (Newbie Question)


So Wavy Baby
Hi All! I recently discovered LHCF from members of another hair board I belong to. Currently my hair reaches a little past the nape of my neck (see pics in my signature), but is finally starting to grow (after 6 years). I know how important it is to keep the hair moisturized in order to retain length, but I am confused
. Currently I alternate between using New Image's Avocado Oil & Shea Butter Moisturizer and Dudley's PCA Moisture Retainer. Since my hair is naturally dry and the moisturizers alone weren't doing much, I was advised by a board member to seal in the Moisturizer using essential oils, so I've been using this Jojoba-Aloe spray after I apply the moisturizer. My problem now is that my hair gets greasy and oily very quickly (I wash my hair twice a week). What am I doing wrong? Is sealing in the moisturizer really beneficial? I moisturize and seal twice a that too often? Any advice would really help.
dont know if this is much help..but maybe your hair doesnt care for oil or oil based products. i am one that oil does not work for.

what worked best for me in the moisture dept was using pure shea butter.
I agree. Maybe you need a butter. Maybe you could just use oil as a pretreatment and a couple of drops on the ends on your finished style only. Keep doing trial and error and let us know what happens

Welcome to LHCF!
Thanx for the welcome guys

I have tried Elasta QP Mango Butter and it worked great the first few times I used it, but eventually it began feeling too heavy on my hair and started acting more like a light gel. I was using it at first to moisturize from root to tip, but then ended up just using it to flatten my edges and hair down when putting it in a ponytail. I guess it did the moisturizing part, but it was just a little to heavy.
Have you tried making your own butters?

Also, water intake has a LOT to do with moisture for the hair and body. You should be drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water daily. Usually, if you don't drink enough water, it will show in your hair as well as your skin.