MN Testimonial


Well-Known Member
A woman I work with had a balding area at the top of her head. She was doing a good job of camaflauging(sp) it. She was telling me about her issue and I suggested that she try MN. Now, I typically don't share the things discussed on this board just because people agive me the blank face....well she's been using it for over two months and she acquired at least 2 inches of growth and the patch completely filled in. We both have the same hair stylist and we were there together yesterday (6/15) and the stylist was amazed at the amount of growth and the filling in of her bald patch.........
That’s really exciting MN worked for her!!! :) Balding is a very difficult situation, and it’s great to hear that her hair is in recovery. :up:
nychaelasymone said:
A woman I work with had a balding area at the top of her head. She was doing a good job of camaflauging(sp) it. She was telling me about her issue and I suggested that she try MN. Now, I typically don't share the things discussed on this board just because people agive me the blank face....well she's been using it for over two months and she acquired at least 2 inches of growth and the patch completely filled in. We both have the same hair stylist and we were there together yesterday (6/15) and the stylist was amazed at the amount of growth and the filling in of her bald patch.........

That's a great improvement for her! :clap:
I agree with everyone here. That is so good for her. I can imagine how good she feels.

My MN use is totally driven by vanity. I don't have any growth problems, I just want to reach my goal faster. It just feels good to hear that the use of it is helping someone that was dealing with the problem.

'azole meds are DHT blockers, I read. According to the studies, I've read, they have been very helpful for those suffering from baldness/alopecia. you know how long it was until she first began to see results? Did she apply the mn daily? I might suggest this to my mom, her hairline is thinning. TIA