Mizani Relaxer System


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I've finally decided that I really don’t want to go through the hassle of trying to find a hair stylist to do my hair. Especially since the ones I have recently met have all been unreliable and told me many lies. So I figured that I would go back to relaxing my own hair. Which to me, I did a pretty good job at, even when using the cheap box relaxers. But this time I want to use Mizani.

Now, I went to the BSS today and noticed that they sell the small containers of Mizani relaxer along with the activator. However, I did not notice a specific neutralizing shampoo or conditioner used specifically for putting in a relaxer. Since this doesn’t come in a pack all together I'm trying to figure out what I should be using.

Maybe I overlooked it, but I would appreciate it if someone could point it out to me. Or maybe it is better for me to order the pack online and that way I get everything I need for doing a relaxer (relaxer, neutralizing shampoo, moisture shampoo, and conditioner).
I don't use the Mizani no lye but I use the lye one and you have to buy all the items separate. I just buy the tub of relaxer and neturalizing shampoo separate. I use whatever shampoo, conditioner, and leave in on hand. I don't think Mizani sell a whole kit.
Which is the neturalizing shampoo? The reason why I ask is because I have not seen a shampoo for them made specifically for that, from their line.

Or do I have to purchase one from another line?
Any neutralizing shampoo will work, it must say neutralizing shampoo on the bottle. The purpose is to lower the PH of the hair. Most neutralizing shampoos from what I understand have a PH of 4.5-5.5. You should be fine using a different brand.

Good Luck
SweetAKA said:
Which is the neturalizing shampoo? The reason why I ask is because I have not seen a shampoo for them made specifically for that, from their line.

Or do I have to purchase one from another line?
Mizani makes a neutralizing shampoo called Phormula 7 neutralizing & chelating shampoo.
Liz25_Ga said:
Mizani makes a neutralizing shampoo called Phormula 7 neutralizing & chelating shampoo.

Thanks!!! That's what I was looking for. I actually did a search online and found it late last night too. Only bad part is that no store here carries it, even the store that sells the relaxer :confused: . So for the time being I'm just going to have to use another brand (Elasta QP) because I'm doing this tomorrow, dont have time to wait to order it.

But thanks, I knew someone would come up with the name.
No problem, I had a hard time finding it in the store here but a BSS open that carry all the professional relaxer lines.
SweetAKA said:
Alright, so I've finally decided that I really don’t want to go through the hassle of trying to find a hair stylist to do my hair. Especially since the ones I have recently met have all been unreliable and told me many lies. So I figured that I would go back to relaxing my own hair. Which to me, I did a pretty good job at, even when using the cheap box relaxers. But this time I want to use Mizani.

Now, I went to the BSS today and noticed that they sell the small containers of Mizani relaxer along with the activator. However, I did not notice a specific neutralizing shampoo or conditioner used specifically for putting in a relaxer. Since this doesn’t come in a pack all together I'm trying to figure out what I should be using.

Maybe I overlooked it, but I would appreciate it if someone could point it out to me. Or maybe it is better for me to order the pack online and that way I get everything I need for doing a relaxer (relaxer, neutralizing shampoo, moisture shampoo, and conditioner).

I didn't know Mizani sells no lye relaxer. Who knew? Girl you JUST missed my sale, because I just got rid of some Mizani Neutr poo in the liter sizes.
crlsweetie912 said:
sweet aka, I did respond to your PM. Good luck on your relaxer!

Yep you sure did, and I didnt read it until late last night. But your PM was what made me just go out and get the Elasta QP Neutralizing shampoo. I would have got the CON, but they were all out at the time. So thanks to you also for giving me that insight.

***MizaniMami, I believe this is a lye. From what the girl in the BSS store tells me is that they bought the relaxer from a website that sells it in a pack of 4 (the relaxer, the activator, and the stick), then they resell it for $13.99 a piece. So I know I kinda got took a little bit on it, but I dont think I could have waited for it to be delivered.
Yeah, it's called a "Sensitive Scalp" relaxer...It does the job pretty well. :)

MizaniMami said:
I didn't know Mizani sells no lye relaxer. Who knew? Girl you JUST missed my sale, because I just got rid of some Mizani Neutr poo in the liter sizes.

Where did you buy your Mizani relaxer and what size tub did you get? I've only seen Mizani Lye Regular at two BSS in Houston. One was La Bella Jolla (or something like that) on Scott and OST. They only had it in the HUGE tubs and they said that they couldn't sell that size to me without a license. The other place I found it was on OST and Cullen (can't remember the name). They only had the huge tubs and they were way overpriced in my opinion.
Nope, you have the no-lye version....

BTW--that BSS is making a killing off of the profits. Check out www.gigibeauty.com, and you'll see what I'm talking about. ;)

SweetAKA said:
***MizaniMami, I believe this is a lye. From what the girl in the BSS store tells me is that they bought the relaxer from a website that sells it in a pack of 4 (the relaxer, the activator, and the stick), then they resell it for $13.99 a piece. So I know I kinda got took a little bit on it, but I dont think I could have waited for it to be delivered.
SweetAKA said:
***MizaniMami, I believe this is a lye. From what the girl in the BSS store tells me is that they bought the relaxer from a website that sells it in a pack of 4 (the relaxer, the activator, and the stick), then they resell it for $13.99 a piece. So I know I kinda got took a little bit on it, but I dont think I could have waited for it to be delivered.

Yep, I saw those kits too. They are definitely no-lye. If you look at the first line of instructions on the back of Mizani relaxers it will either say "caution: this product contains sodium hydroxide (lye)" or "caution: this product contains alkali"

The small, sensitive scalp type that comes in the kit says it contains alkali...so it's no lye.
Phoenix said:
Yep, I saw those kits too. They are definitely no-lye. If you look at the first line of instructions on the back of Mizani relaxers it will either say "caution: this product contains sodium hydroxide (lye)" or "caution: this product contains alkali"

The small, sensitive scalp type that comes in the kit says it contains alkali...so it's no lye.

:mad: Awww man...... That's what I get for being in such a rush. But the BSS that I found it at was on Westheimer and Kirkwood (Nixi Beauty Supply I believe). I was just happy to see that they carried it. Does anyone know if the No-lye works just as well as the lye?

Yeah I know they are making a killing over there. Now I'm thinking if it is just best for me to take it back and just order the lye online, and just wait for it to come. Because that was the only one they sold at the BSS, the Sensitive scalp one.
SweetAKA said:
:mad: Awww man...... That's what I get for being in such a rush. But the BSS that I found it at was on Westheimer and Kirkwood (Nixi Beauty Supply I believe). I was just happy to see that they carried it. Does anyone know if the No-lye works just as well as the lye?

Yeah I know they are making a killing over there. Now I'm thinking if it is just best for me to take it back and just order the lye online, and just wait for it to come. Because that was the only one they sold at the BSS, the Sensitive scalp one.

Thanks. I went there but they didn't have lye. Maybe they were just out of it (that's the BSS in the strip center with Specs and Sports Authority, right?)
Phoenix said:
Thanks. I went there but they didn't have lye. Maybe they were just out of it (that's the BSS in the strip center with Specs and Sports Authority, right?)

Yep, they only sell the Sensitive Scalp. But I put it in last night and I am amazed at how well it did. My hair feels great, and my head doesnt have a slight pain to it like it would if I went to the hair salon. So I'm glad that I used it and did it mself, this is the best my hair has been in quite a while. I'll post pictures after work today.
Alright ladies, here are the result of my sensitive scalp relaxer. I think it turned out really good. I was styling and profiling today, but the Houston humidity got a hold of some of my curls. But it still looks good. :lol:

hair 1 8-06.JPG hair 2 8-06.JPG hair 3 8-06.JPG