Moderate protein conditioners


New Member
Hi guys,

Forgive me if there is already a thread on here about this (which I cannot find), but do you mind giving me a list of moderate protein conditioners that you use now or have used in the past? Did they agree with your hair?

I ask because after reading a chapter from the Science of Black Hair book, I would like to purchase a moderate (not mild) one to use once a month. The author lists a few but I can only find one out of the list here in the UK (Aphogee 2 minute keratin reconstructor).

I would be very grateful for your help.

Thanks in advance"
Aubrey Organics Glycogen Protein Balancing conditioner (AO gpb) is the best deep conditioner mild-moderate protein reconstructor out there. Next is the Komaza Protein Strengthener, it is the best pure protein. In the past I used Nexxus Emergencee Protein which is similar to Komaza's treatment.
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Aubrey Organics Glycogen Protein conditioner (AO gpb) is the best deep conditioner moderate protein reconstructor out there. Next is the Komaza Protein Strengthener, it is the best pure protein. In the past I used Nexxus Emergencee Protein which is similar to Komaza's treatment.
Hi virtuenow

Thank you for your comment! I bought Aubrey Organics Glycogen Protein conditioner today, but it has "balancing" (other than that, the title is just the same). Is this the correct one? If so, the book says that it is a "light" conditioner. I'm confused :(
Hi @virtuenow

Thank you for your comment! I bought Aubrey Organics Glycogen Protein conditioner today, but it has "balancing" (other than that, the title is just the same). Is this the correct one? If so, the book says that it is a "light" conditioner. I'm confused :(

I consider it mild to moderate. Either way, it is the best deep conditioner I have encountered out of any genre of conditioners. It's more moist than the most moisturizing conditioners and adds as much or more strength as any protein conditioner.
I have this book too but I dont remember how she defined mild, light, moderate or heavy protein. Was it based on the placement of the protein in the ingredient list??
Nexxus Emergencee: this is great. It's a moderate to heavy protein, appropriate for 1x/month treatments. I actually used it weekly (superfine hair). It is not drying like the Aphogee. Only reason I'm not using any more is b/c I went to an all natural routine.

Aphogee 2 step: very strengthening, however, you will need a major DC after this (the con it comes with is not enough). Too drying for my taste, I preferred nexxus. A heavy protein.

Egg: drying, made my hair hard but didn't strenthen, messy. Others have had great results with it though. This is probably a moderate to heavy protein.

Powdered milk: what I am using now. Adding it to my mud wash or mixing w/ water and applying straight. A light to moderate protein (can adjust by leaving on less or more). Light strength, non-drying.

GPB: Awesome. A light to moderate protein. I'm not using anymore b/c I am no longer using conditioners, but it is great. Great scent. Light strenghening, light moisture, pleasant smell.

Shescentit Fortifying Hair Masque: A moderate (?) protein. This was horrible for me- super drying, made my hair hard. Maybe it was the egg in the ingredients? Maybe I got a bad batch? I've heard some decent reviews from others though...
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I have this book too but I dont remember how she defined mild, light, moderate or heavy protein. Was it based on the placement of the protein in the ingredient list??
Hi mshoneyfly,

I haven't read too much of that chapter yet... I do recall the author saying something about what comes first in the ingredient list at the beginning of the chapter, but it wasn't stated in the actual list of products which comes under: moderate protein products on page 122... good book though! I wish it was written 10 years ago!
Nexxus Emergencee: this is great. It's a moderate to heavy protein, appropriate for 1x/month treatments. I actually used it weekly (superfine hair). It is not drying like the Aphogee. Only reason I'm not using any more is b/c I went to an all natural routine.

Aphogee 2 step: very strengthening, however, you will need a major DC after this (the con it comes with is not enough). Too drying for my taste, I preferred nexxus. A heavy protein.

Egg: drying, made my hair hard but didn't strenthen, messy. Others have had great results with it though. This is probably a moderate to heavy protein.

Powdered milk: what I am using now. Adding it to my mud wash or mixing w/ water and applying straight. A light to moderate protein (can adjust by leaving on less or more). Light strength, non-drying.

GPB: Awesome. A light to moderate protein. I'm not using anymore b/c I am no longer using conditioners, but it is great. Great scent. Light strenghening, light moisture, pleasant smell.

Shescentit Fortifying Hair Masque: A moderate (?) protein. This was horrible for me- super drying, made my hair hard. Maybe it was the egg in the ingredients? Maybe I got a bad batch? I've heard some decent reviews from others though...
Hi KittyMeowMeow,

Thank you for your reply! Since you and @virtuenow both recommend GPB as a very good product, I think I will stick with that. A lot of people say that it is mild to moderate....can I ask what would make it a moderate product? Do you think it would be the amount of time I leave it on for and/or whether or not I sit under the dryer with it?
virtuenow and KittyMeowMeow,

Could you please also let me know if I should deep condition after using AO GPB since it is classed as mild-moderate protein but also classed as balancing?

I hope my questions aren't silly ones! :)
Hi Isis33! These are great questions :)

GPB is a protein conditioner, and can be used in a variety of ways. Some may use it on it's own weekly. Some might alternate it with a moisture con- one week on, one week off. Some follow it with a DC (it's not drying, so this isn't a must unless you need more moisture). Some people sit under the dryer with it and/or leave it on for longer, some just leave it on a few minutes.

Most people would use it more frequently than 1x/month (unless they just need very little protein). This is a nice choice since it can keep your hair balanced and is a good, gentle intro into the world of protein so you can see how your hair responds.
virtuenow and KittyMeowMeow,

Could you please also let me know if I should deep condition after using AO GPB since it is classed as mild-moderate protein but also classed as balancing?

I hope my questions aren't silly ones! :)

Not sure what your bottle says but the directions from vitacost for this product say to leave on for 1-2 minutes after shampooing, concentrating on the ends OR for dc'ing, apply to dry hair from scalp to ends and leave on for 15 mins, then shampoo and condition as usual

Are these the ingredients on your bottle? If so, there are three types in this product: the two amino acids and the glycoprotein. Also it has nettle which contains amino acids.

Coconut fatty acid cream base, organic aloe vera, wheat germ oil, lactalbumin, organic rosemary oil, organic sage oil, horsetail extract, coltsfood extract, nettle extract, amino acid complex (cysteine, methionine), glycoprotein (from oyster shells), balsam oil, Aubrey's preservative (citrus seed extract, vitamin A, C and E).

So I can see why it could be called a moderate protein. For me (I am texlaxed and protein sensitive) I would consider it heavy.

ETA: For me, I pay attention to how my hair feels when I rinse something out. I would always follow this with a moisturizing conditioner.

I hope this helps
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AO Gpb does not need to be followed w/a moisturizing DC. It's mild enough and in fact is a protein- moisture balanced conditioner in itself. You can do a search and you will find many threads on this product w/in depth discussion. I don't have anytime right now otherwise I would link you.
AO GPB is wonderful:yep:!!! I leave it on overnight. Trial and error is the best course of action when it comes to figuring out what works. Hair books are OK, but not everything in them is always right for your hair. Your hair is unique, the books are usually general information. You have to experiment and find out what your hair likes.
AO GPB is wonderful:yep:!!! I leave it on overnight. Trial and error is the best course of action when it comes to figuring out what works. Hair books are OK, but not everything in them is always right for your hair. Your hair is unique, the books are usually general information. You have to experiment and find out what your hair likes.
Thank you Mahogony7,

I agree, hair books should just be used as general info. But I wasn't aware of chelating and clarifying shampoos (and their purpose) before reading this book. I also didn't know that it is good to have a protein treatment about a week before relaxing (I must've been living under a rock, right?! :) hence the reason why I wish I read it 10 years ago (when my hair was in better condition, lol!)
Ahh, I didn't know you were relaxed! You might read some of the relaxed threads on protein. Many relaxed ladies tend to use harder proteins like Aphogee 2 step or Nexxus Emergencee say 1x/mo (I believe this is what some ppl do before a relaxer, but others may just use a protein con).

They also may use a protein con (maybe alternated w/ moisture DC) like GPB or Aphogee 2 minute. Or maybe they just do one or the other. There are many different reggies, but definitely read the relaxed threads since they tend to use more protein than naturals. As well, read the threads & see the videos on relaxer techniques and how people are incorporating protein and what they are using.

Go slowly with adding protein to your reggie, since protein overload can be damaging (not to scare you- protein is great, but don't overdo it). Don't leave hard protein treatments like Aphogee 2 step or Emergencee in for more than the directions indicate (this is ok w/ light/med protein cons like GPB, but start off slow). Pay attention to what proteins are in the ingredients, and learn which proteins your hair likes/doesn't like. Look out for the signs of your hair being in moisture/protein balance. Watch out for signs of protein overload. These are both covered in the book & in SistaSlick's (the authors) articles online.

I still think the GPB is an excellent place to start :) Good luck!
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Thank you for the warm welcome virtuenow :) I will most definitely check out those links!
Hi mshoneyfly,

Please see the attached pic for the ingredients....I don't think it matches the ingredients that you listed :(

Thank you for your reply and I will take your advice on board :)


  • Ingredients.jpg
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Ahh, I didn't know you were relaxed! You might read some of the relaxed threads on protein. Many relaxed ladies tend to use harder proteins like Aphogee 2 step or Nexxus Emergencee say 1x/mo (I believe this is what some ppl do before a relaxer, but others may just use a protein con).

They also may use a protein con (maybe alternated w/ moisture DC) like GPB or Aphogee 2 minute. Or maybe they just do one or the other. There are many different reggies, but definitely read the relaxed threads since they tend to use more protein than naturals. As well, read the threads & see the videos on relaxer techniques and how people are incorporating protein and what they are using.

Go slowly with adding protein to your reggie, since protein overload can be damaging (not to scare you- protein is great, but don't overdo it). Don't leave hard protein treatments like Aphogee 2 step or Emergencee in for more than the directions indicate (this is ok w/ light/med protein cons like GPB, but start off slow). Pay attention to what proteins are in the ingredients, and learn which proteins your hair likes/doesn't like. Look out for the signs of your hair being in moisture/protein balance. Watch out for signs of protein overload. These are both covered in the book & in SistaSlick's (the authors) articles online.

I still think the GPB is an excellent place to start :) Good luck!
Damn! I wish I saw your message before my black hair shop closed, lol! I'm about to wash my hair now!

But thank you very much for your advice KittyMeowMeow, I will definitely check out those links!
I didn't know you were relaxed either. I agree with the above, relaxed heads probably lean towards the hard/pure proteins. I don't know. Relaxed hair care is totally different. Also, I noticed you mentioned chelating and clarifying shampoos in a post above regarding your hairbook. Please know that advice is very general; clarifying 'poos and and chelating are very stripping and would be hair suicide for me (and others w/dry hair). So they are definitely not for everyone. Make sure to do a moisture shampoo afterwards and a follow up with a moisture DC like Aubrey Honeysuckle Rose. You may want to consider highly diluting those shampoos; and regular shampoos, too. If you're not familiar, you can use a color applicator bottle (few squirts shampoo/fill rest w/water) and get cleansing w/o stripping out your moisture. Lastly, your Aubrey Organics ingredient bottle is the updated ingredient list. The ingredients didn't change, they are just mapped out in more detail. Again, I could link you on some threads where we discuss this in depth or you can do a search.
I didn't know you were relaxed either. I agree with the above, relaxed heads probably lean towards the hard/pure proteins. I don't know. Relaxed hair care is totally different. Also, I noticed you mentioned chelating and clarifying shampoos in a post above regarding your hairbook. Please know that advice is very general; clarifying 'poos and and chelating are very stripping and would be hair suicide for me (and others w/dry hair). So they are definitely not for everyone. Make sure to do a moisture shampoo afterwards and a follow up with a moisture DC like Aubrey Honeysuckle Rose. You may want to consider highly diluting those shampoos; and regular shampoos, too. If you're not familiar, you can use a color applicator bottle (few squirts shampoo/fill rest w/water) and get cleansing w/o stripping out your moisture. Lastly, your Aubrey Organics ingredient bottle is the updated ingredient list. The ingredients didn't change, they are just mapped out in more detail. Again, I could link you on some threads where we discuss this in depth or you can do a search.

Sorry! My bad! I should've mentioned that I'm relaxed (its early days yet, but I plan to stretch and my regrowth will be 4b/4c).

You're right about the chelating and clarifying poos. I used a clarifying one yesterday and got a little scared by the texture directly after rinsing because it felt like my hair was about to disintegrate! But it was fine again after using a sulfate free poo & moisturising deep conditioner.

Wow! You're really on point! You should be a hairologist! :) Will defo check out those links x