Moisterized vs. Coated

i couldnt really tell the difference until i stopped using coned, now when ever i put something with cones in my hair it feels like.... well like silicones, it just has a coated feeling that i never realized before. the first time i used a silicone product in a long time it was like a light came on....*DING*.... duh, its what had mad my hair so dry and unresponsive to conditioners before.
When my hair is coated, I know it. It just feels very heavy and....blah. It even looks greasy. However, when my hair is moisturized it feels very soft and cool to the touch (if that makes any sense).:yep:
Coated hair feels tacky or even sticky to the touch. Moisturized hair feels sleek and cool (literally a lower temperature).
My SO made a good point and it makes sense (to me at least)
I was complaining one day that my hair was dry and he played in it and said "But baby it is cool to the touch, your hair is not dry."
I have noticed that when my hair is properly moisturized it is kind of cool and soft. When it is coated and kind of "crispy" it is dry and needs a wash and DC.
When my hair is moisturized its darker. When its coated (like with cones) its a lighter color. Or maybe I should say it reflects light differently?
And moisturized is soft; coated is slippery.
My hair is def moisturized, I can tell b/c it's very pliable and soft. This is easy for me to gauge when I give myself a good deep condition. Stop using products w/ cones have been the best thing I could have ever done for my hair. I didn't do this intentionally, but I realized afterwhile that all the products that I like didn't have cones in them. My hair is very cone sensitive. This wknd I bought Aussie Moist and I felt that soft cone feeling to it... I had to rewash it out of my hair. I can get the same slip effect sans that 'cone' feeling using Giovanni Tea Tree conditioner as rinse out.
When my hair is coated, I know it. It just feels very heavy and....blah. It even looks greasy. However, when my hair is moisturized it feels very soft and cool to the touch (if that makes any sense).:yep:

It makes perfect sense to me shasha. This is the very same way my hair feels when it's moisturized. When the ends of my hair sweep across my shoulders it does feels nice and cool and really soft to the touch. That kind of touch that makes your hands just want to stay in your hair.

When it's coated, it's kinda icky actually. Many ladies described it as greasy, and I'd even say sticky almost and warm to the touch, like moisture never got through the cuticles.

As soon as I clarify and use porosity control, I feel like I get my nice soft hair back. Cones feel good with one, maybe 2 layers, but when I start to layer it on day after day, it really starts to feel really heavy and weighed down and greasy, hence coated.
My hair feels crispy when dry...

I bought the QB Amla & Heavy cream and can't wait to use it. I am afraid that it may leave my hair a lil' greasy instead of moist.

My ideal moisturizer for my natural fine hair would be something with the consistency of a souffle (very light like whipped cream), in a big container where I can dip my hair, and apply on a large section (say I sectioned in 6 parts) of damp hair and it stays moist for at least 2-3 days. Mmmmmm....
Same actual feels soft and like water is being held in. I can do a bantu knot and I when I take it down my hair has a wavy curl. When my hair is coated, it's kind of stiff. It may not be brittle per se, but it has this not-as-pliable feeling. I actually never understood the whole "feels moisturized" thing until I used Moisture Block. I know it has cones, but my hair is not adversed to cones if used in moderation. Now I find a good leave in (Salerm 21 B5) followed by MB leaves my hair at the optimum moisture level for at least 3 days after washing.
Same actual feels soft and like water is being held in. I can do a bantu knot and I when I take it down my hair has a wavy curl. When my hair is coated, it's kind of stiff. It may not be brittle per se, but it has this not-as-pliable feeling. I actually never understood the whole "feels moisturized" thing until I used Moisture Block. I know it has cones, but my hair is not adversed to cones if used in moderation. Now I find a good leave in (Salerm 21 B5) followed by MB leaves my hair at the optimum moisture level for at least 3 days after washing.


A creamy leave-in + cones= moisture city

I don't even have to moisturize between weekly washings:look:
IMO when Hair is Coated the Product just "sits on top" of the Hair giving it that sticky, greasy, tacky, coated look/feel.:blush:

Oh......But When Hair is properly Moisturized, the Product absorbs into the very being of your hair, soaks it all in and gives it that Ooo La La Feeling.:gorgeous:

No stickiness, no greasiness, no coating. Just the Overall Appearance of well cared for Hair.:grin:
When my hair is moisturized, it is light and fluffy-airy even, easy to comb, and it feels silky although it doesn't look it.

When my hair is coated it looks very dull, is hard to comb, heavy, and i can feel the product that is making it coated, it comes off on my hands.

Greases, cremes, pomades, natural oils, hair lotions all make my hair feel coated. The only thing that truly moisturizes is my water/glycerin mix.
My hair feel funny, really slick, sticky and stiff when its coated.

When its moisturized it feel soft, soft and more soft.
I agree with the people who said, when your hair is well-moisturized, it feels cold. I first experienced this with Wen. I didn't know what it was, and I didn't have y'all yet, but it was better than dry and breaking off, so I figured it must be good, lol.

I also wanted to say, I stan for PM The Conditioner. I used it years ago, and then they stopped making it for a while, or it was hard to find, so I made it happen with that creamy nexxus leave-in... it wasn't the same. :nono:

Nope, I needed my man Paul, and I finally found him again, last week. The people in the BSS really thought something was wrong with me, the way I was all, "Oh snap!", and doing my happy banana dance. I embarrassed myself, yes, but since I wound up purchasing three bottles, I guess I was able to work through the shame. :lachen:
which PM conditioner do you use? I'm in search for the perfect moisturizing products!

Its called "Paul Mitchell - The Conditioner". Its a water & glycerin based leave-in moisturizer. Its great when applied and then sealed with a nice light oil like coconut or jojoba oil. Great conditioning and not too heavy.:yep: