
New Member
Mixologists and hair experts everywhere, I need your HELP!! :grin:

I've been contemplating mixing my own concoction between these two in order to get the best of both worlds, as well as mixing in a few other goodies :look:

So, how does this sound? Will I get results at least as good as using these 2 separately, and what would I need to throw out of this mixture in order to get the best results??

Moe Gro Tek:
Horsetail liquid or powder
Nettle liquid or powder
Rosemary liquid or powder
Nori Seaweed (dried flake form)
Aloe Vera
Peppermint oil
Castor oil
Mega Tek

Also, I have concluded that the ratio/ proportion of the mixture of ingredients is VERY IMPORTANT when it comes to optimizing the growth. Which ratio of these will give me the MAXIMUM amount of growth in a certain period of time?
I have a mixture of this sans the castor oil on my scalp for the first time tonight after I deep conditioned and it feels :lick: My hair feels strong, yet soft and I think this might be beneficial for it's strength and moisturizing properties. So someone please help me figure this thing out! I will not REST until I find some answers lol!!! *biting fingernails nervously*
I've mixed up something similar, but I haven't used it consistently enough to see a clear difference from my other MT mix.

My regular mix is SAA, Honeyquat, Vit. E Oil, Castor Oil, and MT. The 'additions' are 1 part of the whole mix in total, and I use 4 parts MT.

My Moe Mix is 1/2 part SAA + Honeyquat, 1/2 part MoeGro Oil, and 4 parts MT. The MoeGro Oil itself is 2tbs nettles, 2tbs of horsetail, steam-infused for 3 hours and then allowed to sit for a week in 3 oz of pure castor oil.

I've been mainly using it on my hairline. I've been on vacation, and thus haven't been applying (or taking progress pictures) like I should, but I've definitely seen no bad effects from the mix.
I've mixed up something similar, but I haven't used it consistently enough to see a clear difference from my other MT mix.

My regular mix is SAA, Honeyquat, Vit. E Oil, Castor Oil, and MT. The 'additions' are 1 part of the whole mix in total, and I use 4 parts MT.

My Moe Mix is 1/2 part SAA + Honeyquat, 1/2 part MoeGro Oil, and 4 parts MT. The MoeGro Oil itself is 2tbs nettles, 2tbs of horsetail, steam-infused for 3 hours and then allowed to sit for a week in 3 oz of pure castor oil.

I've been mainly using it on my hairline. I've been on vacation, and thus haven't been applying (or taking progress pictures) like I should, but I've definitely seen no bad effects from the mix.

JustKiya, I knew you would show up just in time as soon as I said something about MT :lachen::lachen::lachen: Thanks, you and I should definitely track our progress with these mixes and see what happens! :yep:
This is what I've done so far.

HERBS - Horsetail, Nettle, Rosemary. Infused with Olive Oil & Jojoba Oil. I use it in conjunction with my Mega Tek. However, I started experimenting more when...

I went to vitamin shoppe and realized they had all of these natural extracts. So, I purchased the Horsetail, Rosemary, and Capsicum extracts along with pure aloe vera. Sooooo....

I blended ALL of these together with my Mega Tek, and my new growth is extremely thick, and I'm able to monitor my hair growth since I have senegalese twists. I will post pics soon, but I got my hair done on 7/11 and as of today, I have over an inch of newgrowth!

I'm using an aggressive method, where I apply it EVERY SINGLE NIGHT & MORNING. No if's and's or but's. Consistency is key!
I have taken the lazy route and bought an oil that had all the moe gro ingredients in it. I have made a new MT mix that includes this oil and I have also mixed in some carrot oil, aloe vera gel, emu oil, lavendar and peppermint oil. If this combination doesn't increase my growth I don't know what will.

I have just mixed this mixture up yesterday so I can't speak to any results yet.

OP- I think your mixture sounds great.
I'm not really good with mixtures so I would just use the Moe Gro every other day and use the Mega-Tek in between.

That would give you 3 to 4 days of Moe Gro and/or 3 to 4 days of Mega-Tek.
This is what I've done so far.

HERBS - Horsetail, Nettle, Rosemary. Infused with Olive Oil & Jojoba Oil. I use it in conjunction with my Mega Tek. However, I started experimenting more when...

I went to vitamin shoppe and realized they had all of these natural extracts. So, I purchased the Horsetail, Rosemary, and Capsicum extracts along with pure aloe vera. Sooooo....

I blended ALL of these together with my Mega Tek, and my new growth is extremely thick, and I'm able to monitor my hair growth since I have senegalese twists. I will post pics soon, but I got my hair done on 7/11 and as of today, I have over an inch of newgrowth!

I'm using an aggressive method, where I apply it EVERY SINGLE NIGHT & MORNING. No if's and's or but's. Consistency is key!

how long have you been using your moegro tek mix?
I'm going to have to subscribe to this thread....took me a minute to find it. But to answer your question, I've been using MegaTek since the middle of June, and the MoeGroe mixture the very beginning of July. It works. And just to do a test, I currently have senegalese twist, and I just took one down (in the back where the beedeebees are..buckshots, whateva you wanna call them), and that one small section is down to my neck!!) and could you believe that with all of the sweating I do (cardio 6 days a week), etc, I did not have that dirt knot. In fact, it's extremely soft. I am in shock....seriously. I am very consistent with it and have good growth. As soon as I can, I will post an update picture. The stuff works. You just have to give it time.

And I forgot to mention, I didn't lose any hair...I am amazed. Still doing the aggressive treatment in that I apply my mix in the morning and at night. This is definitely my staple since my next hair style will probably be a weave. I said I would rock the twists for a year, but I'm still undecided....With my busy lifestyle and lifting weights 6 days a week, I need something very low maintenance and this works as it is easy for me to monitor my hair growth. Now I will say that I got my twists done on 7/11. It is 8/18 and I have a little over 1.5 inches. I don't think I will make it to October 11.

Stick with something and be consistent. Seriously. Trust me when I tell you it is worth the wait!
I forgot to mention that before I got my hair twisted, I deep conditioned with the mega tek. I sat under the dryer for 30 minutes with a plastic cap and sealed with extra virgin olive oil. My hair was severly damaged due to a bad purchase (flat iron). I could wash n blow dry my hair every day, and no just grew. My hair was past shoulder length, but not bra strap length... I burnt my hair out and had to get it cut. I had the temperature setting too high! So I got rid of the damage and want it to grow back healthy.

I just thought I would mention the extracts for those of you who do not have time to infuse. I still have a huge mason jar with the herbs & oil mixed in it, and it is extremely can no longer see through the jar at all. I even use the oil on my son's hair at night, and it is growing like weeds. It works. He wants twists in his hair so he is trying to grow it out too. I just thought I would mix the MT along with it. So far, so good. I have enough to last me until Dec of this year.

Hope I did not bore the readers, just wanted to be upfront with what I've been doing thus far....
I'm doing the Moe Gro and Mega tek too. I had about 1/4 bottle of my MN mix leftover and just poured the moe gro on top of it. I don't mix the MT and moe gro together. Even though they are for the same purpose I just never thought to put them together. I just MT, rinse, deep condition w/garlic oil added, and then slap on some moe gro. I typically use the moe gro as a daily hair dress since my hair loves the castor oil in it.

As far as the ratios, that may be hard to tell. You may have to do some trial and error to figure out what works best for you. We could share what we do and perhaps you could pick up some ideas from that.

Here's what I put in my moe gro mix

2 oz. jojoba oil
2 oz. aloe vera juice
4 oz. castor oil(I have another mix with just castor oil too)
4 tea bags of horsetail
4 tea bags of nettle
10-15 drops peppermint eo
10-15 drops rosemary eo
I have tried using mega tek with zero results. I bought 2 bottles at once. I have almost completed the first bottle and I have no desire to use the second one. So if anyone is interested in purchasing it from me for $20 plus postage let me know. It is yours.