Mizani Poos & Cons - does ANYONE like them?


Active Member
I have seen so many negative reviews of the Mizani poos & cons. It seems it had something to do with a formula change. I was just wondering if anyone here still uses and likes any of their shampoos and conditioners??
I tried the Botanifying shampoo and moisturefuse conditioner back in 2001 and was not impressed. They came so highly recommended and i purchased them both in the largest sizes they had available in retail and regretted that move.
When I relaxed, I :love: the Moisturefuse. It turned my hair around. IMO, the Kerafuse saved my hair. The shampoos I would pass on them because CON did the job for me.

I am natural now and I still use the products. I can't really give a review because I rarely wash my own hair. Even when I do, it the day before I go to the salon.
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They are the bomb for whipping hair in shape, strength but I guess they don't really give you the feel and look you want. I have heard about the leave in and serum which helps give the look you might want..bouncy, soft hair.